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Thanks guys. Tis quite upsetting...she was a really cool dog, who I grew to love over the 2 and 1/2 years I knew her. Claire knew her obviously for longer and she is very upset. :(


(Here she is)




Anyway, I have a new signature and avatar combo. Must look at avatar first. Thoughts?


I'm so sorry to hear about your dog Rez. It's hard to lose a dear pet. =(


Your avatar/signature combination is funny though. X3

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Guest Stefkov

That was a bit uncalled for Hem. I think it's pretty funny and unique typing like that.


I've just played some more Eternal Sonata to quench my gaming hunger and there is a great story and artist under a great game. The work of Chopin is pretty good, and his story what the game is basing off is interesting. I need to download the stuff he's done and listen to it.

ohoho, 3 gig worth of Chopin..

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I had an ok day:) . Infact, it rocked. ICT teacher wasn't there so I got to finish my Ethics essay during the lesson whilst listening to music/actually being able to talk. My most hated enemy fell down the stairs at college too. (Not meaning to sound sadistic, I mean, it was only 2 steps and he wasn't hurt, just got laughed at for once.). Plus, I finally confronted my Pysch teacher about the effort grade she gave me and I ended up being sent out because I was being "to confrontational" apparently. Though she spoke to me at the end of the lesson and said she has been a little harsh with my mark. :)

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i like mccoys style putting himself in 3rd person cracks me up


well following on from this morning...got a message AGAIN saying goto 2girls1cup website. Ive heard of this and what they do on there so hastely replied NO WAY.

Went to town and brought a res evil figure, mario party 8 (half price in gamestation WIN) and a jimmy carr dvd :D


been playing mario party and relaxing ever since


o and my dad has brought home a brewery in his car. he opened up the boot of his car and thought i was in heaven...since he works in a brewery he gets a beer allowance and has used 3 months allowance in one go. there litterately 20 crates of booze and more.


best bit is that parents go on holiday shortly after new year so hopefully will be some left for a party hehe





soz to hear that rez :(

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More of a prediction of tommorow rather than my day today but saying that it has made today a not so good day thinking about it.


Let's just say they are some dicks at my school and since it's my birthday and we have PE it's not going to be good.



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Yellow infraction issued Hem.


That's a little harsh mate. His style of writing is obviously annoying more than just me, and I didn't even insult him, hence me typing the asteriks instead of a word, could be any four letter word.

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Hahahahah! Thats awesome.


Like lucky dip...whats it gonna be! :heh:


If nobodies going to guess, then I might as well say the word was actually toad.


Any chance of my infraction being reversed? It's like a C-grade on a School Report full of A's to me.


As for my day. I woke up at 2, and just napped from 7pm-11pm. I love uni.

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Think I might be kinda sick or something. Been having a headache since last night (I should learn to take some medicine earlier; I didn't take any now). And when I got up this morning it was still there, plus I also felt quite unstable. Kept kinda losing my balance and I still feel that way now. =(


In my drawing class, waiting for the teacher to finish. He just took our picture (urgh) and he's going to print them out so we can draw ourselves or something. How fun... >.>;


Wish I stayed home, but I have a new assignment in Illustration today so I can't afford to stay home.

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Yesterday ended well. Friend came round and we were looking through some smutty catalogue (Pebo or something like that) and then wrote sex doll adverts for ourselves which now currently adorn our fridge. Drank, of course, and then watched a bit of Family Guy.


Only problem is my throat is on the early stages of a cold. I've managed to fight this back for two weeks, why now when we're hosting a party next week? Urgh.


Oh well.


Oh and I got my haircut yesterday which always makes the day good :D

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I have the ability to become enraged and highly annoyed at little things.


Well I was upstairs before I left for work, and I heard the letter box go. Hmmm post, I though. Ill pick it up when I leave in a few minutes. Then I hear it go approx 30 seconds later "Theres not someone at the door is there..." I think to myself. So I run down and find a "Parcel , you were out" thing. SIGH!


Seriously, who the fuck flaps the letter box as a "Im at your door" We've even got a door bell. Sheeshh, so annoying. Ive now got 3 parcels to pick up!

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day has barely started and im already annoyed


had to get up early to return a book before 10am to the library

bit of a lazy cow so i couldnt be bothered to return to the flat so im in the library at the moment! - with 45 mins to go to till my next class


oh and get this - my flatmate who was out all last night with her boyfriend has just come home and wants to meet me 5 mins before the class

she'll be late - she always is


so i told her id meet her inside the lecture theatre :D

not waiting on nobody


and now i cant remember what i came onto the computer to look up


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I had a dream about some kid lost his virginity to some jelly beans. :confused: :confused:


Haha! What? :wtf:



I have the ability to become enraged and highly annoyed at little things.

Well I was upstairs before I left for work, and I heard the letter box go. Hmmm post, I though. Ill pick it up when I leave in a few minutes. Then I hear it go approx 30 seconds later "Theres not someone at the door is there..." I think to myself. So I run down and find a "Parcel , you were out" thing. SIGH!

Seriously, who the fuck flaps the letter box as a "Im at your door" We've even got a door bell. Sheeshh, so annoying. Ive now got 3 parcels to pick up!


What i find annoying sometimes is the fact that i think i here someone call me down and completely stop what i'm doing (usually playing a game) rush downtairs to find out no one has called me and the voices were all in my head..anyone else get that? :) or i'm i becoming more insane everyday? :heh:


Also i'm Still ill and have slept in until now due to lack of sleep last night because being ill kept me up,day has been a bit boring as a result of this. :D


Might get another pokemon movie under the belt. :heh: or watch the 1 and a half Simpsons episodes i have left until i have completed the series. :yay:

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Haha! What? :wtf:


Yeah, its actually so random. There was like a massive tray of Jelly Bellys, all set into different flavours/compartments. Then the Toaster Marshmallow flavours and the Chocolate Pudding flavours started like...kissing...but found out each other were gay/bi...so they started duplicating, then all the beans were duplicating, then this like...10 year old kid starts humping the green ones.


Crazy. Stuff.

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Yeah, its actually so random. There was like a massive tray of Jelly Bellys, all set into different flavours/compartments. Then the Toaster Marshmallow flavours and the Chocolate Pudding flavours started like...kissing...but found out each other were gay/bi...so they started duplicating, then all the beans were duplicating, then this like...10 year old kid starts humping the green ones.


Crazy. Stuff.


Haha that is so weird and yet strangely awesome at the same time.....:awesome: :heh:


Only you could have a dream like that! :bowdown:

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