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Went to work and almost finished proofreading ALL the NPCs in Dragon Quest IV. Thats a crap load of text but more annoying is actually finding all the NPCs. I have to talk to them during day and night, before events and after and also depending on who I have in my party. I've completed it twice now, this is my third run through.


Its a bit annoying because the guy who did the translation did a mindblowingly good job!! :D


I've only so far found 2 text bugs...both typos!!

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I can't help you with the rest, but where are you stuck in Phoenix Wright?


before the third (??) trail on PW2 (where maya has been kidnapped... i've got the old lady, the manager, the client, the steel samurai guy, gumshoe and the photographer to talk to - i feel like ive shown them all EVERY piece of evidence and EVERY character profile. i think i need to find what the old lady wants so she'll tell me about what she witnessed... i have psyche-locks on the photographer, manager and old lady...


HALPS!! been stuck for daaaaaaays it's really annoying me >_< heheh


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before the third (??) trail on PW2 (where maya has been kidnapped... i've got the old lady, the manager, the client, the steel samurai guy, gumshoe and the photographer to talk to - i feel like ive shown them all EVERY piece of evidence and EVERY character profile. i think i need to find what the old lady wants so she'll tell me about what she witnessed... i have psyche-locks on the photographer, manager and old lady...

HALPS!! been stuck for daaaaaaays it's really annoying me >_< heheh

Have you shown the manager's profile to the steel samurai? Methinks that might be right... but it's been a long time since I played it.


On topic: This day was long... two lectures, a practical, a supervision, and I'm still doing chemistry which is in for tomorrow morning.

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Have you shown the manager's profile to the steel samurai? Methinks that might be right... but it's been a long time since I played it.


On topic: This day was long... two lectures, a practical, a supervision, and I'm still doing chemistry which is in for tomorrow morning.


yeah i did... he just said he liked her... *sigh* oh well ^^ i'll take a break and play some professor layton! THAT'S gunna make my day much better :grin:

what's left of it anyhoo..

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before the third (??) trail on PW2 (where maya has been kidnapped... i've got the old lady, the manager, the client, the steel samurai guy, gumshoe and the photographer to talk to - i feel like ive shown them all EVERY piece of evidence and EVERY character profile. i think i need to find what the old lady wants so she'll tell me about what she witnessed... i have psyche-locks on the photographer, manager and old lady...

HALPS!! been stuck for daaaaaaays it's really annoying me >_< heheh

...presented the wine class with tomato juice in it to Gumshoe? This should make Franziska appear, and she'll leave an autographed piece of paper behind.


Hopefully that's of some help, as if not I'm not sure what else to suggest.

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Guest Stefkov

Went out to get more stuff for college work I should be doing this week. Failed. I hate it when you think of stuff that should be widely available but it's never been made.

Got home and played some TF2 with my bro which was pretty fun to say the least.

Played around with my sisters birthday present, and M3 thing for DS. Truly a wonderful thing, I'm definitely getting one.

Finished watching some anime. A monotonous cycle, all aboard the emo train.


toot toot.

Gah I do stay up at the most obscene hours...

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Great start to the day (Sarcasm). Just went to turn on the PS3 an was like "WTF? scratches?" (And i don't meen little ones). It turns out my mum hoovered it. How bloody stupid can you be? Who hoovers a games console?


She gave the answer "I was getting the dust off it". Well use a cloth then!


Women *shakes head*

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My day got way better when I found:




I know Ive posted it before, but look how ridiculous it is, we're so happy about a bus, and theres things like, 'body found on hill', etc surrounding.




Judging by the other stuff on that picture i was expecting the text under the picture would say something like: Group of girls cheer to the coming apocalypse

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Mine started... strange.


So i went to my Google homepage, which has my email on. And apparently, i rented a car from EZ Rent A Car, a company in the US.


I was like... "okay, this doesn't seem like spam." Then i realised the name was "Jaffar Zadeh". Thats not me, thats not my name at all...


I googled the site, turns out they're a propper car rental service and Jaffar Zadeh had booked a car in the US for 2 weeks in March. I put in his order number and my email address. It didn't work.


Okay, so it turns out, a few years ago Gmail had issues with full stops in emails. If you sent an email to [email protected] or [email protected] it wouldn't make a difference.


So i set up an alias account as [email protected]. So if jzadeh ever got sent an email, i'd recieve it... So i entered [email protected] into the site. Waddya know, it works.


I have ALOT of his personal details, I wouldn't use them since i'm not that much of a bastard. But its crazy to think this did.


My slightly strange morning then...

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Mine started... strange.


So i went to my Google homepage, which has my email on. And apparently, i rented a car from EZ Rent A Car, a company in the US.


I was like... "okay, this doesn't seem like spam." Then i realised the name was "Jaffar Zadeh". Thats not me, thats not my name at all...


I googled the site, turns out they're a propper car rental service and Jaffar Zadeh had booked a car in the US for 2 weeks in March. I put in his order number and my email address. It didn't work.


Okay, so it turns out, a few years ago Gmail had issues with full stops in emails. If you sent an email to [email protected] or [email protected] it wouldn't make a difference.


So i set up an alias account as [email protected]. So if jzadeh ever got sent an email, i'd recieve it... So i entered [email protected] into the site. Waddya know, it works.


I have ALOT of his personal details, I wouldn't use them since i'm not that much of a bastard. But its crazy to think this did.


My slightly strange morning then...

I don't get why you made those emails clickable - spambots may attack!



Yesterday I got pissed with other people! There was a fire, too. And marshmallows! Very nice.

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Ugh. This day fucking sucks. Its always busy here. I hate my job.


Please... I'm just having my 5 minute lunch break. Because thats literally all i ever get.


Today i have to handle 4 data investigations, i still have another 25 emails to answer and i've done around 30.


God i can't believe i'm the ONLY person for this company who does tech support out side of the US. Its crazy busy.

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So today me and my mates decided not to do anything, we've been too active these past couple of days.

I'm getting down to my ICT work, writing up the user guide for the Database i made, and i feel like i'm being punished for using Vista and Office 2007 here, nothing looks the bloody same so the User Guide looks completely different.

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Please... I'm just having my 5 minute lunch break. Because thats literally all i ever get.


Today i have to handle 4 data investigations, i still have another 25 emails to answer and i've done around 30.


God i can't believe i'm the ONLY person for this company who does tech support out side of the US. Its crazy busy.


Is it stimulating though? The no lunch break thing is pretty harsh though. I just had someone on who clearly just had the phone lieing on a pillow or bed or something, it was all echoey and extremely muffled. I said "I cant hear you" blah blah, so again said it...and again, until she finally must of picked up the phone and actually held it to her head, when she said she has an IT plan or something. I was like...Huh...WTF is that, and she just hung up. Idiot. Thats one of my better calls today.

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I have extremely flexable day hours and holidays. If you need to go to town during the day and its quiet, you can no problem.


Its not that its harsh, i just hate the constant pressure from our customers. They're mostly bastards.


*calls up some guy in Norway about his training going on in Feb.*


*swear words*

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