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Great! New guy is talking to me, next step : In his pants.


I can imagine the check list:


[X] Meet new guy

[X] Talk to new guy

[] Get in new guy's pants


I think I have a similar one somewhere...


Good luck, but im sure you don't need it :)

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I watched an old party tape with friends last night (we used to tape our parties so we could remember them) that featured my ex-boyfriend. it was just over 3 years ago...about 3 years and 2 weeks. He's the last boyfriend I had. It was a strange feeling. I didn't exactly miss him...or being with anyone. It was just odd.


Seeing photos of an old party are usually enough to make me wanna throw up at the sight of myself, let alone a video...


Hats off to you for not feeling anything about him or anyone else :bowdown:

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Guest bluey
I hate the French, but they're so sexy, and very complimentary too, how can I say no?

"non" (ten characters.)

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This sounds lame and cliched but it is very true, for me at least. But, being an only child has made me completely useless on my own. I need company to enjoy myself.


Actually, only childness should make me better on my own. It sure hasn't though. I go crazy in solitude.


Hold-on..are you saying my nice comment sounded lame and cliched? Cheeky git..:blank:


I won't bother in future...

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I was chatting on msn to one of my best mates (the girl I really like) and her sister began typing. Apparently without me realising I was flirting really heavily with her (we vaguely new each other after playing a rather pervy game of twister last year).


She was like "Flirting! Ooo, you like her". I literally had no idea I was flirting.


Anyone else have this problem where they flirt without realising?

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She was like "Flirting! Ooo, you like her". I literally had no idea I was flirting.


Anyone else have this problem where they flirt without realising?


I don't personally, but a couple of my friends do. One of them flirts with anything, inanimate of not, that he comes into contact with, and the other does that hair-twirly thing girls sometimes do while flirting, and she doesn't realise.


It's funny to watch, especially when they do it to really inappropriate people.

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I was chatting on msn to one of my best mates (the girl I really like) and her sister began typing. Apparently without me realising I was flirting really heavily with her (we vaguely new each other after playing a rather pervy game of twister last year).


She was like "Flirting! Ooo, you like her". I literally had no idea I was flirting.


Anyone else have this problem where they flirt without realising?


Yeah i flirt all the time! To everyone!

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Lol! Well apparently I'm the same. I didn't think I did and thought I was a terrible flirt. But apparently not -she says I'm always doing it.


Yeah, i'm just really friendly to like everyone..and then i start to be a bit cheeky with em..can't help it..lol


I never cross a certain line though! I'm a good boy!

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Yeah, i'm just really friendly to like everyone..and then i start to be a bit cheeky with em..can't help it..lol


I never cross a certain line though! I'm a good boy!


Haha! Nice.


I know some people like you say, that do really cross the line when it comes to flirting. It's actually uncomfortable to watch.


Yeah, i'm just really friendly to like everyone..and then i start to be a bit cheeky with em..can't help it..lol


I never cross a certain line though! I'm a good boy!


Haha! Nice.


I know some people like you say, that do really cross the line when it comes to flirting. It's actually uncomfortable to watch.




Has anyone ever been sat someone bored with some mates and started giving everyone in their year a "humpability" rating? It's rather fun - though not as fun when the people you get told to rate are sitting next to you! :p


There was a woman with...how do I put it, rather gigantic assets that walked past. We all stared, mouths open and she looked at us and gave a look like "I get this all the time, take a look". It was hilarious.

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Long post about random teenager relationshop problems. Beware!



Already spoken to Han over msn, but I'm still incredibly confused. Last night - though it included fun times (I have the lipstick marks on me still to prove it :p) it also messed everything up.


Basically, the guy I mentioned a while back was there and so were a couple of girls - we were watching the house for her sister for the night. We got a bit wankered (well both I and the girls who's house it was did) and part the way through the night the other two left for a few minutes and she started chatting away to me.


She said something along the lines of "Argh! I really want to shag [the guy], he's always going on about how good he'll be I want to see just how terrible he turns out to be". Basically, he's a bit of a womaniser though he's never actually slept with anyone and he always boasts his "member" and how good he'll be in the sack.


Anyway, I tried to explain to her why it wouldn't be a good idea to say something. The guy in question has an "on off" girlfriend and finally actaully likes someone properly for once so I said it might confuse him to then go and spring that on him. Unfortuneatly she then discovered *points at his drunk self* that I'm bi and came to the conclusion I wasn't being a good friend like I said I was and that I was just jelous of the fact he'd probably go off and shag her.


Unfortuneatly it then struck me "Oh shiz...she's dead on." I had no idea I felt that strongly about the guy until that very moment. I was sitting there for half an hour making all these excuses as to why she shouldn't say anything when the actual reason I obviously wanted to say was "No, because I want to get there first".


I've now got no clue what to do. I'm so utterly confused because I thought I'd gotten over the little crush I thought I had on the guy. The thing is, I still have absolutely no clue as to whether he's interested in the same sex - bar the incesent flirting he does with me (for instance he grabs hold of my hand and "has to hold it" when walking down the street this morning and the continuous asking for things aka like what happened before).


Han says I should have a word with him, because otherwise there's no way I'll get the "but...what if" thoughts out my head.



(Apologies if the typing is bad, I'm really tired and still vaguely typsy so for once I have an excuse. :p)

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(for instance he grabs hold of my hand and "has to hold it" when walking down the street this morning and the continuous asking for things aka like what happened before).


I know of no straight people that do that. Maybe Im just not hanging around with the right people but...yeah.


He sounds epic bi.

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Long post about random teenager relationshop problems. Beware!



Already spoken to Han over msn, but I'm still incredibly confused. Last night - though it included fun times (I have the lipstick marks on me still to prove it :p) it also messed everything up.


Basically, the guy I mentioned a while back was there and so were a couple of girls - we were watching the house for her sister for the night. We got a bit wankered (well both I and the girls who's house it was did) and part the way through the night the other two left for a few minutes and she started chatting away to me.


She said something along the lines of "Argh! I really want to shag [the guy], he's always going on about how good he'll be I want to see just how terrible he turns out to be". Basically, he's a bit of a womaniser though he's never actually slept with anyone and he always boasts his "member" and how good he'll be in the sack.


Anyway, I tried to explain to her why it wouldn't be a good idea to say something. The guy in question has an "on off" girlfriend and finally actaully likes someone properly for once so I said it might confuse him to then go and spring that on him. Unfortuneatly she then discovered *points at his drunk self* that I'm bi and came to the conclusion I wasn't being a good friend like I said I was and that I was just jelous of the fact he'd probably go off and shag her.


Unfortuneatly it then struck me "Oh shiz...she's dead on." I had no idea I felt that strongly about the guy until that very moment. I was sitting there for half an hour making all these excuses as to why she shouldn't say anything when the actual reason I obviously wanted to say was "No, because I want to get there first".


I've now got no clue what to do. I'm so utterly confused because I thought I'd gotten over the little crush I thought I had on the guy. The thing is, I still have absolutely no clue as to whether he's interested in the same sex - bar the incesent flirting he does with me (for instance he grabs hold of my hand and "has to hold it" when walking down the street this morning and the continuous asking for things aka like what happened before).


Han says I should have a word with him, because otherwise there's no way I'll get the "but...what if" thoughts out my head.



(Apologies if the typing is bad, I'm really tired and still vaguely typsy so for once I have an excuse. :p)


Yes Han is very right ;) hahah!


Its strange how simple little things bite you in the ass when you think your over someone. The fact that he is holding your hand, flirting etc...is almost in a way cruel. Its not very fair when you have a notion in your head about him.


I can see where your coming from cause I went through the same thing. Someone kept me going and flirted away etc, when he wasn't interested. It can make you feel so good and so utterly shite at the same time :/


Either he's playing you along, and loving the attention, or he's so gay its not funny. To me he looks like he could be gay/bi, and trying to hide it by putting on the Casanova front with the ladies.


Its time to have a chat and set your feelings out clearly so he can understand that you feel a bit used. If he's a good enough friend he should be honest with you.

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He wants you haggis! Who doesn't! :p


What happened with the girl?


Hehe !


But - trying not to make another long post - I don't think there's much chance of anything happening with her tbh. I like her and have done for months now, but I like him a whole lot more at the moment - and am starting to realise I have done for a while. I don't think I've ever liked someone as much as him. It seems as though (and probably for the best at the moment - though this is assuming she liked me which probably wasn't the case anyways) I missed my chance because she's been going out with a guy at school for the past coupld of weeks. (It's all she ever talks about when talking to me now, it's rather annoying. :p)




I'm just so angry at myself for getting to the point where I can't stop thinking about someone without any actual concrete evidence there's some feelings being sent my way.


Basically - the advice is I talk to the guy as soon as possible before I get myself deeper into something that may or may not even be there? Sounds like great advice to me. Thanks guys - it's really nice having an outlet on her to voice problems etc. I don't know what I'd do without you lot. :D

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I don't personally, but a couple of my friends do. One of them flirts with anything, inanimate of not, that he comes into contact with, and the other does that hair-twirly thing girls sometimes do while flirting, and she doesn't realise.


It's funny to watch, especially when they do it to really inappropriate people.


We are all flirty people! some more than others, i have a medium flirt level and they have high levels of flirt ^^


Whats everyone elses levels? haggis's is high :D

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