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i'd give blood if i didnt faint every time the doctor even takes a small sample... last time i tried to donate ~ well... i passed out and woke up a while later in a cold sweat with about 8 old ladies around me offering me tea and packets of sugar. :nono:


... :(

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Okay not sure if this can even go in here but meh. =P


I apparently have some guy interested in me. I don't really know him well, but he's friends with my cousins and he works where I work (though never really see him much there). Anyway I think he found out I'm single and added me to msn. And even though we've only had something like three or four conversations now, he keeps dropping hints. I mean I'm not good at recognizing when someone is flirting, but even I can decipher his code language.


I mean he's friendly and all and constantly complimenting me (which I'm so not used to), but I'm not sure he's my type. For silly reasons, like being three years too young, too short, maybe not what I'm looking for overall... It would be nice to have an extra friend, but I do not want to lead him on thinking I'll definitely become his girlfriend. D:


Why can't life just be easy and let me fall in love (never happens by the way) with someone who is completely my type, lives close enough and would love me back? =(

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Okay not sure if this can even go in here but meh. =P


I apparently have some guy interested in me. I don't really know him well, but he's friends with my cousins and he works where I work (though never really see him much there). Anyway I think he found out I'm single and added me to msn. And even though we've only had something like three or four conversations now, he keeps dropping hints. I mean I'm not good at recognizing when someone is flirting, but even I can decipher his code language.


I mean he's friendly and all and constantly complimenting me (which I'm so not used to), but I'm not sure he's my type. For silly reasons, like being three years too young, too short, maybe not what I'm looking for overall... It would be nice to have an extra friend, but I do not want to lead him on thinking I'll definitely become his girlfriend. D:


Why can't life just be easy and let me fall in love (never happens by the way) with someone who is completely my type, lives close enough and would love me back? =(


if there's THE spark...proceed cause this is what you need :yay:

if not...being friends is coolio, without leading him on of course. just say in a non engaging/agressive way that you're not into love/him or something with that purpose. I think that's not so complicated...it gets complicated once the relationship is established.

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Okay not sure if this can even go in here but meh. =P


I apparently have some guy interested in me. I don't really know him well, but he's friends with my cousins and he works where I work (though never really see him much there). Anyway I think he found out I'm single and added me to msn. And even though we've only had something like three or four conversations now, he keeps dropping hints. I mean I'm not good at recognizing when someone is flirting, but even I can decipher his code language.


I mean he's friendly and all and constantly complimenting me (which I'm so not used to), but I'm not sure he's my type. For silly reasons, like being three years too young, too short, maybe not what I'm looking for overall... It would be nice to have an extra friend, but I do not want to lead him on thinking I'll definitely become his girlfriend. D:


Why can't life just be easy and let me fall in love (never happens by the way) with someone who is completely my type, lives close enough and would love me back? =(


Possibly try and make it clear to him that in the nicest way you could think of that you are just not interested.


I have to agree with you on the age and height thing..I get picky with it as well, but if you don't like the guy it's not your fault :indeed:

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Beardy Man: there's no spark, at least not on my side. But a friend would always be nice to have, except he seems kind of pushy and I don't even know him yet. I mean, I've said like, one sentence to him in real life and had four msn convos. Already gave me his phone number too.


Maybe I'm just looking into this too much, but honestly when someone keeps saying that you're pretty and sweet and whatever, then they're kinda interested in you right?

I don't know, I think I'll just talk to him but nothing more for now. Maybe he'll find out that I'm not interested through talks. Or something. I don't wanna go "You're cool but you won't be my boyfriend" out of nowhere. @____@;



And nightwolf: age and height are very important I think. Somehow. =P

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Not really, cause then I'd have someone to do things with... while now I'm left being alone all day.

*is so not the social type and doesn't go out, at all*



I miss my ex. ='(


Pfft, embrace the chase! That's my saying!



..Do you like it? I made it up ^_^

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Why can't life just be easy and let me fall in love (never happens by the way) with someone who is completely my type, lives close enough and would love me back? =(


Meh... i know the feeling, someone who would suit me down to the ground would never interest me. Someone who doesn't like me back, or is so bad for me does. Bah!


I think with the guy situation I would let things develop, explain to him that you don't want to hurry anything serious, if he shows obvious interest in being with you. Have some fun and relax about it all if you can, you never know, something quite awesome could just happen.


Good luck with it all =)

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Ok! I wasn't sure where to put this so i thought it was best to go in here! :)


I think people at school are starting to think I'm Gay! (although some already did!)


It all started the other day in History! I never speak but for some odd reason i decided to tell the person next to me that i got two valentines from men! Which is true as Mr. Paul and Ellmeister gave a valentines for Fun but they don't know that. :smile:


The person i told decided to shout the fact out in the middle of class and the teacher heard this! and was making fun of me for the rest of the lesson which i took with good humour but he already thinks i'm weird for when i hung a fork from my lip in his previous lesson. :D


Then the next day i was sitting in another class and someone decided to tell the teacher i got 4 valentines from Men the number had increased! so i had to try and explain but the teacher ended up saying


"are you the front man of some gay community?"


i never speak and like to remain a mystery people really don't know whether i'm straight or not! It's my own fault really. :)


I also have this guy who thinks i'm flirting with him when i talk to him! I can't flirt to save my life! Everytime i go to talk to him His like "sorry i don't swing that way" and then he goes and tells other people!


I'm not really sure were this is going but I think i'll have to set the record straight! Literally! :heh: (bad pun :shakehead)

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Not really, cause then I'd have someone to do things with... while now I'm left being alone all day.

*is so not the social type and doesn't go out, at all*

At the risk of sounding mean, you're the only one that can remedy this.


I've never cared for going out — partly because the intention of everyone I know is to drink — and as a general rule I'm not very sociable. Sure, I can get along with pretty much anyone, but when it comes down to it I have very high standards for those people I actively want to spend time with.


It's fair to say I ask too much of people, but that's just the way I am. I could forcibly lower the bar, sure, but all that does is surround me with people that are no more than acquaintances. True friendship is something I don't give up easily, and consequently I'm alone a lot of the time. But that's okay, it's my decision.


I don't mean to sound like an ego; I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that wouldn't want to know me even if I let them. All I want to do is illustrate that no one's a helpless victim of the social current: it's up to the individual whether they want to go with it, tread water, or even swim against it. The important thing is to be happy with your chosen direction, and to remember that it's never too late to change your mind.


I feel lonely sometimes, of course I do. But in the end it's worth it, because those times when I do connect with someone are so much better than an eternity of comfortable mild-mannered company. Maybe this kind of contrast isn't for you, at least for the moment, and if that's the case then you've the power to try another approach.


You don't need a lifeguard; you don't need anyone to dive in and save you. Stay calm, focus on what you want and where you want to go. Then hold your head high and kick.



I think people at school are starting to think I'm Gay!

Several people at my old job thought I was gay, presumably because I didn't sit in the staff room ogling lads' mags or flirt with the female staff. I can't say it bothered me, but I do think it's a risk of keeping to yourself — or indeed not being a womanising prick.


Personally I'd just roll with it; the people that matter will know the truth anyway. It kind of depends how it makes you feel, though: I was bemused, not annoyed, but if you can see this escalating into a real problem then it might be a good idea to nip it in the bud. Although how are you going to go about maintaining your heterosexuality?


(Sorry for the long post, people. I know I can go on sometimes.)

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At the risk of sounding mean, you're the only one that can remedy this.


I've never cared for going out — partly because the intention of everyone I know is to drink — and as a general rule I'm not very sociable. Sure, I can get along with pretty much anyone, but when it comes down to it I have very high standards for those people I actively want to spend time with.


It's fair to say I ask too much of people, but that's just the way I am. I could forcibly lower the bar, sure, but all that does is surround me with people that are no more than acquaintances. True friendship is something I don't give up easily, and consequently I'm alone a lot of the time. But that's okay, it's my decision.


I don't mean to sound like an ego; I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that wouldn't want to know me even if I let them. All I want to do is illustrate that no one's a helpless victim of the social current: it's up to the individual whether they want to go with it, tread water, or even swim against it. The important thing is to be happy with your chosen direction, and to remember that it's never too late to change your mind.


I feel lonely sometimes, of course I do. But in the end it's worth it, because those times when I do connect with someone are so much better than an eternity of comfortable mild-mannered company. Maybe this kind of contrast isn't for you, at least for the moment, and if that's the case then you've the power to try another approach.


You don't need a lifeguard; you don't need anyone to dive in and save you. Stay calm, focus on what you want and where you want to go. Then hold your head high and kick.


Oh I know it's something I can change, by going out or whatever kids do these days. But then I would be forcing myself to do that, cause it's really not something I'd normally do. And I don't want to lie to myself and pretend going out and meeting people is fun.

I enjoy being alone, cause I get to do whatever I want to do. Going to see a movie with friends a couple of times a year is enough for me. But it does get quite lonely this way, especially since I don't have any close friends. The ones I talk to the most and I feel are the only ones who know me best are a couple of people online.


Anyway, I wouldn't mind having someone to hang out with, or even a boyfriend in time (though I'm not ready yet for that I think), but it's going to be hard to find the right person. But yes, that's all my own fault. *shrugs*

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Several people at my old job thought I was gay, presumably because I didn't sit in the staff room ogling lads' mags or flirt with the female staff. I can't say it bothered me, but I do think it's a risk of keeping to yourself — or indeed not being a womanising prick.


Personally I'd just roll with it; the people that matter will know the truth anyway. It kind of depends how it makes you feel, though: I was bemused, not annoyed, but if you can see this escalating into a real problem then it might be a good idea to nip it in the bud. Although how are you going to go about maintaining your heterosexuality?

That's the exact same with because i don't watch the TV in our common room saying who i think is "hot" they automatically assume i am!


It is a bit of a risk but i do like being by myself! It can be great. :awesome:


I'm like Eenuh i don't socialise much but that really is my own fault i have even avoided several such engagements!


I don't enjoy house parties! or whatever kids my age do! :smile:


I tried to be more social at school the other day, it felt odd and definately exhausted me!


Nah! It doesn't bother me whether they think i am or not! I find it quite fun to be honest! Keep them guessing! :heh:


And i have no idea how to display my heterosexuality! I'm not the manliest of men! :grin:

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But yes, that's all my own fault. *shrugs*

I don't think 'fault' is the right word. It's a personal decision, there's nothing wrong with it.


Sorry for going on; I seem to make a habit of trying to help people that don't need my advice.


And i have no idea how to display my heterosexuality! I'm not the manliest of men! :grin:

To be honest people that are very 'masculine' come off as trying too hard to me, like they're trying to live up to some supposed male ideal. If the epitome of masculinity is sitting around bragging about how many women you 'tongued' last night*, well, I'm happy to be branded gay.



*That example is based on a real conversation I overheard just yesterday.

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Beardy Man: there's no spark, at least not on my side. But a friend would always be nice to have, except he seems kind of pushy and I don't even know him yet. I mean, I've said like, one sentence to him in real life and had four msn convos. Already gave me his phone number too.


Maybe I'm just looking into this too much, but honestly when someone keeps saying that you're pretty and sweet and whatever, then they're kinda interested in you right?

I don't know, I think I'll just talk to him but nothing more for now. Maybe he'll find out that I'm not interested through talks. Or something. I don't wanna go "You're cool but you won't be my boyfriend" out of nowhere. @____@;



And nightwolf: age and height are very important I think. Somehow. =P


Indeed, he not only seems pushy but he's also not very smooth...lol

Who the hell gives his phone number and tells someone he just met she's pretty out of nowhere...not the best approach, not interesting...LAME! :D

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To be honest people that are very 'masculine' come off as trying too hard to me, like they're trying to live up to some supposed male ideal. If the epitome of masculinity is sitting around bragging about how many women you 'tongued' last night*, well, I'm happy to be branded gay.


*That example is based on a real conversation I overheard just yesterday.


I agree with you! :) and i'm going to have some fun at school tomorrow! :heh: Make my Monday fun! as they are usually dull!


Some people at my school are too wrapped up in their manhood! So much so that any display of femine qualities is automatically seen as gay! such as watching Desperate Housewives! (which is great :grin:)

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I agree with you! :) and i'm going to have some fun at school tomorrow! :heh: Make my Monday fun! as they are usually dull!


Some people at my school are too wrapped up in their manhood! So much so that any display of femine qualities is automatically seen as gay! such as watching Desperate Housewives! (which is great :grin:)


Desperate housewives is awesome! It NEEDS to be back on channel 4.


...I mean, erm, *burps*, Football rocks and I like lots boobs.


I fail at being manly.

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Well, seems that guy has fallen for me without me even doing anything. Shit.

Now I have to go and break another heart. >.<;


Anyone have any experience with (softly) turning down people who are giving you unwanted attention? :(

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