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Hangover Cure?


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Prevention is better than whatever that saying is.


Whenever you go out drinking, when you come home, have a minimum of 3 pints of water, maybe more, drink as much water as you can. I dunno if it works or not, but I can personally say that I've found if I have alot of water before I sleep after drinking, it greatly reduces how crappy I feel the next day.

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Prevention is better than whatever that saying is.


Whenever you go out drinking, when you come home, have a minimum of 3 pints of water, maybe more, drink as much water as you can. I dunno if it works or not, but I can personally say that I've found if I have alot of water before I sleep after drinking, it greatly reduces how crappy I feel the next day.


When i used to drink, I would have drunk as much water as i can physically force into myself, it did make me feel a lot better


Getting spiked tho, weren't you like watching your drink at all?

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Drinking milk apparently lines your stomach, so do that before you go out. Plus at the end of the night get something to eat. I personally go for an entire pizza. Job's a good 'un.


Also pints of water the next day help. Because of my sexy alcohol influenced epi fits, the parents bring nice pints to my bed all morning.

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Go to sleep. Drink lots of water.


Whenever you've been drinking, if possible, have a glass of water before you go to bed and that helps a lot.


yeah that's the best idea tbh. A glass of orange juice aswell as water is also helpful apparantly as it speeds up the liver or something.

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avoid aspirin/ibuprofen at all cost as they can give you very strong stomach pains, take paracetamol 2 every 6 hours, no more than 8 (4g) in total.


eating helps as well as taking something like st. Johns wort suppliments, its very good.

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One of my friends has chips every night after she gets home, and feels great afterwards, while another will go down to the beach for 5mins or so to get some sea-air, which clears his head in an instant and leads to no hangovers in the morning.


As for me, I never get hangovers. I just can't get to sleep after drinking alcohol. Lay in my bed for ages trying to get some shut eye.

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Lots of water before bed. Always works for me - I haven't had a hangover in years.


I'd be a bit concerned if you don't know what it was spiked with though, might want to get checked out by the doc. If it's nothing sinister, you've probably either a) dehydrated yourself resulting in a shrunken stomach (drink water), or b) wrenched your stomach when you threw up.

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Do a barrel roll!

(ho ho ho- had to be said)


Eat before drinking. Water before bed, bit of food goes down smooth too. In the morning, water coffee/coke, exercise, fruit, paracetamol, protein, a wank, a shower, cleaning the house are all good. Although if you have a proper hangover, the only cure is tea, toast and bed.

Also: all you crazy kids without hangovers, your time will come, trust me.

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Hair of the dog, ie whatever you got wasted on the previous night (won't work if you mixed your drinks too much). I find that drinking lots of water before you go to sleep really helps, if you're in a frame of mind to do so.

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is there any explaination for why hangovers get worse as you get older? I remember in college i was able to go out and get up in the morning to work or go to school... these days even after only going out for a few drinks i feel terrible in the morning. I'm only 19 aswell, god knows what its going to be like when i am 30 :sad:

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yeh! I've nevr had a hangover and then suddenly i get a terrible one, in total i thew up 5 times the morning after.



The person that spiked my drink with something deserves shooting, i would never have had a hangover if it wernt for them. the bastards

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Water. Sleep. Puke if neccessary.


Word. I will add, "make yourself puke if necessary". I had a rotten hangover the day after st george's day, I had an exam that day too. I just drank crap loads of water, skipped some lectures snoozing on the sofa, and ate a frube to make myself sick. Made me feel loads better. Also took some tablets for the head ache.

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