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my days has been ok. getting annoyed at work as i dont think my promised pay rise is going to happen. I also made the mistake of taking some home made muffins to work on monday, and today everyone who didn't get one was fussing me for one.


The result of that is that I spent 2 hours this evening making 24 muffins, I am now sick of the sight of them! I think I may have invented a new type of muffin though - apple and blackberry with a custard centre. delicious.


I want muffins now.


My day hasn't been too productive, but I've done a bit of uni work and tidied up. In comparisson to my housemates I've been the embodiment of effort. They've spent all day lying around and sleeping trying to recover from last night.

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Went to uni to do my stats, spent two hours not, spend about half hour beginning to try, and realising I need help. Also got last year's miniproject back and it's scaring me, I thought it was good and that I'm on track, but now I'm a little unsure. Came home, played some strikers, some gh(took a break from dissertating, until tomorrow!) and then I went to Aikido and had fun, but a terrible evening for me, seem to have hurt myself in 3 different places, and I'm not looking to waking up tomorrow cos I know I'm gonna ache.

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I played Crisis Core at work today.






I want a PSP.


Dafts job = win.


What type of game is it/how does it feel etc etc?




Oh. My. God. This is the worst day of work ever. My first two calls were both immediate escalations to speak to a manager, and its 9:47 and Ive taken two calls. I literally cannot believe it. This day is absolutely ridiculous. Hugely stressful already. Ill honestly kill myself if my third call is a wanker/dick etc.

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Book I ordered while drunk the other day arrived!


World War Z by Max Brooks. I was thinking "well at least it's not the Zombie Survival Guide as that was just rubbish" ... Then I noticed "From the Author of [iThe Zombie Survival Guide[/i] and it's mildly put me off already :P


Yah, a book about zombies. I figured I'd check it out considering my tutor reckons my 'novel' that I submitted for my coursework had great potential. In case anyone cares, the Contamination story on the creative boards was my first draft of the story. If anyone actually wants to read the submitted version then please ask :) *knows that nobody will ask but wanted to put it out there anyway*


Shorty woke me up about 10 mins ago banging on the walls telling me I had like 10 mins to get ready and go to the last day of the term before easter break... and to be honest i just can't be bothered. Instead I'll spend my day watching family guy, or reading this book, or playing katamari or something. I don't know!

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Well today has been alright, annoyed with the coach service with college, it always used to be late because they waited for the first years and so they moved the coach time til 8am instead of 8:15 (when it does not take that long to get to college, takes about half an hour if that!) I was on the bus today and we got to college for half 8.


So I went to the transport woman and told her why it was really always late and she found it quite interesting, so they don't wait for others no more.


It's the students own fault, if I can get to my stop for 8am, they can get to theres for 8:15...-.-.


Other than that my teacher told me I got full marks in one of my assignments and my dad gave me a lift home yay! :D

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Stupid fucking city link. I've got an email from ebuyer saying that they tried to deliver my PSU today at 11:32 but nobody was in. However that's complete bollocks because I've been in all day and they haven't even posted one of those cards through the door to say that they couldn't deliver it. The only thing I can think is if he couldn't find it.

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Stupid fucking city link. I've got an email from ebuyer saying that they tried to deliver my PSU today at 11:32 but nobody was in. However that's complete bollocks because I've been in all day and they haven't even posted one of those cards through the door to say that they couldn't deliver it. The only thing I can think is if he couldn't find it.


Even if he couldn't fit it he still would have left a card. Have you gave them a call?




My day was good, had a driving lesson which went well. Today involved bay parking in a B&Q car park. As for sixth form it was a waste of time as usual seeing as i only went in for 1 lesson.


+ new av / sig, dunno if i like it.

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Guest Stefkov

Internet was down yesterday, I think the reason was the ethernet cable from the modem wasn't plugged in the router...I didn't go to check but seriously, who does no-one spot this. This was good though, I started to watch Firefly because of this. Firefly is godly.

I also got my Graphics exam paper yesterday.

One of the questions = 'Cabbage-Stump Charlie'.

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Dafts job = win.


What type of game is it/how does it feel etc etc?


I only played it for about 15 minutes....in French! :D (All the voice acting is in English though.)


The graphics are phenomenal. The voice acting and the cutscenes, especially the opening one is....well, sexy. Thats the only word to describe it. The fighting is pretty cool, its a bit like KOTOR without the pausing. Like I said I think I might pick up a PSP for this and GoW.

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Wow, Halo is so lol.


I just played a team doubles with some American girl, he just talking to her friend on the phone all match. At one point ;


*Muffles headset*

Im playing this English guy...yeah hes got an English accent....Im not even kidding.


LOL! I was like "You know I can hear you right?"


Then some 14-15 year olds in social multi team were like "You're shit Im better" I was like...but Im a higher rank..."Get a job, you must play this all day" ....I just got back from work.... etc.


They came last, I was like you're so shit, and they had the best come back ever "Look at yourself" I was like Oh I wish I had as good come backs as you, but Ill never be that awesome.

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Guest bluey

1 suitcase packed :smile:


hope i can buy an iron fairly soon after i arrive ~ all my clothes are packed with those zip-lock vacuum bag thingies. scrunchy, scrunchy! :grin:

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I went to see my friends table concert. He was awesome, my respect for him went up loads. I also went on a bit of a shopping spree. Bought loads of clothes.

Wow, Halo is so lol.


I just played a team doubles with some American girl, he just talking to her friend on the phone all match. At one point ;


*Muffles headset*

Im playing this English guy...yeah hes got an English accent....Im not even kidding.


LOL! I was like "You know I can hear you right?"


Then some 14-15 year olds in social multi team were like "You're shit Im better" I was like...but Im a higher rank..."Get a job, you must play this all day" ....I just got back from work.... etc.


They came last, I was like you're so shit, and they had the best come back ever "Look at yourself" I was like Oh I wish I had as good come backs as you, but Ill never be that awesome.


Sounds like you had a riot! :D

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Even if he couldn't fit it he still would have left a card. Have you gave them a call?


They didn't because the idiot saw that the PO was closed but didn't realise that we lived there. Despite the 10 other rooms and the other door in front of the house. I think he didn't even bother trying as he new the PO wasn't open.


And yeah i got them to deliver it to my mum's work tomorrow. Hopefully they'll actually try to find the right business.

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Guest Stefkov
1 suitcase packed :smile:


hope i can buy an iron fairly soon after i arrive ~ all my clothes are packed with those zip-lock vacuum bag thingies. scrunchy, scrunchy! :grin:

When are you going?

I thought you were going a little while after you said you had that goodbye party, unless you've not had that party.

Or I'm just making a totally fictional character in my head who's going to Japan....

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Okay, so tomorrow evening I'm going to some spa/sauna place thing with my parents and an aunt and her daughter. So I was trying on some of my bikinis now to see which one still fits...


And it made me realize even more (though I already knew, damn you scale!) that I desperately need to loose weight, especially before summer arrives. I look like a walrus or something in bikini. D:


So yeah, no more snacks for me (god I can't last a day without one) and I'm going to try to exercise again soon (running). Cause I feel embarrassed about my own body right now. >.>;

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Okay, so tomorrow evening I'm going to some spa/sauna place thing with my parents and an aunt and her daughter. So I was trying on some of my bikinis now to see which one still fits...


And it made me realize even more (though I already knew, damn you scale!) that I desperately need to loose weight, especially before summer arrives. I look like a walrus or something in bikini. D:


So yeah, no more snacks for me (god I can't last a day without one) and I'm going to try to exercise again soon (running). Cause I feel embarrassed about my own body right now. >.>;


I was talking to someone about exactly the same thing about ten minutes ago. It's horrible, bring on being a uni student so I'm too poor to eat :yay:

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I was talking to someone about exactly the same thing about ten minutes ago. It's horrible, bring on being a uni student so I'm too poor to eat :yay:


Hahaha, that never worked for me, even when I had to cook my own food. Especially since I took a lot of food from home with me. =P


But it's only this year (well since the end of last year I guess) that I've been gaining a ton of weight. I think I gained about 5 kilo in a couple of months time. =/

*has never weighed this much*


Anyone know of any exercises that might help remove fat/create muscle on your tummy, your sides and your hips? I only know of sit-ups and the ones where you turn to your left and right when in sit-up position...

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