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I came across the subject of 'political lesbianism' this week. It's a radical feminist thing that calls for all femenists to become lesbians because sleeping with men is counter to their beliefs


pretty weird if you ask me. For one thing, it identifies all men as violent women haters.

I dunno. Discuss? I'll try and link the articles I read later.

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I came across the subject of 'political lesbianism' this week. It's a radical feminist thing that calls for all femenists to become lesbians because sleeping with men is counter to their beliefs


pretty weird if you ask me. For one thing, it identifies all men as violent women haters.

I dunno. Discuss? I'll try and link the articles I read later.


its just some crafty dyke trying to get some tounge time.



i might start a political group were i encourage all girls to sleep with me.

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I came across the subject of 'political lesbianism' this week. It's a radical feminist thing that calls for all femenists to become lesbians because sleeping with men is counter to their beliefs


pretty weird if you ask me. For one thing, it identifies all men as violent women haters.

I dunno. Discuss? I'll try and link the articles I read later.


Boo, men are pretty awesome sometimes!


Femenists annoy me as a whole, it seems somewhat ridiculous to thinking of men as violent women haters and such, calling them inferior also, which leads to hypocrisy.

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Femenists annoy me as a whole, it seems somewhat ridiculous to thinking of men as violent women haters and such, calling them inferior also, which leads to hypocrisy.


feminists are using evolutionaty psychology to claim men are geneticaly prove to be violent. which is fair enough. however, women are just as likly to be agressive, though its usualy in a subtler way, making rival females seem less desirable via bitching etc.


i interesting topic i read was that men are argualy less violent all in all, sure, when we are violent, we tend to be pshycial, but men are less likly to keep it prolonged or to harbour grudges.

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i interesting topic i read was that men are argualy less violent all in all, sure, when we are violent, we tend to be pshycial, but men are less likly to keep it prolonged or to harbour grudges.


Yep. It's the one thing I don't like about working in a practically all-female environment. If you piss one of the girls here off, you can guarantee problems for at least a week.


All male environments are bad too, as there's often no motivation.


Mixed environments work best, but it's interesting how people perceive conflict resolution. I would accept man on man violence, because it normally resolves a dispute permanently. Female on female violence only makes things escalte, but then again so does the back biting and bitching.


Interestingly, I've seen women in my life have major arguments with each other, one has physically attacked the other and beaten them. You'd expect that to be an end to it, but no. The victor has inevitably gone back to the violence time and again with the same victim.


Similarly, it's rather annoying to get bitchy men. You just want to smack them in the mouth and tell them to get that sand out of their vagina.


I'm all for calling women equal to men, and even superior to men in some cases. But it can't be done until I can get the same 6 months paid maternity leave as women at random inconvenient intervals for my company.


Oh wait, I can't because I'm not a woman... our bodies are different and our psychological make-up (and facial make up) is different too. Guess we're not actually equal.

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I also find it interesting how boyish girls are generally much more accepted than girlish boys. If a girl plays with toy soldiers and climbing trees - no probs. If a boy plays with dolls - *SMACK* "QUEER!" (Even if he's not.)


It's the same with grown-ups. Women watching a male strip show - free and independent spirits. Men watching a female strip show - perverted bastards. It's like the fight for equality has given women a head start in the breaking down of gender roles.


Note: These are generalisations based on my personal impression of how things are at the moment.

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I also find it interesting how boyish girls are generally much more accepted than girlish boys. If a girl plays with toy soldiers and climbing trees - no probs. If a boy plays with dolls - *SMACK* "QUEER!" (Even if he's not.)


It's the same with grown-ups. Women watching a male strip show - free and independent spirits. Men watching a female strip show - perverted bastards. It's like the fight for equality has given women a head start in the breaking down of gender roles.


Note: These are generalisations based on my personal impression of how things are at the moment.


Yeah but it also works the other way around with the age old: man sleeping with lots of women = awesome!

Woman sleeping with lots of men = slut!


I don't think gender roles can ever really be left behind, they're always going to exist to some extent.

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Yeah but it also works the other way around with the age old: man sleeping with lots of women = awesome!

Woman sleeping with lots of men = slut!


I don't think gender roles can ever really be left behind, they're always going to exist to some extent.

The problem is not that there are natural patterns of behaviour for the genders, but that breaks in these patterns aren't always accepted.

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You could put that down towards a woman's biological clock, and that people generally feel women shouldn't have babies after the menopause. Whereas men seem to have an ability to impregnate a woman from the moment they make their first sex wee.


If an old man was to become a father again, a lot of people would congratulate him and say "Well done, still got a lot of lead in your pencil, I see.". But if an old woman has a child, people would say to her "You're breaking the laws of nature, you slag.".


Another reason could be down to how men become repulsed at the thought of an old woman's vagina, even comparing it to a Pork Pie (How you've got to bite through the crust and the jelly to get to the meat.). Even those who like Pork Pies become nauseous at the image of a grey-haired ladies' bajingo.

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