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It's been a depressing day, and I really have nobody to talk to right now, so I guess my thoughts will have to go here.


My best friend (or ex best friend, whatever), a guy who in my lonely 6th form days where I never got on with anyone due to a crippling case of depression, and, well, rage...I found out that he committed suicide a few days ago. The weird thing is that I loved that guy, in the way you love a manic depressive brother; you check up on him from time to time, see if he's ok, take him out for a few drinks, and thats about it. We kept each other company through hard times, and were pretty much inseparable for a while, until I went to university. He had dropped out of 6th form, after a suicide attempt. Thats the thing I never understood about that boy, he was tall, good looking, going to one of the best school in the country, training for the England olympic rowing team, was popular and had a great girlfriend. But he was miserable and hated his life. After that everything sort of disintegrated. He left his girlfriend, quit rowing, starting doing nothing but going to the gym and hanging out at Games Workshop. And I was secretly thankful, because I looked like less of a loser in comparison.


The thing is...when term finished, we hung out once, and he was the same, and I had changed. I was more confident, and assured, and the dynamic that we had, sitting aroung in a bar trying to pull and bitching about life had changed. But I knew that I was the only person he had seen for months that he would consider a friend. I felt bad then, but nowhere how I do now. It's just a testimony to human callousness, how little we feel for the needs of others, even the people closest to us. I feel terrible, but I know its more because I know I will never see him again, never have the pleasure of his company, rather than because of his loss, or the loss of his parents. It frightens me, sure, to think that someone can do that, but that again just reminds me of the selfishness of emotion. I got the news while sitting with my family, and I kept myself composed, which is what I feel the worst about, when that poor boy has gone and taken his own life through sheer loneliness, and all I could think about was not embarrassing myself by getting emotional.


Anyway, I needed an outlet, something to rant at.


All I can think is that at least he wont be miserable anymore, and wont have to put up with shit friends.


Ah man. I have no words of wisdom, so *hug*


If moths were people then I'd probably love them; they're spontaneous, unpredictable, charismatic even. But they're not people, they're moths. A nuisance.

Dudette . Seriously. A moth has invaded work. At about 16:45 Maj was like "The fuck....is that a bat" and we looked up, this huge black moth was fluttering about. He came near Kelly and I at one point. We wallowed in fear. How was Iron Man? Cos' y'know...you're not the kind of person to break a promise.



A...are you?! :(

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Sorry to hear that, Bard, if you need anything, we're here.


And ReZ if Molly's answer is anything other than "Awesome, simply the best movie. Even better than that shitty Dark Knight movie with 'same in everything' tosser Christian Bale and that pretty good Dead Guy from Australia" then we know she's not human.

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If moths were people then I'd probably love them; they're spontaneous, unpredictable, charismatic even. But they're not people, they're moths. A nuisance.

And 'tards who kept running into lights/windows. Chums to the end.

The good thing about memories is that they will always be there for as long as you remember them. Nobody can take those away. And, the good thing is that they are kept between you and him, and that's one special part of a friendship.

I was going to post a quote from Robocop 3 about how they're never really gone if you remember them, but I can't find it :( I feel for j00 baby. My MSN is open speech too :)

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If you were going to steal somebodies details what would you spend it on? A nice new watch? A trip to america..?


Well mine stole £50 off me to spend £50 at waterstones, COME ON damnit..who does that? (for the record I know it wasn't me, my waterstones account has only £5 spent in it and that was early this year). Its ridiculous to steal my details for BOOKS >.< the mind boggles.

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Bard man, sorry to hear that. You sound like you've thought it through so far. Settle in for the reverberations.

Nah, I prefer spirits now, or the weird ciders, like Brother's or Kopparberg. I'm a bit happier now, but that's prolly just the Jager kicking in, plus I got a couple of friends sticking up for me. :)

/me slaps CFM for calling those ciders 'weird'.

Raining on the way home and there's been a massive accident just off my road, there's that much police and ambulance that I wouldn't be surprised if a person is dead and from the looks of it, it seemed more like a stabbing or something, I couldn't really see any cars. All I can hear is sirens.

As I walked past, I saw the cars being towed off. Police had blocked off the entire street. The cars didn't look too mashed up.


I just realised what I need to do to successfully juggle. I need to remember to chuck the ball in the catching hand. It sounds silly but this is a big revelation!
Well eureka'd, buddy :)


*is properly back on 24th, or something*

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If you were going to steal somebodies details what would you spend it on? A nice new watch? A trip to america..?


Well mine stole £50 off me to spend £50 at waterstones, COME ON damnit..who does that? (for the record I know it wasn't me, my waterstones account has only £5 spent in it and that was early this year). Its ridiculous to steal my details for BOOKS >.< the mind boggles.

So you're complaining that your account only got raped a little bit?

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£50 goes a long way, so yes I'm complaining, some sod spent £50 of my money on books damnit.


EM was saying it was odd that you were being all narcy that they only spent £50, and instead you should be thankful they only spent £50.


Like this bit:


If you were going to steal somebodies details what would you spend it on? A nice new watch? A trip to america..?

Well mine stole £50 off me to spend £50 at waterstones, COME ON damnit..who does that?

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EM was saying it was odd that you were being all narcy that they only spent £50, and instead you should be thankful they only spent £50.


Like this bit:


If I had £50 to waste I probably wouldn't be so angry, but £50 can last me a long while as a student, they probably didn't take more because I didn't have any more in that account. :o


I was comparing it to something I'd do if I had ahold of somebodies details and wanted to use them, :P


But never the less, next time I'll keep my mouth shut, who knows lets let them take my other bank account of £100 and be relieved it isn't £500 or £1000..

Edited by nightwolf
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I have a pound in my cashcard account. I really need to just cancel that card, I never use it anyway.

Today I awoke from my slumber and proceeded to watch another episode of House whilst eating Coco Pops. I spent the day doing nothing until I randomly bought the downloadable content for Gears 2 which had everything. Annoyed that I spent an extra 200 points on a load of maps I've already got, but I did get the ones I didn't have so maybe that balanced out. Then I bought/pre-ordered some things from amazon japan.

I hate these days, all I can do is spend money.

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Awww, I was gonna go to the cinema with my cousin tonight, but she texted me back today to tell me there's nothing playing that she wants to see. Then she suggested renting a specific film but that's not out yet, so no fun for me. =(


Haven't really done anything today, cleaned up a bit in my room. Am now home alone so have to watch the dog; as soon as my parents get back I'll have to do more cleaning. Fun times.

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Back from Edinburgh. Slightly disappointed in a few ways but overall, it's been a good day even with the rain :D


Day started at 9am my mother handed me £80 and left for the weekend. Was like 'score!' and was looking forward to getting more money but Cex couldn't do any trade-ins for cash in Edinburgh. So no more money until mid next week when I go back. Anyway, walked from home to the train station, a 30 minute walk, in the rain. Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and was very pleasant. Then got a free fair into Edinburgh because there was a mass powercut in Markinch and the train was packed so I didn't need to buy a train ticket :awesome:.


After a quick wiz around the town, buying some cds, got on a train to take me to the Corn Exchange where the EIF was taking place. Didn't realise how close it was to the station that I got off at and ended up walking around for half an hour looking for it, only to find out that if I had walked over the bridge at the station and out the other side, I could have been there in about 2 minutes. *facepalm* Anyway, went in and there wasn't much to play. Nintendo had a huge Wii Sports Resort booth, complete with sand, faux grass and a kettle/steel drum band. Was epic, but no Super Mario Bros. Wii which was disappointing. There are a couple of pictures that I'll upload later. Erm... other than that, there was Mini Ninjas (didn't really take to this) and Batman Arkham Asylum (couldn't get a go as the booths were always filled) both on the 360. Gamestation had a PS3 with Guitar Hero World Tour set up so hung around there for a bit. Tried my hand at their competition to get high score but just missed out. Was good fun though and the girl working the booth was nice. But another one of those 'why the hell didn't I ask her out' moments though. I'll see her again anyway so maybe then.


And finally, got a go on EyePet which is so bloody cute its offputting. Well not really, it just makes you want to keep playing. It was superb playing it on the big cinema screen. So, it was alright, they should have had more there for the number of people, even if there were like 20+ Wii Sports Resort kiosks, but it was fun enough.


And that was my day. Apologises for the long post :p

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Gah pissed again! My parents picked up my package at the post office today, the one they're charging me €10 extra for. The thing is, the package is marked as a gift and value of $20, but the stupid people at customs and the post office read it as $70! They surely must be blind! So I'm being charged because they can't read properly. >(


We're gonna try to complain to them but I doubt I'll be getting my money back at all. Bah.

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I'm not the one who compared it with a trip to America.


Does that mean you aren't taking us out for drinks. Dammit :sad:




Went to the doc today and got some more drugs for my blood pressure/migraines. Got blood taken AGAIN (why - I don't know).


I just emptied my handbag, and its like a bloody chemist. Fuck!

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Bard, we don't know each other very well, but I really am sorry to hear about your friend. Sending love your way.


Ah, what a day. My brother moved into his new house. I saw it for the first time today and he's done really well considering he's bought the house on his own and it's not too shabby. I know I've moaned about him recently but I'm sad, gonna miss him loads.


So basically been going back and forth between houses, cleaning, painting, lifting, advising, generally helping. Then I went to the docs for an appointment and apparently I can come off thyroxine; I no longer need it, which is pretty awesome. Apparently when you start taking thyroxine it can trigger your body to produce it for itself again, or something.


How was Iron Man? Cos' y'know...you're not the kind of person to break a promise.



A...are you?! :(

In this case, yes. I'm sorry. I've been busy! This would be less of an issue if you had a dooovd and not a blu ray. Damn blu ray, bargh :heh:. I will watch it, I don't know when or how, but I will.


Oh, Ine my red robot t-shirt arrived today! I love it. Love. :D

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So basically been going back and forth between houses, cleaning, painting, lifting, advising, generally helping. Then I went to the docs for an appointment and apparently I can come off thyroxine; I no longer need it, which is pretty awesome. Apparently when you start taking thyroxine it can trigger your body to produce it for itself again, or something.



Congrats. :idea:


In this case, yes. I'm sorry. I've been busy! This would be less of an issue if you had a dooovd and not a blu ray. Damn blu ray, bargh :heh:. I will watch it, I don't know when or how, but I will.


You sicken me. Sicken.

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