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This isn't about my day exactly, but last night I had a really weird dream. Well, I suppose you could call it a nightmare, but it wasn't scary — at least not in the traditional sense.


It had all the hallmarks of a dream — no sense of distance of geometry, the world a bubbling smear of molten reality wherever I wasn't looking — but, as is the way of dreams, at the time it felt real. I can't remember everything, but put simply someone had died and I was in mourning. In the real world I barely know this person, but in the dream I knew I loved them, and they'd been taken from me. It makes me a bit uncomfortable to say that, because even recalling it now I can feel a tinge of real grief and that tightness you get around your eyes before you cry.


I've had weird or scary dreams before, but never anything that's had me waking up with unshed tears in my eyes and such a lasting heaviness of heart. The fact that feeling is still there at the edge of my perception and it's affected my entire day is also a bit unnerving.


Anyway, that's pretty depressing... so here's a picture of a kitten.

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My day was pretty good, got my haircut for the first time since october o_O Also had a huuuuge lunch, so much so that I haven't had dinner and I'm not really hungry =P Also downloaded the new version of wlmessenger, what have they done to it? :shakehead:

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I've been procrastinating all day, as I always seem to do most Saturdays. Right, I shall not come on this site again until I have written my essay - "Why are some male fish dutiful parents yet many male mammals are not?".


See you guys then.

Done it, hi again.


Something about going to the library and sitting there forces me to do essays.

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yikes letty, I don't know how i'd feel if I were jordan, knowing you were in that situation...


Been a nice day. Played some games with some people. Currently preparing for a 'fancy dress' outing; I've 'decided' on being arthur dent and just going in my dressing gown. Should be... er... eithe rreally good or really bad. Awesome!


I think you've solved my problem. The theme was 'Celebrities/Characters'



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I need to let off a ittle steam.




*deep breath*

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ok. Back from a night out. It was a birthday, hugely unorganised. Walked all the way to one place with a guy dressed as Cloud (he had a massive sword, too), and of course the bouncers wouldn't let us in. So we waited 5 minutes for the girls to finish, then we got a taxi to another bar, where we were allowed in (taxed sword, of course), and where we spent approximately 3 hours too long drinking fuck all. Met a bunch of cool people, though - including a few chats with the bouncers.


So we got a taxi to the final clubbing destination where luckily someone knew the bouncers thanks to working there - so they're supposed to stop us from coming in at 1pm, but the birthday girl had taken a detour and wasn't with us, and was on her way. at 1:14 they were nice enough to let us all in, and I proceeded to have a distinctly average time; just like this post.


But, as nearly always, I had two girl-related incidents; the first was while queueing (I don't think that second e should be there tbh) for the smoking area this girl simply would not stop talking to me and even took my phone and put her name in it and told me to look her up on facebook. she said "I don't normally dress this uncool, I normally look cool like you"... Now, I'm wearing this hoodie which I typically say makes me look like I own a riverboat, so clearly she was blind...


But teh second girl-related adventure was nice. I saw this girl sitting by herself and went up to her and said "look I'm not chatting you up or anything, but are you ok?" and she smiled and said she was waiting for a friend... so I went back to my pack of friends, and she kept looking over at me and smiling and... well just being all nice and stuff. I realise how lame it sounds written down, but I assure you she wanted more :P It was awkward, and the thing is just going up to her and saying "are you alright?" was a massive step, so going back up to her after she was giving me the eye was just too much to comprehend.


Aside from all that boring stuff that nobody will read, I also met a lecturer at my uni who is going out with a flatmate of my mate's... and he's really cool. Of course it's weird to see a 45 year old lecturer going out with an 19 year old lass, but he's a good bloke.


erm.. Yeah. tomorrow = ? no idea. More avoiding work, I guess. If I'm really lucky, an episode or two of veronica mars will've downloaded. That would be awesome.



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My day went like this. I got up from bunkbed and jump off my bed to the table and went into bathroom for a shower. After getting washed i went downstairs for my clothes that were hanging around the room.


I got dressed after finding my clothes and turn on the telly to used the wii opera. Finished looking at the internet and turn over to watch TV Burp with Harry Hill and eatting dinner.


Few mins later my sister came to visted us from Mansfield and brought my fixed computer with her.


Quicky setup my computer, turn it on and went straight online and onto msn to talk to people.


Few minutes later on msn i got back missing messages that i didnt get from people that i talked to from using XBOX360's msn which was very confusing for me to read.

It was just a another normal boring day for me.

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Guest Jordan

Wow. I had a crazy dream...


I'm curently ill, with a headache, coughing, a lot of aches and pains and a blocked nose.


So i can't remember alot of my dream, i remember bits of the start. One was the ferry crossing between Shetland and the UK. For some reason we drove from Glasgow to Hull... even though the ferry goes from Aberdeen.


After that, i remember the ferry was like a huge FF style boat. It didn't fly, but it was all silver and we hanged out on deck.


Next part i remember, were these Alien style face huggers. But more plant and less alien looking. They were called parasites and when they took the human body, they fell off the face and could explode at will.


The next bit was weird, i was just watching and not really in it. Like watching TV, the camera angle kept changing. This guy, who looked like the older brother from Malcom in the middle, was running away from all these children exploding. There was some evil guy saying he'd never escape. The guy running away was like "i'll reach the human colony!" It then cut to what looked exactly like the city in 300, apart from everyone was dressed like the poeple in Xeon from The Matrix or something.


Then it cut back to the guy running away, he couldn't get past the huge wall into the human city (the parasites could climb walls and as such the walls were huge, spike filled and had a slight roof at the top with gunners. He then gets blown up by the few remaining children.


Weird flu dreams for the lose.

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This isn't about my day exactly, but last night I had a really weird dream. Well, I suppose you could call it a nightmare, but it wasn't scary — at least not in the traditional sense.


I'm having loads of crazy dreams at the moment. I'm taking Doxycycline (antibiotics) and I'm sure its because of them. I had them last summer and loads of really really really weird dreams then too... I love it though, I never usually remember my dreams.


But,nearly always, I had two girl-related incidents; the first was while queu as eing (I don't think that second e should be there tbh) for the smoking area this girl simply would not stop talking to me and even took my phone and put her name in it and told me to look her up on facebook. she said "I don't normally dress this uncool, I normally look cool like you"... Now, I'm wearing this hoodie which I typically say makes me look like I own a riverboat, so clearly she was blind...


But teh second girl-related adventure was nice. I saw this girl sitting by herself and went up to her and said "look I'm not chatting you up or anything, but are you ok?" and she smiled and said she was waiting for a friend... so I went back to my pack of friends, and she kept looking over at me and smiling and... well just being all nice and stuff. I realise how lame it sounds written down, but I assure you she wanted more :P It was awkward, and the thing is just going up to her and saying "are you alright?" was a massive step, so going back up to her after she was giving me the eye was just too much to comprehend.


(fucked up your message there by mistake, stupid track-pad)


The classic, "hey, what's up? I'm not chatting you up by the way" line... Works a treat every time.


After my night out last night with 3 of the guys I went to Malawi with I don't know how to feel (apart from hungover, that's a given). One part of me wants to flail my arms about, stamp my feet and say "no-ho-ho-ho-ho-oh" but another part says she was a good pull.


If this gets out the result is not going to be pretty.


And talking of pretty... ugh.

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I've got a giant headache. Was out all last night, drunk much to much and did things I really shouldn't have done. I've not slept at all, so I'm shattered. It was a fun night though :p


And you have a Juno sig/av combo. Awesome.


Anyway, spill the beans! What did you do? :heh:

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And you have a Juno sig/av combo. Awesome.


Anyway, spill the beans! What did you do? :heh:


Hehe, woo.


Too much red wine and cheap alchopops isn't a wonderful mix.


I went to a party and it finished pretty early so we went back to a mates house (about 8 of us). Played this wierd drinking game which somehow managed to get turned into strip poker. After nakedness occured, they grabbed both mine and a mates clothes and threw them outside. We had to go into the street in underwear and fetch them. Unfortuneatly her parents managed to catch us. I was so embarassed!


We were bored and some of us decided to go out around town and explore (2am). We somehow managed to get lost and ended up in a graveyard. I got abandoned only to get jumped out upon. (I'm a big wuss when I'm drunk!). I saw a bollard and for some reason began humping it. I don't remember doing it, but there's apparently video evidence, which is a little worrying :p.We continued our adventure by singing the Hey Authur theme tune whilst walking back to the house, and then dancing to the Cilit Bang remix (Everytime my phone rang everyone just went into spasm :p).


I can't remember much else. :)


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Guest Jordan

I love my immune system.


I get ill occasionally and when i do, i'm great the next day after some sleep.


So, after my 7am post, i fell asleep again till around 10:30am.


Cold is gone.

Aches are gone.

Slight headache.

No coughing.



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Yesterday. Last day of workage. Fun. Busy but fun. Nice to not have to run around making sure things got done so Sundays were easier. Oh and apparently I got the blame for the negative atmosphere at work -_- (by the regional manager) yet it was a fun happy place yesterday when she wasn't there. And he even rang up to check the amtmosphere and was told it was fine, we were having a good time.


Then went out. Which was all well and good until a few of the girls guilt tripped me to going to some shitty club because they wanted to dance but I wanted to stay with the rest in the pub. Wasnt too bad in the end, but just average.


Aaaaaand now im unemployed. I haven't been without a job for five years.

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Why does life work against me? My trial of Microsoft Office 2007 has run out but I need the damn thing now.


Open Office, you crazy fool! :heh:


Last night I went to a party at my gf's, which was both very, very fun and disastrous at the same time. There is likely to be some serious fallout from this, as I really, really cannot remember what I'm not meant to tell friend's ex's when I've had a few. Woops. :woops:

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Open Office, you crazy fool! :heh:


Last night I went to a party at my gf's, which was both very, very fun and disastrous at the same time. There is likely to be some serious fallout from this, as I really, really cannot remember what I'm not meant to tell friend's ex's when I've had a few. Woops. :woops:


I tried that, it's terrible and wouldn't open my existing files properly! :heh: No worries, I found a way to get around the problem...

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Why does life work against me? My trial of Microsoft Office 2007 has run out but I need the damn thing now.


I have the real version of 2003 and its stopped working on me.


As it is the net is finally back up, mothers day was a success and work was fine...now all I need to panic about is my portfolio now :yay:

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LAAAAAAAAZY day ^_^ left bed... once? Been surfing a mate's BISH thread on a different forum and admiring the crazy madness way that he's going about it, but also preparing some ideas for the next one on this board.


Also peeved that nobody cares about the 2nd BISH game anymore - and miffed at Rummy's lack of contacting me for his super cool prizes.

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