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Sigh, it's hard work trying to forget things, I'm in more complicated situations now being single than I ever was in any relationship I was in.


It's amazing how the mind tricks you, like for instances an old ex of mine, I have no desire to be with him again, wouldn't trust him for a start, but to find he's with somebody else actually makes my heart thump alot harder than regularly. A jealousy that shouldn't occur, why should it? I don't even think about them that way anymore..


grr. It makes me realise how much trickery your brain uses, bloody emotions.


I did like somebody recently, but I'm not in the mood to be messed about and certainly not going to be part of another messy relationship again, ftl! >_>


/sob story


Maybe it's because you want him to suffer?

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Clearly you still like him wolf.


It's not your brain playing tricks on you. Its you forcing your brain not to feel for him anymore because he hurt you. But, as corny as it is, your brain doesn't control your heart so thats why you couldn't stop yourself feeling jealous.


It might not be love though, just a lingering feeling of 'what if'. It will go away if you really think you dont have feelings for him anymore.


Its a possiblity I suppose, but I know when I look or hear from him that I have nothing for him, I don't even find myself wanting to talk to him, odd!


Moogle - maybe! We shall see. :nono:

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Totally confused now. Went to the shops with her today as planned. All went well at first, just wandering around. I kept trying to put my arm around her and she didnt stop me, but never reciprocated either. Probably because shes either too shy to do it back or to shy to tell me not to. Asked her if she wanted to go the cinema but she refused, saying she felt ill and wanted to go home. Which could have been real or could have been because she could see what was coming. I asked her if she didnt want to go to the cinema with me, rather than not wanting to go in general - she said it wasnt me, but again her damn shyness hides the facts from me.


Feels kinda weird - like we are dating, but without knowing it, or something. I made a passing joke to her brother "dont do anything I wouldn't; well, that doesnt restrict you much" to which her mum said "if your gonna be going out with my daughter you better not say that infront of me". Which could be going out as in dating, or going out as in going to the shops. Then when we went to where I work so I could check when I start tomorrow my boss said to me "is that your little sister?" (shes smaller than me, I'm like 5'11" and shes maybe 5'3") which I laughed at. He then said "ooh, your girlfriend?" which since she heard him say I kinda dodged and didnt reply too. But then she didnt correct him either. But then shes shy.


Happily, I'm pretty sure I've now decided its her I want; I don't feel anything for the other girl, really. We talked about me kissing the other girl today and she didn't seem to be bothered by it, but damnit shes shy and theres never a guarantee shes telling me the truth. I hate that about her.


Summary: I don't know.

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If Daft didn't say it, I did! Have a drink! Just to loosen yourself up and find those testicles that have obviously started to go inside of you because they aren't being used enough.



funnily enough, my friend got given a penis shaped stress ball for her birthday yesterday, and my mate came in and decided to pump up the testicles and tell me those are the size of my other mate. He then told me last weekend whilst I was home being heterosexual with a girl, they got a bit gay when drunk and just showed each other their genital area for no reason. Apparently one guy has HUGE testicles but a relatively mediocre penis and my mate just went, they all said I have huge foreskin.



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That story reminded me of something (its safe).


How odd...but then sounds like what the rugby lads do. They're all gay. But a straight gay. Its unique.


HAHA thats just creepy!


Yeah I went to a party once, the host was a rugby player. Near the end, half of the rugby boys got found to be in the kitchens (it was at a pub/reception hall type place) all half naked (not always the top half). They got kicked out by the bouncer and the rest of us were just standing there like O____o

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I'm in a both pissed off and happy mood.


Happy because i got the place empty at home, no parents or sister which is excellent. Pissed off because once again, Lisa bought up a crap excuse to avoid coming down.


All that effort for nothing, she raises all hopes of a visit again and botches it at the last minute. Just had to cancel the restaurant. Seriously, i'm ending this relationship right now because i can't take it much longer, i've had to let mates down to find time for her and re-arrange things with mates when she doesn't come down for what-ever reason. Everyone is getting annoyed with me, and i can't take it much longer to be fair.


Her latest excuse - she's working late (i gave her a months notice and reminded her every couple of days to book time off and she assured me she would.


If i see a nice girl out tonight, i may take my chances with her instead.

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Sigh, it's hard work trying to forget things, I'm in more complicated situations now being single than I ever was in any relationship I was in.


It's amazing how the mind tricks you, like for instances an old ex of mine, I have no desire to be with him again, wouldn't trust him for a start, but to find he's with somebody else actually makes my heart thump alot harder than regularly. A jealousy that shouldn't occur, why should it? I don't even think about them that way anymore..


I would say that it's probably jealously/resentment/anger that he is with someone and you're not. Even if you don't want to actually be with anyone it's very rarely pleasant to discover an ex has "moved on". Probably more subconcious than anything, which would explain your confusion.

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I would say that it's probably jealously/resentment/anger that he is with someone and you're not. Even if you don't want to actually be with anyone it's very rarely pleasant to discover an ex has "moved on". Probably more subconcious than anything, which would explain your confusion.

I agree with everything in this post.

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Eugh, fuck this life shit.


For ease of understanding in this post: The girl I kissed a couple of weeks ago is C. The girl I like now is E. I'm sick of "Girl1" and "Girl2".


So today, while already in a bad mood from a previous lesson (due to the teacher, unimportant here) C tells me that she needs to talk to me. I do not know what this could be about - thoughts go through my head. Then she tells me that she knows of someone, who she won't name, who likes me - and asks me to tell her who I like, so that she may see if it matches up. She already knows that I like E, and we are again comfortable as friends. I refuse however to tell her who I like, wanting her to simply tell me who it is. She refuses for a long time. Thoughts go through my head, I am unsure of how to proceed. Eventually after a long process which I can't be bothered to explain, it turns out that its a girl in the year above me - who I have zero interest in whatsoever. Disappointed by this, I eventually after another process tell C that I like E. When I ask her if E had said anything about me, she replies "She says she only wants to be friends with you".


So in one lesson, I've gone from "holy shit, somebody likes me. Is it E? Is it C? Someone else who might be potentially date-able?" to "E definately doesn't like me, and a girl who I have no interest in does."


So now it's clear that the only kind of girl who would like me is this other girl, who tbh is very low on the ladder. So that's depressed me. And this paragraph sounds horribly arrogant, but fuck it.


In addition, I dunno if I have mentioned this in here, but on Saturday I pulled a girl at a party, who I had never met before - but, not wanting to be an asshole in case something was soon to happen with E, I never asked for her number. So in trying to not be an asshole, I've fucked up any chance with either. Now I know how all the pricks get the girls.


I am seriously pissed off right now. Remember I mentioned a while ago about it taking all my willpower not to punch the wall? Well, I kinda did this time. Like 5 times.

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Eugh, fuck this life shit.


For ease of understanding in this post: The girl I kissed a couple of weeks ago is C. The girl I like now is E. I'm sick of "Girl1" and "Girl2".


So today, while already in a bad mood from a previous lesson (due to the teacher, unimportant here) C tells me that she needs to talk to me. I do not know what this could be about - thoughts go through my head. Then she tells me that she knows of someone, who she won't name, who likes me - and asks me to tell her who I like, so that she may see if it matches up. She already knows that I like E, and we are again comfortable as friends. I refuse however to tell her who I like, wanting her to simply tell me who it is. She refuses for a long time. Thoughts go through my head, I am unsure of how to proceed. Eventually after a long process which I can't be bothered to explain, it turns out that its a girl in the year above me - who I have zero interest in whatsoever. Disappointed by this, I eventually after another process tell C that I like E. When I ask her if E had said anything about me, she replies "She says she only wants to be friends with you".


So in one lesson, I've gone from "holy shit, somebody likes me. Is it E? Is it C? Someone else who might be potentially date-able?" to "E definately doesn't like me, and a girl who I have no interest in does."


So now it's clear that the only kind of girl who would like me is this other girl, who tbh is very low on the ladder. So that's depressed me. And this paragraph sounds horribly arrogant, but fuck it.


In addition, I dunno if I have mentioned this in here, but on Saturday I pulled a girl at a party, who I had never met before - but, not wanting to be an asshole in case something was soon to happen with E, I never asked for her number. So in trying to not be an asshole, I've fucked up any chance with either. Now I know how all the pricks get the girls.


I am seriously pissed off right now. Remember I mentioned a while ago about it taking all my willpower not to punch the wall? Well, I kinda did this time. Like 5 times.


Hmmmm. A Red Lantern you would be my friend. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_lantern


Seriously though, sorry dude, that sounds craptacular. :(

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To be honest I don't fully believe Girl C. Don't disregard E when you haven't heard it from her yourself. She could of just said to that to try and get you into the girl she mentioned, then downplayed E so she would have more chance of getting you and her friend together since E will be out the way.


Girls can be crazy like that :heh:

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I concur. Besides, maybe girl C likes you and was just saying someone randomly to get the heat off her.




That was my first impression when I read that aswell about someone liking Giz and not saying who.


Still, I think you should ask E yourself to see what she feels.

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