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You should level back up, I don't know why.


Bit of a poo morning, 5am we had some guy screaming Jim at our front and back door, which scared the crap out of us, for some reason we could also hear a drilling noise as though he was trying to force his way in..we were also confused by the fact he seemed very drunk but knew where are back door was..even our postman doesn't always know our back door.


Anyway my housemate freaked and called the police, 30seconds later (literally here) two police cars and a police dog showed up.


Not happy in the slightest to be fair, as if we don't have enough problems with this house, daren't mention it to the parents. Least I have insurance.


Got to uni to hand work in, asked if I could have my marks back from another module only to find they may have lost it. Grr, trudged home thinking I'd not handed it in and was scared witless to find I actually have, so now I have to ring them up and get them to look for the damn thing.


Le sigh, I better get a damn good mark :P haha

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I had to get up at the ungodly time of 8am (quiet you, people with jobs :heh:) to let the plumber in, and am still waiting for him to finish so I can have a shower and feel moderately human. I'm whiling away the time by watching episodes of Hellsing (can't decide whether I prefer the subs or the dubs, which is rare praise indeed for the latter) and reading food blogs, but should really be reading and thinking about wh-the-hell phrases. Ah well, that'll have to wait until I'm actually awake. The perils of returning home for Christmas!

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I had to get up at the ungodly time of 8am (quiet you, people with jobs :heh:) to let the plumber in, and am still waiting for him to finish so I can have a shower and feel moderately human.

I sadly was still awake by then. Finally going to sleep at half 8. I did consider going for a non-sleep kinda day, but I decided against it. 5 hours sleep woo.

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Finally gotten an essay finished and now I've moved onto the next. So happy right now. Han's coming up tomorrow morning, but I have to refrain myself from ignoring work completely because it needs to get done. Plus, she's at Cambridge...therefore she can help me. The next four nights are going to be absolutely amazing. Night in with Han tomorrow which will be filled with Waitrose food and Netto alcohol. Friday night out with Han and some friends from Sheff. Chan comes up on Sat so we're going out with a few others for another night out. Then Sunday another friend's coming up to join us and we'll be spending the night just relaxing at a few pubs/bars. It'll be nice to finally have a night out with Em too.



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Today has been pretty bleh. I don't seem to be going anywhere with my school stuff. Trying to do a lino cut but it's not going well. Cut my fingers three times already, once resulting in blood going everywhere. Finger still hurts from that...


Also heard back from some writers, and so far none of them want to help me. Starting to realise I might not find anyone at all. The jury this Friday is going to be fun... ='(

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Another boring day. Now i've been roped into making a punch or something for the work christmas lunch. Rather that than beef stragonofjfsdpjdspgjsg. Which I haven't a clue how to make nor would want to :P


Oi rez sort your facebook out;


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Today has been pretty bleh. I don't seem to be going anywhere with my school stuff. Trying to do a lino cut but it's not going well. Cut my fingers three times already, once resulting in blood going everywhere. Finger still hurts from that...


Also heard back from some writers, and so far none of them want to help me. Starting to realise I might not find anyone at all. The jury this Friday is going to be fun... ='(


Don't give up Eenuh, you're incredibly talented, finding people to help you takes abit of time, somebody will help you eventually. :santa:


Days still been abit cack, didn't hear back from sheaf reception, going to call them again tomorrow and then maybe go in.


Had to sit with my housemate and talk to her about the boyfriend, he was trying to stay ANOTHER week, luckily she said no, I mentioned how I was finding it abit unfair also, she seemed to realise this and hence sending hime home - alittle bit of good news.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Another boring day. Now i've been roped into making a punch or something for the work christmas lunch. Rather that than beef stragonofjfsdpjdspgjsg. Which I haven't a clue how to make nor would want to :P


Oi rez sort your facebook out;


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All you need to do is pour anything and everything into a bowl and serve with a ladle - job done.

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Wow last night was interesting.


Basically my left testicle was KILLING me yesterday (has been for about 3-4 days) and the painkillers I was given didn't help AT ALL. Ended up being in the surgical assessment unit for about 2 hours whilst they worked out what it might be; in the end i was given painkillers, antibiotics and booked in for scans next week which will determine if I need surgery. At the time I text my girlfriend about it and bless her, realising that I'd miss dinner (I'm in catered halls atm), she cooked me chicken fried rice (which she knows I love) and walked to the hospital to meet me in the rain and then she stayed over the night to look after me. Last week I was doubting her feelings for me and then she goes and blows me away, amazing.


Gutted on the ball front.


Awesome on the rice front.




Must. Do. Costume.

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Guest Captain Falcon
whereas the beef thing is difficult and has the potential to poison everyone. Also it has to be non alcohol, so its gonna basically be some fruit juice and lemonade. How... exciting... :angry:


I'd say you also do that with the punch if you do right but I guess being non-alcoholic takes the fun out.

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Oi rez sort your facebook out;


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Ugh its so annoying. Basically my FB has deleted all my friends, but they can still see me. So I don't have permission to chat/like anyones status'/comment on anything but my own profile.


Its fine....as long as its fixed by after the Super Hero Shindig (4)



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I've found some information about my surname.


This is a surname of Anglo-Scottish origins. It derives form the pre 6th century word groefa and describes a farm or estate manager known as The Grieve. The surname in its original form is found in Scotland as early as the 13th century but soon thereafter moved South and in various forms has remained relatively popular in the Yorkshire region in particular. The patronymic styles which include Grieves Greaves Grievson etc were recorded earlier in Yorkshire than in Scotland although in some cases there may be a locational confusion with the village of Greviston in Traquair parish Scotland the home of the Grieves. Certainly the nameholders have always held rank in their homeland although not always with happy results. In 1783 John Grieve the Provost of Edinburgh was publicly horsewhipped by some roughs for placing ladies of easy virtue in the stocks! The patronymic nameholders of Yorkshire do not appear to have suffered similar experiences and examples of their recordings include Alice Greeveson of Thirsk on May 24th 1590 Henery Greveson of Bradfield on November 1st 1594 and Tamar Grieveson daughter of Christopher Grieveson christened at Marske in Cleveland on December 27th 1719. A later recording is that of John Grieveson who married Elisabeth Ellwoood at Barningham on May 15th 1822. The epi-centre of the name in its various forms is very much the North Riding of Yorkshire. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Emma Grefeson which was dated 1379 in the Poll Tax Rolls of Yorkshire during the reign of King Richard 11 of England 1377 - 1399. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries surnames in every country have continued to develop often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.


EDIT: Looks like we declined in the 19th century.


Census ----------Freqency of the Surname Greveson

1841 Census ---------------54

1851 Census ---------------26

1861 Census ---------------25

1871 Census ---------------12

1891 Census ---------------11

Edited by MoogleViper
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I had my Italian speaking exam today, and apparently my fluency got in the way if that's even possible! Basically I said all I had to say so quickly that I ran out of material so had to chat shit for a minute or so. Very happy with how it went though, and glad it's over now. Just got another essay to finish then I'm done 'til february :D

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Congrats :)


Unproductive day. Got the house to myself this weekend and it'd be nice to have friends round just to...have some company every now and then. But everyone I know is part of a fucking couple (or live far away...or live far away and part of a fucking couple). And I think I'd like a night christmassy night out but again, nobody. Grr, the perils of being unlikeable eh?

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