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I'm not a sloth. :( I'm not even sloooow. These are disgusting fabricationssss.


My day was ok. Popped to the gym, then bummed around watching the footie. Now, I'm eating chicken.


Your facebook pictures says you are! Back to your warts!


Average sunday. Planning bedroom, photoshopping, typing. Got my stuff ready for Tuesday. Hearing all about friend's weekend on the phone. Apparently hit on by a Japanese tattooist. I said she should have agreed to a date and I could have just dated the translator for the lols.


Feeling really meh. Dunno why, other than my emo mentality. Last day of summer tomorrow and I'm curious about what my job will entail. I just wish I knew when I would be in. I want to arrange seeing friends and stuff like that which I think will help me mehness but at the moment I dunno what I'm doing.

Edited by Ashley
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Blah, lil bro finally gone back to Uni. Was hoping to get some me time this weekend but he kept having his mates around. Ah well. Job interview tomorow. Whoo!


Sloths aren't small though... and not nice and soft as their hair is covered in plants and bacteria and all that. Oh and they have super long nails. So not sure they fit in the "small furry things" list. =P



Well... get em' at the right age. ^^

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I was gonna ask hot girl out today, but didn't get a chance to talk to her. And now I've settled back into the bizarre method of ignoring her, because I can't hack thinking I might be attractive in any quantity whatsoever.


This happens to me quite often too when I'm at work, but partly due to what happened last time even if I find myself liking a girl at work and want to ask them out I now don't and instead ignore them, except it's not really ignoring them as such but it sure feels like it, I wasn't sure how to explain it until you posted Jay but that is indeed how it is. :/


I wish I had some advice to give other than 'don't do it because it'll end horribly-ish!' :heh: but that's based purely on my previous experience... the only thing I can say is after the first rejection things do get kind of easier if you handle things correctly but yeah... it still doesn't do much for your confidence.

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Good but tiring day at work - got a promotion today - nothing major but makes my job on the weekend a bit more interesting a little bit better paid too :D


Really wanna play some Smash Bros at the moment, but can't get hold of a friend whose house we usually go round to in order to duke it out :(


EDIT: Flink, you're a hottie my friend, definitely one of the cream of the crop around these parts (after myself of course). Ye need not be compared to the beasts that roam these boards. I think Eenuh is the lucky one ;)

Edited by Pookiablo
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That may just be my favourite post ever. EVER.


Razz had gone to get a drink (though, I'm oddly thinking he had a nosebleed. Though, that may just be me being retarded) and I saw this wooden (I thought it was stone) elephant in the corner that was about waist height...so my drunken self thought "THIS WILL BE AMAZING". My sober self is now thinking "Fuck you, drunk self".


I've got to start posing for pictures, rather than always being the deer in the headlights. Razz is mean with cameras. He will pay.


Yeah those pictures are top notch. I may use them for future blackmail. I love the one where you look completely bemused, it's amazing. That bouncer was a cock too. There's one of me with Mr. Incredible and it looks like I'm squeezing his mahoosive arse. I'll only put up the decent ones though. The elephant one's quite funny!

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Yesterday I went to the cocktail party of a friend of my friend. Apart from feeling ugly and self conscious until I was drunk, it was really fun!


If anyone wants to take me in for this week, I would be grateful. My mum's being Ofsteded from Tuesday and she's gone a bit mental. I'm currently mounting whilst watching Dirty Dancing. (Paper for wall displays, not a man :heh:).

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Just been working for 7 hours. I'm so tired, but I earned £45, so I'm dealing with it well.


I went out last night, to meet Saimone, Fag-Hag-Extraordinaire.


She then introduced me to this guy, Michael, saying under her breathe "He's a little rat.". I was actually astonished - he gave off the impression of having too much presence. He's the most obvious Queen Bee I've ever met. His hair and face were weirdly immaculate (but he wasn't actually that good looking). And he had a posse. A literal posse of people that look stunning, and you'd might want to talk to.


Anyway, he was really nice to me, and kinda swept me away and said "You can hang out with us." Literally the most shallow thing I've ever heard in my life - but I kinda got the impression that I'd prefer to be his friend than his enemy - just because he'd ruthlessly destroy you if you got in his bad books. Just the way he acted it was so obvious he had multiple clicks of mastermind, and as I waved goodbye to Saimone, I felt like I was Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls.


So I was drafted into this clique. Could have been the Plastics. I got talking a bit to one of the stunners, Cal, who seemed really nice, but was ultimately a spineless hairdresser with no qualifications, so I'm dealing with it well. We danced etc - did what you do whilst clubbing, then we got a taxi back to Michael's flat. I don't really know why - I guess I was really intrigued to know more about this Regina George-esque character?


Apparently he/they thought I was South African, and I was like "... Thanks...?". So then we watched Sex And The City, and I commented on how it was really unrealistic that their conversations moved so quickly, which caused a minor earthquake, and a lengthy discussion about whether the whole series in general was realistic or not.


I left at quarter past 4, and began the long walk home. I was quite awake, so climbed Blackford Hill, and sat listening to my iPod, watching the city sleep. I had a moment of pleasure. Took me an hour and 10 minutes to walk home, but I loved hearing music, so it was so worth it.


Anyway, now I'm so scared to ever meet him again, incase I'm not dressed up well enough.

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To me he sounds less Regina George and more




*continues to look at pictures of Meesters*



....where was I?


Oh yes, shaking my head at Molly mounting the corpse of Patrick Swayze. For shame girl :p


And £45 for 7 hours? Doesn't sound a lot...but then I presume thats the pittance of a minimum wage for 18 year olds. Damn...government? Game may have had its shitiness but I did appreciate the fact they paid everyone the minimum wage for 21 year olds.

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Just been working for 7 hours. I'm so tired, but I earned £45, so I'm dealing with it well.


I went out last night, to meet Saimone, Fag-Hag-Extraordinaire.


She then introduced me to this guy, Michael, saying under her breathe "He's a little rat.". I was actually astonished - he gave off the impression of having too much presence. He's the most obvious Queen Bee I've ever met. His hair and face were weirdly immaculate (but he wasn't actually that good looking). And he had a posse. A literal posse of people that look stunning, and you'd might want to talk to.


Anyway, he was really nice to me, and kinda swept me away and said "You can hang out with us." Literally the most shallow thing I've ever heard in my life - but I kinda got the impression that I'd prefer to be his friend than his enemy - just because he'd ruthlessly destroy you if you got in his bad books. Just the way he acted it was so obvious he had multiple clicks of mastermind, and as I waved goodbye to Saimone, I felt like I was Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls.


So I was drafted into this clique. Could have been the Plastics. I got talking a bit to one of the stunners, Cal, who seemed really nice, but was ultimately a spineless hairdresser with no qualifications, so I'm dealing with it well. We danced etc - did what you do whilst clubbing, then we got a taxi back to Michael's flat. I don't really know why - I guess I was really intrigued to know more about this Regina George-esque character?


Apparently he/they thought I was South African, and I was like "... Thanks...?". So then we watched Sex And The City, and I commented on how it was really unrealistic that their conversations moved so quickly, which caused a minor earthquake, and a lengthy discussion about whether the whole series in general was realistic or not.


I left at quarter past 4, and began the long walk home. I was quite awake, so climbed Blackford Hill, and sat listening to my iPod, watching the city sleep. I had a moment of pleasure. Took me an hour and 10 minutes to walk home, but I loved hearing music, so it was so worth it.


Anyway, now I'm so scared to ever meet him again, incase I'm not dressed up well enough.


Sounds pretty exciting. Wanna swap lives? I walked around Homebase/Halfords/B&Q all day looking for a valve for a tap.

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I left at quarter past 4, and began the long walk home. I was quite awake, so climbed Blackford Hill, and sat listening to my iPod, watching the city sleep. I had a moment of pleasure. Took me an hour and 10 minutes to walk home, but I loved hearing music, so it was so worth it.


Anyway, now I'm so scared to ever meet him again, incase I'm not dressed up well enough.


As I walked upon Blackdown.

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Baby is so pathetic. ''You're Wild''.


I still love it though.


Patrick Swayze makes Molly go crazy.


Although, Ghost is clearly where it's at. Or Point Break (which is on tonight, wohooo). Lonely river's flow to the sea.


And tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime gooooes byyyy

so slooowlyyyyyy.

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To me he sounds less Regina George and more




"You're all cunts."


And £45 for 7 hours? Doesn't sound a lot...but then I presume thats the pittance of a minimum wage for 18 year olds. Damn...government? Game may have had its shitiness but I did appreciate the fact they paid everyone the minimum wage for 21 year olds.


To be fair, I got £6 for 5 hours, and £7 for 2 hours, so *shrugs shoulders*


£6 an hour isn't that bad, considering I used to get £5.50.


As I walked upon Blackdown.


I actually listened to The Bachelor last night too. I realised I had never properly heard the ending of Thickets.

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Yeah those pictures are top notch. I may use them for future blackmail. I love the one where you look completely bemused, it's amazing. That bouncer was a cock too. There's one of me with Mr. Incredible and it looks like I'm squeezing his mahoosive arse. I'll only put up the decent ones though. The elephant one's quite funny!


Haha, blackmail is fine. I can deal.


Just spent the evening watching a couple of movies with my flatmates. It was so nice! We watched the X-Factor before settling down to watch the amazingness that is cruel intentions. Sarah Michelle Gellar is too sexy for words, it's just not right.

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Half of my housemates are slobs and its going to reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly annoy me because I have to put on a nice face >_>


Got invited to a house party but only read the appropriate text inviting me 2 minutes ago when the text was received about 6. DAMN.


I have work at 8 and need to get up at about 6:30 so I wouldn't really be able to go anyway.


I'm in a midly bad mood now so urgh.

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Still annoyed with school as they keep messing up our timetable. Still have no clue when I really need to be in and when not.


A teacher just came up to talk to me about the jury last year. The jury also includes advertising, graphic design and interactive media teachers, and they have a verrrrrry different view on the illustrations than our illustration teachers have. My teacher said that they honestly have no clue about different styles (one of them even said he didn't see any difference in the styles I used, while honestly they're pretty obvious) and focus too much on adult images and not images aimed at children.


So they ended up giving lots of people low grades, while the illustration teachers had to counter those grades by giving higher ones. Which in a way makes me feel a bit better as that means my illustration teachers thought I did well, it's just the other teachers who have no clue about illustration who gave me low grades. =P

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Still annoyed with school as they keep messing up our timetable. Still have no clue when I really need to be in and when not.


A teacher just came up to talk to me about the jury last year. The jury also includes advertising, graphic design and interactive media teachers, and they have a verrrrrry different view on the illustrations than our illustration teachers have. My teacher said that they honestly have no clue about different styles (one of them even said he didn't see any difference in the styles I used, while honestly they're pretty obvious) and focus too much on adult images and not images aimed at children.


So they ended up giving lots of people low grades, while the illustration teachers had to counter those grades by giving higher ones. Which in a way makes me feel a bit better as that means my illustration teachers thought I did well, it's just the other teachers who have no clue about illustration who gave me low grades. =P


Hehe, I knewww eeet. I think you said before that they didn't have a clue what was going on. So, clearly, they sucked. You ruled. Wohoo.

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