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Spent a day's worth of quality time with Sammler, my level 8 dwarf. Did some group work which was ace, and mined a green item!


While watching Heroes, which has got so so awesome after the Save the Cheerleader/Save the World episode.

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Guest Stefkov

I just spent an hour and a half in the image gallery looking at the first few hundred pages.

Some ooooold pictures in there.

Old indeed.


Pictures of Ashmat created a lot of laughter. Daamn that were a good few hours.



PS: If anyone reads this, what happened to the new card things? You know the pokemon cards but forum members? I forget their proper name.

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You live nearby?! dude, we could've met up! I heard it gets real busy over summer, and that some places charge 'local' and 'tourist' prices. Lovely place. Real contrast to scunthorpe/scarborough/sheffield where nobody was smiling, and nobody said hello ever.


Whay!!!!! I live i scunthorpe it's a shit tip! I will say helllo ,itm a little drink atm qayhw!@!! for hsucnthorpe!

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But just a little while ago, I realised quite how soon Bluey is moving to Japan. I'm only going to get to see her twice now before she leaves and it's going to sound silly but I already feel a little lonely. Hate it when this happens. Just gonna have to snap the hell out of it, aren't I?

(i know you've snapped out of it by now, but..)

thrice.... there's no chance i'm letting that last weekend go by without spending it with you. :grin:

we still have 2 months, and what we've had in the last 5 has been so good. ^___^ me being so far away isnt going to stop the way i feel for you... and i'ma send you all the quirky japanese crap you can possibly handle.

you know there are about 94* different flavours of pocky? just think! i wont be away long enough to send you one of every flavour each week. :eek:


(guess what YOU'RE getting for christmas 2008? yep! the 42 remaining boxes of assorted pocky flavours!!! buahahaha)

seriously. you know me, i'll stalk you so much you'll hardly know i'm gone. :heart:



i had a good day today! i woke up early and had a lazy morning filled with much tea and a few leisurely-paced chores... then i had a nice hot shower! then i went to work, which went reeeally fast! after that i went out with my mum and some of her friends for dinner (it was mums b'day recently... jamba and i got her a ds!! she's gone mental over it and i think it might actually be stuck to her hand now :hmm: ) the meal was really nice, and even though it was kiiiiinda boring hanging out with old people, i had fun and got a very nice free meal



EDIT: *source, baby. *nods*

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I'm back in China so my life gets interesting again, and thus I start posting again.


Thursday 24th - Friday 25th

Out of all the things I could miss, I think this time it’ll be butter. I’m sure that’ll make people feel terribly unimportant, but nonetheless I think i’ll miss butter the most. It’s weird because I never really rated butter. A lot of times I wouldn’t use it at all, but there is something about the way butter mixes with penutbutter on a nicely toasted bagel that I have only really appreciated recently, something I’m going to miss.

And that was just about all I accomplished whilst I was back in England for christmas. The discovery that butter is a necessity. I also found out no one gives a crap I came back, but I guess that’s my fault for presuming they would. Oh and my Wii broke, yeah I was especially pissed about that one.

And that’s why I’m glad I can finally get back out to China. I can get back on with things. You see, I don’t think I can start anything new without finishing this. I’m not done writing this chapter of my life quite yet.

The drive to Heathrow was the usual dose of punishment, though checking in wasn’t too bad. The darling at the desk managed to get me the seats at the front of the cabin with the extra leg room. I left her the tin of roses I couldn’t fit in my bag due to weight. Ha, should have seen the look of surprise on her face. My Dad and I ate at the same restaurant we did the day I left the first time. I think that’s when I realised that so little had changed. It’ll be different this time.

Saying goodbye was easier this time. Mum didn’t cry, and Dad will be out my way before long. Went straight to the gate and let the line de down before I boarded. I sat next to a traveling musician. Nice guy. Turned out we had been to the same pubs in Shanghai, and had both met the same scottish guy. Weird.

Didn’t get a lick of sleep. Tried, but no dice. Watched Superbad (funny, but overrated), Shoot-em-up (ha, awesome) and various other programs. Wasn’t that bad. Leg room helped. 12 hours. Became Friday around this point.

The lay-over was the kick in the nuts. 8 hours this one. Firstly I had to stand in line to check in for an hour or so. Nearly lost it. Decided to get thrashed at a bar. That helped. Got a little sleep. The connecting flight was miles walk away. Practically walked there. I got on the plane last and as such managed to snag three seats to myself. Really slept then. Still only 3 hours.

The doctor picked me up, and ofcourse the driver. The drive back was so long, another 3 hours probably. They insisted on stopping for dinner to. Just had some Tofu and noodles. I got home and collapsed.


Saturday 26th


Woke about 10-ish. Unpacked. Protein powder exploded over my bag again, and for the second time my master saw a suitcase of mine covered in white powder. God knows how it gets through customs. They had cleaned my house and washed my clothes, wish was nice of them. And my turtle was still alive, little guys was hibernating I think. Still need a name for him. Was also overjoyed to discover that I had won Cube’s mafia game. Awesome.

Jiaodongwen came round to sort out my internet, and brought his got daughter along. Damn she is fine. I’m wondering if the link back to another girl is a little to strong to try it on with her. I’ll see what happens.

I was offered to go shopping with them and since I didn’t have any food in the house I accepted. Had to wait around whilst they did some shoe shopping first, but I wasn’t fussed, gave me more time to chat up the hot daughter. Did my food shopping then left.

Made myself a ridiculous amount of pasta, watch Naruto and Bleach, then crashed.

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I just spent an hour and a half in the image gallery looking at the first few hundred pages.

Some ooooold pictures in there.

Old indeed.


Pictures of Ashmat created a lot of laughter. Daamn that were a good few hours.



PS: If anyone reads this, what happened to the new card things? You know the pokemon cards but forum members? I forget their proper name.


You know they turn you on really stef ;)


Because i'm never too young.

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Guest Stefkov
You know they turn you on really stef ;)


Because i'm never too young.

Shame you didn't join in CSS later that night. Caris had an awesome spray tag thing.


Got up at half 10, somehow the time flew by to midday.

I've started some Computing work. Trying to figure out the code to type for making a password appear as *s.

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I have just bought all six season of 24(4 and 6 are still on their way though). And there is one thing that bothers me. Season 1 look different from the others. Season 1 has a plastic box and is smaller than the other seasons which have a paper box. Season 1 was bought in Norway while the others were bought at Play or Amazon.co.uk, so if anyone has bought season 1 in of those sites, can you tell me how it looks?

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Ok, that was just seven kinds of awesome.


I'm playing in one of those real life assassination games that lasts the whole term, and I just got a kill by the following method: I went to my target's house with two friends, who knocked on his door while I hid. One of them proceeded to burst into very convincing tears, screaming "he said he would come out!" while the other comforted her. He did come out, but was very suspicious, though this was no matter. I appeared from around the corner and shot him with a rubber band gun. :wink:

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LazyBoy: That sounds like an epic couple of days. You get much jet lag?


Ok, that was just seven kinds of awesome.


I'm playing in one of those real life assassination games that lasts the whole term, and I just got a kill by the following method: I went to my target's house with two friends, who knocked on his door while I hid. One of them proceeded to burst into very convincing tears, screaming "he said he would come out!" while the other comforted her. He did come out, but was very suspicious, though this was no matter. I appeared from around the corner and shot him with a rubber band gun. :wink:


Aah, awesome! My mate was playing one with a waterpistol over summer but he's a recluse, so he never killed anyone nor got shot himself. Congrats on having friends willing to help out, too!

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Aah, awesome! My mate was playing one with a waterpistol over summer but he's a recluse, so he never killed anyone nor got shot himself. Congrats on having friends willing to help out, too!

Well, one is also playing, and the other played last term... we're going to go and get some more targets tomorrow. :wink:

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Yesterday I was in town with my girlfriend, we cam out of the restaurant and suddenly got caught up in the riot from the Mansfield-Middlesborough game. It was fucking awesome. There were riot police and police dogs chasing all the hooligans down the street. Although I got dragged away and wasn't allowed to join in. :(

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I'm sure they've done that before, 100% sure.


Yeah they have. This time its for real apparently. Although I have read various theories, but it would be a cop out for what was IMHO a fairly lackluster 13 part special.


More Marvel over-hype money grabbing, as much as I hate to say that. Oh well Secret Invasion will fucking rule (Skrulls infiltrating the entire MU)

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