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Lol! You're just plain awesome, who wouldn't want to hug you?


Thanks Haggis! :grin:


At least it gives you somewhere to put your arms! :bowdown::)


Haha! :awesome:


True! Problem Solved. : peace:


I always have a dilemna when it comes to people assuming I'm hetero.


Like a few weeks ago my guitar teacher was like "You'll be able to play this to your girlfriends", and I could have either have just agreed (or whatever) or have said "Actually it would be boyfriends in my case".


In the end a guy knocked on the door and we were interrupted, so I didn't get to say anything.



Still, I don't like it when people assume.


Some people think i'm gay because i don't openly give my opinions on women and the like but i'm not going to share that information openly with people i don't like.


And so therefore they assume i like men. :)


Which is why i have to be careful about men hugging me. :heh:

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I always have a dilemna when it comes to people assuming I'm hetero.


Like a few weeks ago my guitar teacher was like "You'll be able to play this to your girlfriends", and I could have either have just agreed (or whatever) or have said "Actually it would be boyfriends in my case".


In the end a guy knocked on the door and we were interrupted, so I didn't get to say anything.



Still, I don't like it when people assume.


Yes. Assumptions are annoying ¬_¬


I don't really care about sexuality!


I would think lover would be more appropriate :heh:

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I always have a dilemna when it comes to people assuming I'm hetero.


Like a few weeks ago my guitar teacher was like "You'll be able to play this to your girlfriends", and I could have either have just agreed (or whatever) or have said "Actually it would be boyfriends in my case".


In the end a guy knocked on the door and we were interrupted, so I didn't get to say anything.



Still, I don't like it when people assume.


Oh come on... the majority of people are still straight. Surely that means that they can assume that you are most likely to be straight. If he'd got pissy becuase you said you were gay then that would be bad but this isn't like he's judging you. Stop being so protective over it, it's not like he means anything by it. In fact what you've done is gone and fucked over what was actually quite a nice friendly gesture.

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Oh come on... the majority of people are still straight. Surely that means that they can assume that you are most likely to be straight. If he'd got pissy becuase you said you were gay then that would be bad but this isn't like he's judging you. Stop being so protective over it, it's not like he means anything by it. In fact what you've done is gone and fucked over what was actually quite a nice friendly gesture.


*shrugs shoulders*

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I'm not....


I think i've said this before but i have almost a non-existant drive. (i think)


I find the thought of sex very scary.... o____0


Though i find women attractive and would love to have a girlfriend. :)




Also why do men keep hugging me? :wtf:


Awww, I'll hug you! *hugs* =P

And whooo for people who share my feelings. X3

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I heart Sex


It's more, fun and awesome feelings than it is messy, (i can't understand that, if everything is in when it all goes down, the issue is...?) and i do get random patches of hornyness, but it's usually on a weekly basis...

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Oh come on... the majority of people are still straight. Surely that means that they can assume that you are most likely to be straight. If he'd got pissy becuase you said you were gay then that would be bad but this isn't like he's judging you. Stop being so protective over it, it's not like he means anything by it. In fact what you've done is gone and fucked over what was actually quite a nice friendly gesture.


I concur. Most people are straight, so it's not wrong for people to say that. Plus if he had said "girlfriend of boyfriend" to a straight guy, they would most likely take offense. Safe option he took really.

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I concur. Most people are straight, so it's not wrong for people to say that. Plus if he had said "girlfriend of boyfriend" to a straight guy, they would most likely take offense. Safe option he took really.


I too can understand why the guitar teacher might have said it - and besides, he obviously thinks you're good looking enough to attract others :awesome:


Speaking of the 'safe option' to avoid prejudice, a couple of weeks back I was put in a bit of a sticky situation. My black friend Felix was round, and I offered him a cup of tea. While this would normally be fine, I unfortunately forgot thatwe only have 2 mugs in the house: a plain white one, and a black one that reads "New Nation - Britain's Number 1 Black Newspaper".


I made tea for both of us, and it was so difficult to decide which one to give him. I gave him the black mug in the end...giving him the white one would have just been silly. He noticed straight away, but was thankfully understanding as to my predicament and laughed about it.

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I too can understand why the guitar teacher might have said it - and besides, he obviously thinks you're good looking enough to attract others :awesome:


Speaking of the 'safe option' to avoid prejudice, a couple of weeks back I was put in a bit of a sticky situation. My black friend Felix was round, and I offered him a cup of tea. While this would normally be fine, I unfortunately forgot thatwe only have 2 mugs in the house: a plain white one, and a black one that reads "New Nation - Britain's Number 1 Black Newspaper".


I made tea for both of us, and it was so difficult to decide which one to give him. I gave him the black mug in the end...giving him the white one would have just been silly. He noticed straight away, but was thankfully understanding as to my predicament and laughed about it.


Lmao that's probably in a comedy somewhere.


Anyways i have a little dilemna in that I have a friend who has recently broken up with her boyfriend (about a month ago). I found myself surprised when I felt happy about this as I have only known her for about 6 months but we really get along and enjoy each other's company. It's also surprising as physically, she isn't my type of girl but we just click mentally.

Im not sure she feels the same way but I do get weird signals but I think she is just substituting me for the gap left by the absence of her ex. She even got into another relationship but quickly got out of it. We are supposed to be doing something today, just the two of us, even though I asked if we should invite our other housemates.

She told me if she enters a relationship, she generally does so with the aim being to marry that person eventually as in her opinion, she isn't young, 27-29 (I always think she is younger). I am only 22 but am not the bed hopping type. But I am worried that if anything were to happen, A: it would ruin our friendship which I really cherish and B: I may get attracted to girls who are my type and cheat on her even though I am not like that. Ah what to do what to do.

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If you "click" and get along but are not physically attracted to her that much then I'd say that your nothing more than friends. On a subconscious level, you could liking her because you want her to be happy so you think going out with her would be good. But if you thought about it you'd just be going out with her for the sake of it.


Or you could be (again this is subconscious) could be seeing it as an easy option because you haven't gone out with someone in a while.

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If you "click" and get along but are not physically attracted to her that much then I'd say that your nothing more than friends. On a subconscious level, you could liking her because you want her to be happy so you think going out with her would be good. But if you thought about it you'd just be going out with her for the sake of it.


Or you could be (again this is subconscious) could be seeing it as an easy option because you haven't gone out with someone in a while.


Very good points on both parts. Im thinking its most likely the second. Think I will just play it safe and just be friends. Thanks for the advice :bowdown:

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It's such a shame isn't it? We all want to love someone and be in love but most of the time we find ourselves tricking ourselves into being in love. The amount of times that I have thought that I've been in love when I have just been infatuated is rediculous.

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I had alot of sex today.


Isn't that fun?


Wish i could share your enthuiasm (sp??). My GF is due on 21/5 so thats like 3 1/2 weeks. All she wants to do is eat almond magnums and rainbow crystals. Masturbation gets boring after a month.... or 2 >.>

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Wish i could share your enthuiasm (sp??). My GF is due on 21/5 so thats like 3 1/2 weeks. All she wants to do is eat almond magnums and rainbow crystals. Masturbation gets boring after a month.... or 2 >.>


Did you order her or something?! :confused:

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Guest Jordan

Hahahah :D

Best interpritation ever.


As for Ash, theres nothing like being in love and having sex. I mean, the love is what makes it the best thing. Man i sound sad.

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