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Go back under the pretence of checking the status of your application (unless you were already rejected).


I actually don't know whether I was rejected or not, lmao. But when I go back and check, do I just introduce myself and ask her for a drink?

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I actually don't know whether I was rejected or not, lmao. But when I go back and check, do I just introduce myself and ask her for a drink?


Basically, I suppose. I can't see any other way of doing so. I've never had to do that, I usually just...fall into relationships. As in, they just "happen". But yeah, just start chatting to her and see if she seems interested in continuing the conversation.

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Basically, I suppose. I can't see any other way of doing so. I've never had to do that, I usually just...fall into relationships. As in, they just "happen". But yeah, just start chatting to her and see if she seems interested in continuing the conversation.


That's sort of like me. The girl usually asks me out out of nowhere. But yeah, I'm gonna try that. I'm kind of nervous and I haven't even spoken to her yet, lmao.

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Is it sad that the idea that I may have a chance of having a relationship with some of the really hot guys I met at the gay club I went to tonight is still a novel idea?


I've never really before felt that I'd ever actually meet someone who was hot, and also gay. I'm actually surprised about the amount of gays in Oxford (a psychology student was trying to entertain the idea that gay people are more intelligent, in that there's a higher percentage of gay people at Oxford than the percentage of gay people in the whole country - he's right to a certain extent, but you also get shitloads of dumb-as-fuck gays, so it balances out), and I must have spoken to about 50+ gay guys in the past 4 weeks, which is probably more than I've ever spoken to before in my life, so it's really probable that I'll eventually meet someone.

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Jason Bateman did once say that gay people are more interesting to talk to because inherent in the process of questioning your own sexuality they have to internally soul search and question themselves/society/etc and as such gain an understanding of themselves and their place in society.


Not sure how much I believe that but what you said made me think of that and I thought I'd share.

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I've never really before felt that I'd ever actually meet someone who was hot, and also gay. I'm actually surprised about the amount of gays in Oxford (a psychology student was trying to entertain the idea that gay people are more intelligent, in that there's a higher percentage of gay people at Oxford than the percentage of gay people in the whole country - he's right to a certain extent, but you also get shitloads of dumb-as-fuck gays, so it balances out), and I must have spoken to about 50+ gay guys in the past 4 weeks, which is probably more than I've ever spoken to before in my life, so it's really probable that I'll eventually meet someone.


I think I read/heard somewhere that posh people are more gay (that's phrased badly but you know what I mean). I don't know if it's true or not. I'll have a search.


EDIT: Well I've found out that geography bears no relation on gay kids. Although;

This makes it quite distinct from the geographical spread of gay adults, who tend towards cities where there's more opportunity to clump into interest communities and lifestyle communities


Still looking.

Edited by MoogleViper
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I've never really before felt that I'd ever actually meet someone who was hot, and also gay. I'm actually surprised about the amount of gays in Oxford (a psychology student was trying to entertain the idea that gay people are more intelligent, in that there's a higher percentage of gay people at Oxford than the percentage of gay people in the whole country - he's right to a certain extent, but you also get shitloads of dumb-as-fuck gays, so it balances out), and I must have spoken to about 50+ gay guys in the past 4 weeks, which is probably more than I've ever spoken to before in my life, so it's really probable that I'll eventually meet someone.

Cambridge has the highest proportion of gay students of any UK university I think, and Oxford may well be similar. Note that factors other than intelligence could be involved however, such as ancient universities being more appealing on average to gay students or somesuch. It's not an entirely unscientific hypothesis though, even if it's founded on slightly annecdotal evidence.

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I'm going to the famous Queer Bop at Wadham College, renamed and reimagined this year as QueerFest, as Queer Bop was banned last year for various reasons, such as people dressing too provocatively. I'm really happy I got a ticket, because they sold out in one night.


The dress code is "400 Years Of Queer Icons", and I need ideas as what to go as. I was thinking of going as Sara Quinn, but I'd need someone to come as Tegan, and I'd need to grow my hair / wear a wig.


It would be stunning though.

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It can be ridiculously daunting, bear in mind. Stay away from anyone standing alone (especially old men at the bar), and don't make eye contact with anyone you don't fancy (within reason, obviously).


Assuming you're looking to meet friends, and a potential boyfriend who is going to be more than a one-night-stand; you have to meet one person who's nice, and you'll get introduced to their friends, and then their friends etc etc. Soon you'll have a base of people you know, and you can pick and choose who you want to hang around with. Just play heavily on the "I'm young and naive" card - you'll get "adopted" by nice people.


How do you all decide between two people who both want to date you?


My head hurts. :sad:


I don't usually have that luxury. :weep:

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How do you all decide between two people who both want to date you?


My head hurts. :sad:


Date one. See how that goes.


Date the other. See how that goes.


I mean, it'll only be one date. And, surely you'll find that you click with one more than the other? Sometimes I've spent some time alone with one person and thought "hmm, this really didn't seem like how I thought it was going to be." And then, other times were "oh god, this is mucccch better than I thought!"


When you say "date", do you just mean as a one-off? Or, a few dates? Cos then that's a bit different I think.

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When you say "date", do you just mean as a one-off? Or, a few dates? Cos then that's a bit different I think.


I mean date so they can become my boyfriend.


Its weird and flattering (obviously), but its been a long time since I've had to choose between two people. I think one just asked me out to the cinema.


Danny - awwww :santa:

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I mean date so they can become my boyfriend.


Its weird and flattering (obviously), but its been a long time since I've had to choose between two people. I think one just asked me out to the cinema.


Danny - awwww :santa:


So, basically you'll be choosing one guy and then having that one as your boyfriend? Do you like both? Or are you still unsure?


I don't know how different things are for girls, but what I'd do is just agree to to the one date first of all and see if you'd fancy seeing that person again. It seems a bit weird agreeing on being boyfriend and girlfriend and not having a bit more time and stuff together before that.


I mean, you could have an excellent first date (have you had one yet, or will this be your first?) and then it'll seem like a great idea. But, what if after a week you feel like it's not gonna work? I guess then you could always call the other guy back, haha.


Having two guys after you though, that's pretty good going. It must feel quite nice having many admirers! Go you. ;)

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So, basically you'll be choosing one guy and then having that one as your boyfriend? Do you like both? Or are you still unsure?


I don't know how different things are for girls, but what I'd do is just agree to to the one date first of all and see if you'd fancy seeing that person again. It seems a bit weird agreeing on being boyfriend and girlfriend and not having a bit more time and stuff together before that.


I mean, you could have an excellent first date (have you had one yet, or will this be your first?) and then it'll seem like a great idea. But, what if after a week you feel like it's not gonna work? I guess then you could always call the other guy back, haha.


No, no, no what I mean is going on dates and then being boyfriend/girlfriend (if it works that way), not just deciding after one date. Usually I don't even do dating because they happen to be friends beforehand.


I've seen both of them a few times, both are really lovely, gentlemen, ones taller than the other, but really apart from that they both seem like similar people, which is why its making it quite difficult to decide which one I'm supposed to go after!

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No, no, no what I mean is going on dates and then being boyfriend/girlfriend (if it works that way), not just deciding after one date. Usually I don't even do dating because they happen to be friends beforehand.


I've seen both of them a few times, both are really lovely, gentlemen, ones taller than the other, but really apart from that they both seem like similar people, which is why its making it quite difficult to decide which one I'm supposed to go after!


Hahah, ooooooh! Ok! I was feeling a bit worried for you thinking "No, Wolfy! It's a trap! They'll lure you with niceness and then, you'll be stuck with an arsehole forever!"


I'm the same generally, I've only ever had about...a few dates. One with my ex, one with another girl after her, and I'm not sure if the one with Ine counts! That's an extreme first date, haha. I like being friends beforehand as you know them a bit more. The danger of this is...FRIEND ZONE. [/shudders]


Maybe there's a chance you could spend a bit of time with both guys? Is that allowed in the "rules"? I don't know the rules of date, whether it means you're exclusive or not. You could meet both guys on non-dates, just as friendly little meetings, and then maybe get to know them a bit better.


If not, go for the one of the left. That's what I say. Always the left. Always.

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I don't think I've ever been on a date (knowingly) - if I had to choose between two people, I could imagine it would tear my mindstrings apart. If there is no clear answer now, then simply don't force one route or another - see how each 'date' plays out, and fingers crossed you'll have the choice made for you!

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