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So fucking depressed, I've just seen the friend who I was supposed to meet today, but canceled on me because of work, online in a chat room, as soon as I entered they logged out. It's taken me months to build up the confidence to meet one of the people I've been talking to, and then something like this happens. I don't know why I bother sometimes, with anything.


Awh that's shocking.. maybe ReZ is right...or maybe they just aren't worth your friendship =)

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Guest Stefkov

Day was shit. Boring 10 till 5 shift.

Just got home to watch the United match and I'm trying to get into my account on the orange website and it's annoying me.

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hmmm (u___u)

my day has not been fantastic...

i've had a string of really good days though, so i dont mind!! i went to sleep last night feeling a bit weird and woke up this morning feeling really ill ... i've been playing phoenix wright and hugging a hot water bottle all day...

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I'll put it this way, Letty sleeps with me often and shes still not a mod.


But seriously? The best way to be a mod is to:


A, Not ask

B, Be a valuable member of the forum

C, Have a "forum personality".


Did well for me.

I dunno, I'm kind of deficient in C... :heh:


Anyway, I went back to uni today, which is cool, because uni >>>>> home. A few things aren't so cool - I'm really tired, I have exams next week (so I have to revise), and I've been feeling a bit sick. Ah well, it's still overall good because I'm back.

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I'll put it this way, Letty sleeps with me often and shes still not a mod.


But seriously? The best way to be a mod is to:


A, Not ask

B, Be a valuable member of the forum

C, Have a "forum personality".


Did well for me.


naah i dont really wanna be a mod - my mum was a mod, she fell off her scooter once :indeed: dangerous business!

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I worked from 9am to 6pm, got some keys cut for Jordan's flat, then fell on my arse because of the frost!


The end.


Best story ever. Theres comedy, action and romance! What more could you want.


Today was incredibly boring and horrid at work because I had little sleep and was mentally dead all day.

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Damn, harsh. Although, is this someone you've not yet met in RL before? Maybe they were just nervous to meet you and didnt want to hurt your feelings?


No, I've not met them in real life yet, but we've been talking for months, chatrooms, msn, phonecalls, they are much more experienced on the scene as well, I really can't see them being nervous about it. But if they were I'd understand, I'm nervous about it myself, and would have found it much less hurtful if they'd been honest with me.


Awh that's shocking.. maybe ReZ is right...or maybe they just aren't worth your friendship =)


I don't know, they seemed genuine, I don't know what to do about it, my heads all over the place at the moment. I think it's best I sort my head out before I talk to them again or I think I'll say something I regret.

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No, I've not met them in real life yet, but we've been talking for months, chatrooms, msn, phonecalls, they are much more experienced on the scene as well, I really can't see them being nervous about it. But if they were I'd understand, I'm nervous about it myself, and would have found it much less hurtful if they'd been honest with me.




I don't know, they seemed genuine, I don't know what to do about it, my heads all over the place at the moment. I think it's best I sort my head out before I talk to them again or I think I'll say something I regret.



Aye just take er easy for a while get yer head sorted :)


My day was a bit poo also, woke up with a hugely swollen lip from a piercing I got on thursday.. Was almost at a point where it was swelling over the ring...luckily it calmed down... never again will i get my lip pierced.

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Raining; bit odd for it to swell so badly two days later. Slept on it badly? Hope it heals alright :) Swilled salty water is your friend!


Today I revised a wee bit for exam on wednesday. Only slightly freaking out about it.


Been playing guitar hero 3 on EASYYY! Getting 5 stars on everything and the 250-note achievement, and the 100% achievement. Lil' finger hurts. Will move up to MEDIUM eventually :P

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Raining; bit odd for it to swell so badly two days later. Slept on it badly? Hope it heals alright :) Swilled salty water is your friend!


Today I revised a wee bit for exam on wednesday. Only slightly freaking out about it.


Been playing guitar hero 3 on EASYYY! Getting 5 stars on everything and the 250-note achievement, and the 100% achievement. Lil' finger hurts. Will move up to MEDIUM eventually :P


hahaha yeah i used salty water and ice, which worked and its went down quite a bit. =D I'm covered in icky purple bruises, the guy doing it must have hit a blood vessel or something...no biggie as long as it doesn't get infected =)

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Guest Stefkov
I have done jack shit, well i have decided what colour to decorate my room next week.

What colour mate? Brown to match the colour of your skin?

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I have had one of my most laziest days ever.


I woke up at about 11, laid in bed watching TV for a bit, put on the computer and browsed the net for a bit, played A LOT of football manager, messed around on facebook, chatted to my girlfriend and some mates. I then booked some train tickets to go to Devon to see my girlfriend in a couple of weeks.


I also have watched two films, flushed away and world trade centre just cos they followed each other on sky movies.


In between all this laziness I had some breakfast, no lunch and some dinner.


It's now 22:40 and im watching Match of the day wondering where the hell my saturday has gone!

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Hahaha, many lulz stef.


Anyway, so i was just replaying through HL2: Ep2 (with Developer Commentary this time), just after the

Gman's speech


My mum walks in the room, and jumps up behind me, scared the living shit outta me, i didn't even know she was back in the house (she'd been out)

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Guest Stefkov

My mum walks in the room, and jumps up behind me, scared the living shit outta me, i didn't even know she was back in the house (she'd been out)

Was she dressed as a clown? I'd be worried if so...

If not did she shout surprise? I'd be even more worried.

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Got up at nine. Figured it was too early so went back to bed until twelve. Read a bit of 'Norweigan Wood' before brushing my teeth. Watched High Fidelity (I'd give it an eight) while doing work and making notes on HF. Showered and packed my bag. Came back to my home town for the night. Fixed the internet (the whole internet). Did some uni work. Ate. Changed bedsheets. Ironed. Went round family friends with parents. Drank. Now doing more uni work.


Oh and I made the album cover for the TV show im writing for one of my modules. Bit rubbish but its a small part of the project. Opinions? (ignore the format, its so I can print it off at Jessops on shiny quality and then cut it out, its the bit in the white box)


My dreams lately have been about me being a spy (I blame Chuck (once again, the show, not forumer)). I may consider it as a career move.

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Guest Stefkov
I was thinking more along the lines of pink to match your sexuality.

You went there. I'll give you a slap.

Earlier whilst watching the Man United game the screen goes black. Virgin went totally down.

So we missed all the second half of the match. The only part with action, so I was rightly pissed off.

The internet was down so I watched Rush Hour 3. Not as funny as the first 2 but I want to own them none the less. Why does my brother have to own all the good stuff.

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