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Beardy Man

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About Beardy Man

  • Birthday 10/28/1987

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Guitar, music, movies, anime, manga, videogames, awesomeness. My Ultimate Beard!


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, DS, DS lite, Wii, Gamecube
  • Other Systems Owned
    Playstation, Playstation 2, Gamegear, PSP, Xbox.
  • Favourite Game?
    Multi-tie between: Final Fantasy, Golden sun, Metal gear, Zelda, Metroid, Chrono Trigger, Smash Bros, Shadow ot colossus, Vagrant Story, Super Mario.
  • Gender

Beardy Man's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. AAAh caralho! Indeed, one of the greatest nights in a while...Crewtata maintains its supremacy
  2. So I came back from Japan 3 days ago and these are some pics. We have about 60gb of pics and vids and we went to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Takayama, Miyajima, Hakone, Nara, Himeji, Hiroshima...saw lots of amazing things ( everything is amazing :P ) and did some pretty exclusive things, one of them: The Black Mages Darkness and Starlight live! Life is sweet
  3. This summer I'm doing my dream trip. JAPAN!!! start at Tokyo for 7 days, then Kyoto 5 days and 3 days in Osaka. I bought a JR pass and i'm going to see some awesome places like himeji, nara, miyajima, hakone and I'll be staying 2 days in a ryokan deluxe near Mt Fuji! If the trip would be like this it would've been a dream come true, but check this out: I got tickets to the Black Mages concert in Yokohama! WIN!!! better than this, only if it was X Japan I'm pretty psyched!
  4. I highly disagree with this! Anyone can love music, it's all in the melody. Even an infant can enjoy music and get emotional over it, even though he doesn't has a clue what's going on...Where I'm trying to get at is that it isn't required to play an instrument to enjoy more or less music itself, but it gives you a whole new possibility frontier of the understanding of music while listening to it. the simple fact of playing an instrument can give you the pleasure of listening a song, picture it in your mind and think to yourself with a smile "oh! so that's what he does here! awesome!". It's just the difference between being a man who enjoys music ( everyone does. I think it's a common human trait ) and a man who besides loving it goes deeper and understands it ( even if a little ). Me, I love music! Since I picked up a guitar i'm in love with music and it has a great importance in my life. I still enjoy simple music but also some things more complex. it's an evolution thing. It's like some guys who only like helicopters' games! ( LOL ) Me, I like those simple games, but what i prefer is something that gives you a learning curve. like rpgs for example. a guy can be elitist with music ( sem chegar a extremos e o caralho ) if suave! it's the same with games, you don't play shity games because you played during many years some of the greatest games that exist. agora tenho k me ir embora k me tão ali a chamar
  5. Morning of champions: wake up at 7/8am, shower, homemade orange juice + breakfast, episode of: Arrested Development/scrubs, off to school...A good day starts early in the day I say
  6. indeed! stuffed into the popcorn bucket...great times!
  7. Indeed, my friend! The chronicles of crewtata are a hard subject of study for the untrained man!
  8. May your 21 st year in this life be a joyous year! I wish you the best in health, love, money, school, friends, etc... E que nao te esqueças quem é que manda!!! A crewtata estará aqui para sempre penso eu. que isso seja self explanatory. mente menos tb! :p e um FELIZ ANIVERSÃRIO!!! segue a tua vida! Now, a little memento: me and oxigen We used to be pretty close!!! I bring you, Zeh Hypnotoad!!! Hell yeah motherfuckers!!!
  9. The Tata members ( including myself ) are proud of having a friend like you! I thank you for your words, Don. But the advice I have ( which you already know ) is to basically try to live a happy life with no great pressure. Push yourself everyday, little by little, and things ought to turn good sports, social activities ( studying with friends, talking to didi )...gotta try them! Obviously, I'm in the same academic situation as you, but I decided to turn this shit around and even though I don't have any concrete results, I'm quite happy and confident of my efforts if I continue like this! Of course oneself has his own problems and is responsible for his life. It's quite difficult sometimes, but like I say: we are a privileged group of people! we have money, no major health problems, our own life and the most important: I REALLY REALLY REALLY believe we will be responsible for great things in the future! but that is directly related to these years of college, who will dictate our future ( may it sound bad or not ). Conclusion: I really think it's just the problem of finding a goal and trying your hardest to achieve it.
  10. - Funny - Mysterious ( only for the girls ) - Voice - Good Friend - Being a Rambo - Luckiest person alive
  11. bleach is meeeh. Nice episode...not bad and not good. I'm reading the manga so kiss my ass. Too much shity fillers...
  12. Indeed, your name is not liar and you do not tell lies. Learn from this precious advice everyone and perhaps the virtual world won't have to hear the frustrations of those who fail at life and don't have the balls to be a man.
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