EEVILMURRAY Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 I think this is the last time I will help my workmate Becci by doing one of her shifts so she can concentrate on her essays... She lied to me, said it wouldn't be busy, lying broad. But what made it worse was the group of queer lads who came in, who coindentally work at the Wetherspoons' around the corner. Now I don't have a problem with the gays, but I can't stand the whole flamboyant queen persona. Dodgy voice [i'm quite curious as to how the majority of people who have this tone of voice are gay, any science?], flapping hands. The whole Alan Carr/Twat tribute act. Then thought it would be nice to spill and drink and throw peanuts all over the floor. Pricks. Then the GP shows up to talk more about his aspirations of working behind a bar properly. And constantly fiddling with his belt.
ReZourceman Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 She lied to me, said it wouldn't be busy, lying broad. But what made it worse was the group of queer lads who came in, who coindentally work at the Wetherspoons' around the corner. Now I don't have a problem with the gays, but I can't stand the whole flamboyant queen persona. Dodgy voice [i'm quite curious as to how the majority of people who have this tone of voice are gay, any science?], flapping hands. The whole Alan Carr/Twat tribute act. Then thought it would be nice to spill and drink and throw peanuts all over the floor. t. You don't want to get in the way of a gay when he's busting his nuts out....
Eenuh Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Grah I hate my school. So normally every even week we have class on Wednesday, all day. Yesterday we asked a teacher if this week was an even week, and then he said no. So we all went "yayyy no class tomorrow" and I made plans to do work today. Just now I got an email from another teacher, saying we are supposed to be in class all day, and it's mandatory we are there. What? How are we supposed to know this? Did the timetable change all of a sudden? Why were we not told this beforehand? So now I'm wondering if I should still go in or not. I really don't feel like it. =(
Ashley Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Ring up and explain you were told you would not have a class today and have since made a doctors appointment that you cannot miss. Its their fault for lack of inter-communication. My mother asked me if I want to help do the finance at her and her partner's work (SCS) on Boxing Day, New Years Day and maybe the 28th (which is apparently a bank holiday). While I don't want to be sat there on xmas day thinking "I have work tomorrow" I do have five weeks off...and seeing as all my friends are in relationships they always spend NYE with their partners so its not like I'm missing out there. Hmm, what to do? For now I'm off to a shopping centre to buy my brother a birthday present. Don't want to go but thinking if I get it over with early I can come back and do more productive stuff (drawing and Maya namely, oh and Italian).
Eenuh Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 I just found out apparently the teacher we asked yesterday was wrong. This week -is- an even week. Bah. And I should probably go as he's wanting to inform us about the presentations we have to do/have done and the evaluation system... Just pissed off now as this means I again won't get any work done at all today, and I'm already so very far behind it's getting ridiculous. I want to punch something/someone, preferably school related.
Ganepark32 Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Dear god, how bored am I. I'm sitting watching the state opening of parliament. Why? Haven't a clue. Nothing else on and not much to do today. Someone slap some sense into me. Made a start on my report but we don't have all the info necessary to write it yet (results are still being collated by the experimenter) so leaving it till the weekend where I'll probably get it all done then. Think I have some work I could so for Philosophy but it's Philosophy so I can't be bothered Having to hang around to see if some stuff gets delivered. Hoping it comes today but I'm doubtful. Guess I'll go and mess about until anything happens.
nightwolf Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Ah 8 hours sleep with no interruption from next door. Fantastic. Spending my day slaving away on unreal editor and maya/3ds max, should be an alright day, trying to figure out which might be best to make a bumper car for my animation class. Hmm.. Otherwise I'm meeting a friend to hand in some work at main building and then the rest of the day is back to doing work - fun times. Might end up playing spore instead.
Babooo Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 well so far, i got up a couple of hours ago. Played some MW2 and need to go to Uni library todo some work and placement applying. Then come back, probably play FIFA with the flatmates and then go out for the night most likely. Can't be bothered to go out. Why am I so anti social sometimes?
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 You don't want to get in the way of a gay when he's busting his nuts out.... I had to install several mental blocks when I was serving those dry roasted nuts to stop me from coming out with any jokes.
Wesley Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 After having around... 4 days filled with laziness (knew I should of hadn't gone home - always make me "relaxed") I've decided to kick my own bum and do some work.
Paj! Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 I've been off college yesterday and today, just felt horrible. The receptionist woman who is insane but took a liking to me questioned why I was never off on a Monday or Thursday, only ever either Tuesday or Wednesday. Obviously I can't really answer that...but I hate when I get the feeling people are tossing negative vibes at me.
Eenuh Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 I've been off college yesterday and today, just felt horrible. The receptionist woman who is insane but took a liking to me questioned why I was never off on a Monday or Thursday, only ever either Tuesday or Wednesday. Obviously I can't really answer that...but I hate when I get the feeling people are tossing negative vibes at me. I hate it when people do that. Making you feel like you're the worst student ever, when you're really not. Like today, my teacher said to me and my friend "ah, you still know your way to the classroom". In my head I said "Fuck you!" but in reality I explained to him how we were told we didn't have class. I'm not even sure he believed me when I was telling the truth. Oh well.
Wesley Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Ah, I often have those "Fuck you!" and then imagine blowing someone up (with some magical power) in my head. They're great. I obviously just smile to the person. But one day I hope that when I smile they see my mouth filled with blood and my teeth as sharp as razors. And I turn into the black demon which will fill their soul with terror which sends them insane.
Guest Stefkov Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Fire alarm went off this morning which made me get out of bed and go to the toilet (It's quieter on the toilet). Japanese was cancelled so I went to careers to do something. Booked for a longer appointment at the beginning of December. [And that's all I've done]
Ashley Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Ah, I often have those "Fuck you!" and then imagine blowing someone up (with some magical power) in my head. They're great. I obviously just smile to the person. But one day I hope that when I smile they see my mouth filled with blood and my teeth as sharp as razors. And I turn into the black demon which will fill their soul with terror which sends them insane. Along similar lines one of these days I'm going to tell someone to "move you fat slow bitch" or similar rather than just think it. It will be interesting.
Slaggis Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Woke up at 11, and headed on for my only Seminar of the day. Got back after a nice walk home with a friend on my course and ended up falling asleep watching Desperate Housewives on the sofa. Didn't get any sleep last night (Ash's twisted thoughts are so to blame :P. Oh, and you did the text thing even though I was waiting for one. I hate you. :p) I'm thinking making myself a stir fry before falling asleep in-front of the television sounds like a lovely idea.
Ramar Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Ah, I often have those "Fuck you!" and then imagine blowing someone up (with some magical power) in my head. They're great. I don't, usually because I don't keep it in my head.
Fierce_LiNk Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 The uni people suck, Ine. It must be annoying not knowing when you're supposed to have lectures and sessions, and then being misguided by your own lecturers. Gah, fools. I had about...3 hours of sleep last night. I didn't get to sleep for hours, and then I kept waking up at stupid times. Not great when I needed to get up early, too. Thankfully, school was great today, and I'm starting to get to know the staff a lot better now in the schools I regularly visit. My back aches from the gymz0r the other day, I don't think the lack of sleep helped. I was kinda hoping I could have gone tonight for a little workout, but since this morning I thought nooo, soreness. A little disappointed considering that this gym is closing in a few weeks, and I still need to find a new one.
jayseven Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Nearly died at work today. Colleague lost control of a ladder while I was facing the other direction. It landed about a centimetre away from me - no elaboration - if I was that much close it would've slammed through my skull. Well, I think I'd've died. Also nearly fainted due to not eating anything. My £20 to last me a fortnight" basically dissapeared today as I spent my last £3 in my bank on fags. Man, it's so depressing. Council tax sent me a letter in the post asking for an extra £255 or something. Tomorrow will be a big call-around day, sorting out paperwork for student loan and notifying various peoples-who-want-my-monies that I'm still technically a student so would they kindly fuck off. Then I suppose a trip to the Bank of Dad - basically say "Dad... Remember all those times you asked after my financial situation and I said it was fine? Well it never was. And now it's the shitbucket at the bottom of the pit between a rock and a hard place. Could you maybe give me, I dunno, £500? Maybe a grand if you're feeling generous? Normally I'd say lend but frankly I can't see how I can pay it off this school year. Ta." I just feel that being nearly 23 I should be totally in control of my finances. And I really have no control because everyone wants some. But still everyone else around me manages fine. Damn. Self-blame sucks. Ok I was trying not to make this a long post because nobody reads them anymore, and I guess I fail'd. TILDAR? My life sucks.
ReZourceman Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 You do seem to spend a lot on drink/cider....?
jayseven Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 £2.99 maybe 5 times a week :P Then cigarettes is maybe £10 a week, so that's £25 p/w I spent £110 on games earlier this month. Definitely a big reason why. Travelled home for two days, which cost me about £60 in total... Train to work is £13.30 a week. Of course, the reason I have no money is because I've spent it. But I only got £500 for the month. The above plus rent/bills/surprise demands for money from other sources... it goes by quick. And then there's food. We're all in situations like this. I've just not been handling it well at all for a fair old while, and it's crunching down on me in a way that I simply can't seem to grasp how to manage my future finances. Grumble, self-destroyed grumble.
Molly Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 I heard today that if you've worked for a company for less than two years, legally they don't have to give you any severance pay for voluntary redundancy. So that sucks. But apparently, even though they're not obliged to, they probably will anyway. Who knows. I'm just assuming I'm gonna be made redundant. We'll know by the end of November.
Raining_again Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 I heard today that if you've worked for a company for less than two years, legally they don't have to give you any severance pay for voluntary redundancy. So that sucks. But apparently, even though they're not obliged to, they probably will anyway. Who knows. I'm just assuming I'm gonna be made redundant. We'll know by the end of November. Aw that sucks mollster. Hopefully if worse comes to worse you get a nice severance package. I'm not in a permanent job so I'm entitled to squat all (afaik - even if i was i know I wouldn't get anything). Temporary job for 4&1/2 years... But apparently its working down the levels, bosses job is being advertised "sooner rather than later" so we should be next (gotta reapply for the perm position, bloody load of shit) and I've gotta go to an occupational health appointment tomorrow because of my arthritic wrists/cluster headaches. It's their fucking fault that I have cluster headaches.
Molly Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 Aw that sucks mollster. Hopefully if worse comes to worse you get a nice severance package. I'm not in a permanent job so I'm entitled to squat all (afaik - even if i was i know I wouldn't get anything). Temporary job for 4&1/2 years... But apparently its working down the levels, bosses job is being advertised "sooner rather than later" so we should be next (gotta reapply for the perm position, bloody load of shit) and I've gotta go to an occupational health appointment tomorrow because of my arthritic wrists/cluster headaches. It's their fucking fault that I have cluster headaches. It sucks in that I need income, but this job grinds away a bit more of my soul each day, so I'm pretty calm about it. It'll be more annoying if I don't get any severance. This is all speculation, it may not happen. I can't believe they've kept everyone temporary for so long, that's so harsh. Come, work for the NHS, we don't give you ANY job security!!
Raining_again Posted November 18, 2009 Posted November 18, 2009 It sucks in that I need income, but this job grinds away a bit more of my soul each day, so I'm pretty calm about it. It'll be more annoying if I don't get any severance. This is all speculation, it may not happen. I can't believe they've kept everyone temporary for so long, that's so harsh. Come, work for the NHS, we don't give you ANY job security!! I know what you mean about the grinding away your soul :P but the ones at the top find plenty of security, just the scum at the bottom that are left to rot. We do all the shitting work and get fuck all in return. ¬_¬
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