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  Goron_3 said:
A hardcore-turned family friendly game series that has had its best days over an incredible 2d fighter?




The key word there being 'family'. Although Smash is a fantastic game and I love it to bits, the missus and my little girl would rather play Double Dash. And, to be honest, so would I. Not that its a better game, its just we have more fun playing Mario Kart.


As for the series having had its best days? Well, I would have to disagree. I think this one will be the best yet. But only time will tell.


It will almost certainly be the best of the 3D games, but I think people get too hung up over the 64 and Nes versions.


Id rather have brawl, but this does get a lot of play time. I got to the level in double dash where I breezed through 150cc easy. No iffs, practically 160 points on the big cup unless a blue shell, in which id usually win anyway.


Wow I'll have Mario Kart over Smash Bros anyday.


I still don't get Smash Bros for some reason. I disliked the N64 one, didn't care much for the gamecube one and this Wii version... i dunno. It looks nice but plays horribly for me. It plays itself most of the time and everything is always so chaotic and I just don't see the point :(

  Social said:
Wow I'll have Mario Kart over Smash Bros anyday.


I still don't get Smash Bros for some reason. I disliked the N64 one, didn't care much for the gamecube one and this Wii version... i dunno. It looks nice but plays horribly for me. It plays itself most of the time and everything is always so chaotic and I just don't see the point :(


Wait...you've played it?


And if not...how do you know that?!


I'm a bit stuck on what I should do about Mario Kart Wii.


I could get the game in the Easter holidays but I had vowed myself not to buy anymore games until after my exams summer, plus Mario Kart is not a must-have game but would be awesome multiplayer with my friends.


Or, I can wait and get the game in the summer when my exams are finished, the main problem is that I may not play it that much or have the money because by then Brawl may be out. Any advice?


Get MK, its a great gap-filler and once you start playing you'll know you've made the right choice. You can play MK for 10 mins or a couple of hours the way I see it.

With Brawl once you start playing you need to play for at least 30 mins.


Didnt think the cars looked that bad! Look at Waluigi's car :/


I don't mind the simple graphics however, I think it'll make things a bit clearer.


I just watched the videos on IGN and GT. It looks more and more plain with each video, but I still believe it will be great fun to play. From watching the videos with tricks, I think it looks like this new trick system will add something good to the game. Not only will you be able to boost through power sliding but also through catching some air, I'm hoping it will add in new strategies!


Also, seeing the Snes battle level in action is a joy to behold. It sounds great too. I hope there are a host of other classic Snes levels that return in the GPs.

  RedShell said:

00:37 to 01:02 on this vid:




Best Battle Mode ever, confirmed! :yay: And original music too, I'm in heaven! :love:


Roll on April 11th.


I'm so happy to hear that music and see that stage again. This game just needs to be as good as Mario Kart DS and I'll be happy

  Haggis said:
Whats the problem with the graphics? In motion they look quite nice.


They are nice, but look a bit plain and boring tbh. I would expect much more from Nintendo personally.


One thing that really annoys me about nintendo. They say or make out that gfx arn't really important hence the reason why Wii is not HD etc ..... if thats the case then isn't it a bit contradictive of them to make artwork like this:




I want a game to look more like this please nintendo


Thanks for posting that Marcel


AI will automatically take over if an opponent drops out of an online race


YES! One of the annoying things about MarioKart on the DS was people disconnecting during a race.

  MATtheHAT said:
The key word there being 'family'. Although Smash is a fantastic game and I love it to bits, the missus and my little girl would rather play Double Dash. And, to be honest, so would I. Not that its a better game, its just we have more fun playing Mario Kart.


Well said.


  Helmsly said:
YES! One of the annoying things about MarioKart on the DS was people disconnecting during a race.


YES INDEED! Disconnectors were by far the worst thing about MKDS online, so this is great news for me.

  Nintenchris said:
Cant be botherd to look to see if anyones posted this yet.... but goodbye snaking i wont miss you, now we can play the game the way it was intended to be played :heh:



I was happy about this too (and yeah it has been posted but never mind) but then I saw this that marcel posted...


  marcel said:


In that the guys say this:

A large part of the gameplay genius of the series lies in tweaking the angle of your kart as you powerslide around corners, at the same time as flicking the stick back and forth to turbo out of the slide. That's obviously still there for the Classic control option, but the subtlety and style is lost in the morass that is motion control. There's simply no need for it, with the upshot that there will be a whole generation of casual gamers who won't understand the core handling mechanics of the series. There's even an automatic versus manual option in the game – automatic meaning that boosts are automatically built up in long powerslides. I guess it doesn't matter that much, but it does seem to be diluting the gameplay a little for the sake of extra accessibility.


They make it sound like flicking the stick back and forth is still there and the auto power-slides is only an option you can turn on. Still, this will keep both camps happy I suppose, snakers can play against each other and those who hate it can avoid them.

  Goron_3 said:
A hardcore-turned family friendly game series that has had its best days over an incredible 2d fighter?




that is your opinion but i think i'll shit on it like you did with the above poster..You're in a mario kart thread you fool!...

who said mario kart has had it's day when it keeps getting better every single time?


i too prefer mario kart i don't LOVE smash bros i enjoy it.Mario kart is a far more accesible game like a poster above said.It's more fun for the family and these days that's all i care about.


Does anyone know that if say 3 ppl were playing on Mario Kart on my wii woulds we all be able to go online and race with others? Or is online and local multiplayer completly seperate?


OK i admit it, Nintendo has well and truly won with there gimmicks this time! :D


To anyone else interested, seperate wheels from Nintendo are now availible on GAME and Gameplay. Make sure the one you buy is the one with 'Nintendo' under it, as GAME have done there own wheel for the same price as the official one..£6.99!


You can use em with Excitetruck as well...so, theres a slight point of buying more if you like...:D

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