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Yes they still have sexism, my high school seperated girls into netball and guys into football.


Did you swap with the guys doing the sports which was classed as boys sports?


It was hardly apparent in my school. In fact some of the teachers encouraged the PE pupils to do netball as their sport as it was easier to get a good grade in.


Most of the lasses could never be bothered to do PE anyway.


As I neared the end of my highschool, I wasn't allowed to do PE any more - my PE teacher said I should just go study instead as I obviously wasn't interested.




Why do girls hate doing sports?

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In my school they set the rule as you do neither "girls" nor "boys" sports in PE. So no Football or Dancing. Our sports as I remember them were: Swimming, Gymnastics, Basketball, Hockey, Volleyball, Atheletics. I don't understand what makes girls ok to play Hockey but not Football, but for soem reason people simply refuse to play so the school just avoids the conflict.

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Our PE was split up, girls did hockey and netball, guys did footie and rugby.


I hattteeed PE. Being 60% covered in a skin condition does get a fair few stares/laughs/whispers/taunts in the changing room. Having arthritis, and no depth perception (I was smacked in the face more time than I could count) just made me utterly fail at any kind of sport. =(

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Most of the girls just decide whether they're going to "games" (what we call it, as if it were the olympics or something...) whenever, but they all do dance anyway, save one, who does Hockey.


It seems that being in the last year, people just don't care if you don't show up. I have more pressing work to do in any case *hasn't gone for about 2+ months, but technically HAS been doing work*.

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Once you got to GCSE, PE was split into sections; team games (football, rugby, hockey, basketball, netball), racket sports (tennis, badminton, squash) and... something else that nobody did? Athletics/gymnastics probably.


I guess I can't make sweeping statements, but at my school the girls were rubbish at football and rugby (and netball and hockey...), and if you're going to treat PE as if it's not just an extended breaktime (in which boys/girls tended to play amongst their own gendered groups anyway) then you have to 'balance' the class so that there's minimal impact for those good at the subject to be held back by those rubbish at the subject.

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my PE sucked. football, every single day. on the feilds which were merrily situated on a cliff next to the north sea. imagine, i you will, a cold winter day. regulation PE kit (you HAD to buy the schools) was a thin nylon affair, the shorts always arived tiny, you had to go two sizes up at least to avoid looking like kylie, this is your protection from the cold geordie winter. if it rained, you still had to do it. one one ocasion the entier class boycotted it, and walked back inside, my alsting memory is that my hands stung when we got back inside, and i was drenched from rain. mr peacock wasnt happy. but then he was a tosser and called his son chris, to everyones amusment.




we did have an exception to the rules. two guys of a homosexual persuasion did PE with the girls. id say it was outragiously homophobic, but they were happy, so meh.

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That's rubbish, girls are just as competitive as boys, if not in some ways more.


Thats only my experience. The only competitive female I've ever met is Letty... and she hates when she loses :D

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I think you're making a very big generalisation there...clearly you've met very few girls!


Yeah, I never went to school or college or just general life with girls... :indeed:

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