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Sent of the email to the pushy guy. Still no reply; not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.


Finished my Flash movie and sent it to my teacher. Not too happy with the result but I currently don't care. It's done finally.


Lower back is hurting me. Evil back. I should rest/sleep, but since one of my assignments is done now, I'm going to relax a bit with a game. Either Advance Wars or Professor Layton, not sure yet. ='3

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WAAAA!! Thats pretty intense! When I was at school I did a 4km run every night along with tennis/squash/football during the day and I felt great. Ever since I've been at Uni I just haven't been able to keep up that kind of routine and my spates at the gym lasted for not longer than a couple months. I've kind of worked out a new plan so it fits into my week better so fingers crossed I don't flake out again after a couple months.


I've been sleeping so well this week because of the gym, its awesome! :heh:


Yeah, I thought it was quite a lot too when my boss told me to do it considering I haven't really excersize at all this year. I did it relatively easily though, I'm naturally quite fit. Just need to get back into shape properly though. You feel so much better for it.

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Sent of the email to the pushy guy. Still no reply; not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.


Finished my Flash movie and sent it to my teacher. Not too happy with the result but I currently don't care. It's done finally.


Lower back is hurting me. Evil back. I should rest/sleep, but since one of my assignments is done now, I'm going to relax a bit with a game. Either Advance Wars or Professor Layton, not sure yet. ='3


Wooooooooooo! It's finally finished! :yay:


Avance Wars gets my vote! :awesome:


My day was ok. :)


I had a lot of work to get through tonight but i've finally got what i needed to get done! :D


I just had some cereal and it was delicious!

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Guest Jordan

Sorted my server out (sort of).


Its been loud for ages, got in there took a fan out, moved another on to a fan specific molex connector... Much quieter now, just need to sort out that old HDD which will be replaced with a new 80GB one. Cheap and quiet. Thank fuck.


Letty ran off with my laptop, several movies and my ethernet cable i use to get my 360 on Live. Annoyingly >_>

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haha ^.^ apprently my parents are forcing me to accept their 60quid a week...which annoys me then I'll have a job at 400/500 quid a month...so hopefully I can afford some luxuries. I just don't want to become dependant on them and there's no way in HELL


I am having an overdraft...<_<


I get £40 a week from my dad too :) You will be among the rich elite with all that dosh for sure!


It's fine to have an overdraft for emergencies so long as you don't treat it as your money, and so long as you don't go through a break-up and end up porking-out on take-aways and a crapload of alcohol, and spending over £200 on dvds, and then some on games, books, drugs, whatever...


I came in here to basically say; omgomgmo! The episode I've just started watching of Veronica Mars has the kid from Superbad in and the return of this other character *awesome*


*stares at essay*


*closes window*

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I get £40 a week from my dad too :) You will be among the rich elite with all that dosh for sure!


It's fine to have an overdraft for emergencies so long as you don't treat it as your money, and so long as you don't go through a break-up and end up porking-out on take-aways and a crapload of alcohol, and spending over £200 on dvds, and then some on games, books, drugs, whatever...


I came in here to basically say; omgomgmo! The episode I've just started watching of Veronica Mars has the kid from Superbad in and the return of this other character *awesome*


*stares at essay*


*closes window*


Ahh The Rapes of Graff. You seem to be progressing through season two quickly. Gotta love the AD reunion in that ep (Michael Cera and Alia Shawkat)


And am I the only uni student who gets no money from their parents? In fact, my parents owe me £1000 >_<

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Today I took some photos of a hat I made. Its a rubbish hat.

Also, I dont know what to do about my hair, it seems to be getting more ridiculous every day :'(



I don't understand how soup becomes that plyable. :confused:


Well it was like the shitty stuff that settles at the bottom of a pan of soup, and I squeezed the water out :D

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I get nothing from my parents, and I'm £600 in debt thanks to the £350 deposit I just put on the new house. If I still played WoW I would only be £350 in the black. When I play that I buy nothing.


Hopefully will get my £250 deposit back from this house, no damage done.

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Don't you hate it when people rely on you way too much?


I overslept today and so I didn't go to my Sociology class. Because of that though, I'm not there to help my friends out with their Flash movies. Cause even though we saw the same things in class, I seem to have a bigger knowledge of the tools simply through self-education while working on my assignment.


So instead of looking stuff up themselves, they rely on me to help them with every little thing. And so now they're freaking out cause I'm not there, while the movie should be handed in tonight. -_____-;


I would almost feel pressured to go into school now to help them, but really I can't be bothered. They should try and figure it out themselves (or just ask me on msn I guess), instead of having me do it all the time (like I also did with their websites).

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Don't you hate it when people rely on you way too much?


I overslept today and so I didn't go to my Sociology class. Because of that though, I'm not there to help my friends out with their Flash movies. Cause even though we saw the same things in class, I seem to have a bigger knowledge of the tools simply through self-education while working on my assignment.


So instead of looking stuff up themselves, they rely on me to help them with every little thing. And so now they're freaking out cause I'm not there, while the movie should be handed in tonight. -_____-;


I would almost feel pressured to go into school now to help them, but really I can't be bothered. They should try and figure it out themselves (or just ask me on msn I guess), instead of having me do it all the time (like I also did with their websites).


Don't go! They need to learn how to do it for themselves eventually! It was like that for me during school, people needed my help all the time in Computing and when I wasn't there thye couldn't do anything at all. My work actually suffered because of it because I was helping them out too much.

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Don't go! They need to learn how to do it for themselves eventually! It was like that for me during school, people needed my help all the time in Computing and when I wasn't there thye couldn't do anything at all. My work actually suffered because of it because I was helping them out too much.


Yeah, I'm not going. They should figure it out themselves. Even though they are my friends, they should still learn to do this on their own. I took the time to study the program, so they should've done the same thing. Not my fault if they didn't start in time. =/


Anyway, I'm staying home today (yay, rest!) and currently playing some Advance Wars. I also want to do a drawing for myself today, if I find the inspiration and motivation. ^_____^

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Hmmm, work have unblocked YouTube for some strange reason. That is curious...not that Im complaining of course. Well I cant hear it, but I can watch stuff.


Thats very cool, and its Friday so the day will be good. One hour till lunch Im counting down the minutes.

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Guest bluey



i emailed the accommodation peeps at ECC about what exactly "guest house" means... whether i'll be in it for a few weeks or a month or two... apparently they wont have any actual real life apartments available in tokyo for AT LEAST NINE MONTHS O___o

so it looks like i'll be staying in this guest house for my entire year :grin:

hah.... its not so bad tho, guest houses/gaijin houses in japan are kind of long-stay hotels... so i can move myself in properly... get comfortable etc, and i may even be sharing still - so it's just like a real apartment really...

at least i know i'll be staying in kamishakujii (and i can spell it now!! haha)

...i've always wanted to live somewhere with three i's in the name O__o



i'm thinking of setting up a trade thread for japanese sweets and magazines in exchange for english stuff ~ what do you all reckon?

i'll send you pocky, you send me PG Tipps and a picture of the queen :heh:

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i emailed the accommodation peeps at ECC about what exactly "guest house" means... whether i'll be in it for a few weeks or a month or two... apparently they wont have any actual real life apartments available in tokyo for AT LEAST NINE MONTHS O___o

so it looks like i'll be staying in this guest house for my entire year :grin:

hah.... its not so bad tho, guest houses/gaijin houses in japan are kind of long-stay hotels... so i can move myself in properly... get comfortable etc, and i may even be sharing still - so it's just like a real apartment really...

at least i know i'll be staying in kamishakujii (and i can spell it now!! haha)

...i've always wanted to live somewhere with three i's in the name O__o



i'm thinking of setting up a trade thread for japanese sweets and magazines in exchange for english stuff ~ what do you all reckon?

i'll send you pocky, you send me PG Tipps and a picture of the queen :heh:


haha deal!


@jayseven, yeah it'll make student life easier for myself, my dad's way of thinking is that I should be having four great years of my life instead of worrying about money, but it's still quite concerning.


I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it really.


Though today has been alright, went to the fire station with college haha...was idiotic really then came back for some lessons now I've got half an hour til I'm home and I'll sit and do nothing til work tomorrow ^.^

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Yeesh people are so dense. I just had someone call, I don't even think he knew what he wanted, he was asking weird questions that just simply made no sense or had no relevance, so I just confirmed about 3 random statements generally related to what he mentioned and then he just left.


Sooo weird. TFIF.

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God, I really haven't been on here much lately.


Things have been really getting on top of me. Basically, me housemate told me she loved me in February, and that she wanted to be with me, but she had a boyfriend (never simple is it?)


So, things have come to a close. She told her boyfriend how she felt about me, and they split up for a few days, but are now back together. Ever since my other housemates found out, everybody has been lecturing me about what I should be doing, or what I shouldn't be doing. Nobody has told me that I have a say in any of this, or an effect on the outcome.


This morning, I've been thinking about how things are, and it really just makes me want to move away or leave or something. But, I'm stuck, because I'm 3 years into my course with only a year left, but I really don't want to be here anymore.

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God, I really haven't been on here much lately.


Things have been really getting on top of me. Basically, me housemate told me she loved me in February, and that she wanted to be with me, but she had a boyfriend (never simple is it?)


So, things have come to a close. She told her boyfriend how she felt about me, and they split up for a few days, but are now back together. Ever since my other housemates found out, everybody has been lecturing me about what I should be doing, or what I shouldn't be doing. Nobody has told me that I have a say in any of this, or an effect on the outcome.


This morning, I've been thinking about how things are, and it really just makes me want to move away or leave or something. But, I'm stuck, because I'm 3 years into my course with only a year left, but I really don't want to be here anymore.


Is there no way you could get a flat with different people who aren't so judgemental?


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God, I really haven't been on here much lately.


Things have been really getting on top of me. Basically, me housemate told me she loved me in February, and that she wanted to be with me, but she had a boyfriend (never simple is it?)


So, things have come to a close. She told her boyfriend how she felt about me, and they split up for a few days, but are now back together. Ever since my other housemates found out, everybody has been lecturing me about what I should be doing, or what I shouldn't be doing. Nobody has told me that I have a say in any of this, or an effect on the outcome.


This morning, I've been thinking about how things are, and it really just makes me want to move away or leave or something. But, I'm stuck, because I'm 3 years into my course with only a year left, but I really don't want to be here anymore.


You can still transfer though, even in your last year (presuming its a four year course). A fresh start could be just what you need. Don't let other people get you down.


My day has been alright. Lecture was okay, except when, due to the lack of guys in the class and my normal taciturn stance, everyone suddenly turned to me and asked what I felt. Although I then gave an awesome answer which is always good.


Starting doing some reading about transexuals for an assignment but I dunno, not in the mood and the weather is nice (or at least, looks it if you ignore the dark clouds) so I think im gonna go to town and try and pick up some brightly coloured stuff to decorate my room with.

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I'm sitting here reading Shelley's Adonais and Byron's Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Keat's Ode to a Nightingale and Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey. Just missing Coleridge, Blake and a few of the ladies now. How pretentious am i?


I find I get distracted when revising for an essay, and I end up doing background reading on what I'm currently reading... Tis good at the end, though, when I end up with references to philosophy and psychology journals. Not so great when I have two days to do the essay itself.


Got some exam results back! for the first time I can remember, I did just as good - if not better in the exams over coursework. Something of a real surprise, I can assure you. I really need to start recognising that I could do half decent if I put more than a couple of days into something.


Erm yeah. Sorry I don't actually have anything interesting to say :P

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Just had a massage with a fantastic masseuse at my local spa. Not only did she have healing hands, she put on a CD of... *deep breath*...





She just started talking about Nintendo games (in Chinese) and how great they were... I think I'm in love!


Getting massaged to the sound of the theme from The Legend of Zelda, doesn't get much better than that.

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Guest Stefkov

When I came to listen to music today on the bus I found out that just transfering my music onto my zen and making playlists puts the songs in alphabetical order =(

Now I have to go through and sort them out. I don't like it when songs aren't in the order they are on CD.

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