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Or indeed "cosplayers" or "16 year old girls"

Just admit it, it's the ears thing really.


Are they really 16? I'd have pegged them as quite a bit older judging by the eyes; I must be losing my ability to weed out teenagers from adults.


Luckily I'm still on the ball when it comes to e-mails:


My name is KAREN and I am 23.

I am looking for new friends because i moved recently

If you like we can chat and I can send some pictures

you can email me [Removed in case any of you were tempted.]


soo far

Clearly this is 100% genuine.

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Just admit it, it's the ears thing really.


Are they really 16? I'd have pegged them as quite a bit older judging by the eyes; I must be losing my ability to weed out teenagers from adults.


Luckily I'm still on the ball when it comes to e-mails:


Clearly this is 100% genuine.


Thats a coincidence, she emailed me too. Im actually going to be meeting her soon, I gave her my bank info to pay for the flight over and shes gonna pay me back double what I paid when she gets here and "please me in a sexual manner".


Win win situation tbh.

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Im actually going to be meeting her soon, I gave her my bank info to pay for the flight over and shes gonna pay me back double what I paid when she gets here and "please me in a sexual manner".

You might want to fork out for a deed poll, too. It must be annoying having your name shouted at you all the time... although thinking about it, that might still be an issue for her regardless.


Incidentally, I've received a few e-mails from a supposed law firm, too. They're not the usual "Prince Nazeer wants to give you $100 million" thing, though; they look pretty genuine. Honest mistake or elaborate phishing attempt? Whatever the case, I see ignoring them as the best course of action.

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Hmmm, so far today has been okay I guess.

Well school was boring as always and I felt really tired throughout it. But only four hours today so it wasn't too bad.


Came home, had lunch and then took a nap (bit longer than an hour), mmmm. Been messing around with some school work a bit and wasted a lot of time surfing the net. Now I'm really in the mood for some mint Oreo cookies, but I only have three left so I'm not sure if I should eat any. =(


Also think I will finally pop in the first X-files DVD soon and watch it, while messing around a bit more in Flash.


Edit: I was wrong, I still had 4 cookies. But then I ate one.

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Started a website from scratch for my portfolio and finished it because yeah ^.^ Also grabbed lots of pictures for my portfolio and such just need to do the drawing bit and I've got everything finished for tomorrow...happy me!




Cool :)

Are you going to have deviantart page as well?

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Just admit it, it's the ears thing really.


Are they really 16? I'd have pegged them as quite a bit older judging by the eyes; I must be losing my ability to weed out teenagers from adults.

It's alll in the jowells...


OK so I actually went into uni today and made a bunch of notes. Got a small stack of books from teh library and feeling like I ought to be able to poop something half-decent for monday.


Also got both of my courseworks back *yay* ... only to find one of them has the feedback sheet missing, thus I still don't know what my grade is, despite everyone else in my year having their results for like three weeks now. I did get 67% for my Contamination story, mind, which ain't so bad.


Also I'm trying desperately to find a nice CD album for my mum's birthday. It's surprisingly hard to find a decent, respectable looking one.


Tomorrow we go to uni to discuss 3rd year options... It's getting Serious. I will be asking about masters options, too - yikes!

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Just admit it, it's the ears thing really.


Are they really 16? I'd have pegged them as quite a bit older judging by the eyes; I must be losing my ability to weed out teenagers from adults.


Ah, as you get older you lose that ability, and thus accidental pedos are born.

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Today was ok.


Found out we have a leadership task to complete today by next Wednesday and i can smell the inevitable failure looming over me as it combines two things i do not like working in a group and presenting in front of the whole of my sixth form!


I also don't have time to complete this pointless task as i'm overloaded with work. @___@


I know i'm not going to be a leader when i'm older and have no desire to be. :)


I'm growing in confidence in my own way. :D


I think i'm going to drop History as it is eating up all my time and i'm getting nowhere in it! :blank:

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Cool :)

Are you going to have deviantart page as well?


should be, I've given up on the drawing thing atm because it's just not good enough so I'm tempted not to take it with me tomorrow. :indeed:


Might just take the website/photos/ vinyl cover to prove I can do some form of imagery on the computer.


I'm not bothered now, I've put effort in, I'll just let hope thats enough :indeed:

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Guest Stefkov

Crazy day today. Had my first few lessons. Dinner time came and I did more coursework. Totally lost track of time.

Ran to my graphics lesson and told my teacher I'd been fighting ninjas.

He did his usual 'Oh alright' thing, I sat down and did my usual sitting down and failing the subject. Stayed till 7 doing coursework trying to do a time plan failing miserably connecting the 1st of October to the 7th of March.


Got a letter inviting me to an interview, hopefully it's not a portfolio interview because I. have. no. work.

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Guest bluey



bluey's dummy-run packing-for-japan results: all my stuff fits into one suitcase :eek:


..... and i'm allowed to bring TWO :grin:

that basically means i have room to bring along unnecessary creature comforts like my favourite pillow, some nik-naks from home, and some other semi-essential things like cutlery so i dont have to buy it all in japan!!


it's nice news for bluey ^___^

which is good 'cause otherwise i'm having a pretty wubbish day. mum got back from newcastle today... she's having a hard time dealing with me leaving, i think... so right now everything turns into an argument... :(

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bluey's dummy-run packing-for-japan results: all my stuff fits into one suitcase :eek:


..... and i'm allowed to bring TWO :grin:

that basically means i have room to bring along unnecessary creature comforts like my favourite pillow, some nik-naks from home, and some other semi-essential things like cutlery so i dont have to buy it all in japan!!


it's nice news for bluey ^___^

which is good 'cause otherwise i'm having a pretty wubbish day. mum got back from newcastle today... she's having a hard time dealing with me leaving, i think... so right now everything turns into an argument... :(


Hmm, hopefully the arguments are a form of love...strange but :( *hugs for bluey* and yay for nick-nacks ^.^

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bluey's dummy-run packing-for-japan results: all my stuff fits into one suitcase :eek:


..... and i'm allowed to bring TWO :grin:

that basically means i have room to bring along unnecessary creature comforts like my favourite pillow, some nik-naks from home, and some other semi-essential things like cutlery so i dont have to buy it all in japan!!



:shakehead Take me!

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Guest bluey
:shakehead Take me!

i'm not putting you in my suitcase - i'm traveling with British airways ~ they'll lose you and i'll never EVER see you again :eek:


..i'd rather pick you up from an arrivals gate than baggage reclaim, anyway :wink:


@nightwolf~ i'm not sure about love so much as just confusion... she's never had to see me move out before and i'm enjoying the thought of "growing up" a LOT right now... it must be pretty hard for her, but it's so tough trying to keep the peace all the time... *sigh* no fun.... no fun at all! :(

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i'm not putting you in my suitcase - i'm traveling with British airways ~ they'll lose you and i'll never EVER see you again :eek:


..i'd rather pick you up from an arrivals gate than baggage reclaim, anyway :wink:


@nightwolf~ i'm not sure about love so much as just confusion... she's never had to see me move out before and i'm enjoying the thought of "growing up" a LOT right now... it must be pretty hard for her, but it's so tough trying to keep the peace all the time... *sigh* no fun.... no fun at all! :(


My mum is getting the same way and I'm not moving out til uni. Unfortunetly thats the way it goes :(

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Guest bluey
How long are you going for Bluester?


You're gonna teach, right?

i'll be gone for a year... maybe more if i really like the job. and yeah, i'll be teaching with an eikawa company called ECC ~ if you click on my signature image, you can go to my blog all about it (there are links to ECC information at the side of the page, too :grin: )

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Guest Stefkov

Bluey good look with everything mate.

Make the most of it. Be sure to make videos of your time over there.


My day has become sad. Data flow diagrams and psuedo code are the devil.

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