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Yoshi's Island & Story

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So the other day I was lounging around at my friend's flat in uni and decided to switch on the N64 and put in Yoshis Island. After realising its been ten years since I played it, and then feeling a tad old for remembering 1997, I proceeded to play and loved it.


Never really played it much as I couldn't afford it. Now I can't stop playing it.


Is the DS sequel as good?

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Nver played the sequel as i'm not the biggest fan of the original . but the ds sequel was supposed to be as good as in if you liked the original you should like this but as i said i never played it...


A little off topic but is yoshis story any good?

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Yoshi's Stroy is the N64 title, Yoshi's Island is the SNES one.


I adore Yoshi's Island, and yes, the sequel (DS version) is great, but not as great as it predeccessor. Bowser looks weird in the DS version methinks.


As for Yoshi's Story, that is the worst £50 I ever spent! The game has no replay value and is over in one sitting. You only have to do like 8 levels to get to the end, not the full amount that are on offer. And to top it off, to finish a level does nor consist of reaching the end, but of eating enough fruit! No skill involved whatsoever.

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Yoshi's Story was good like, if not great. I dont have it but I have played it plenty and its full of Lylat Wars-esque replayability. All the different routes through it and having to track down and unlock the black and white Yoshi's. And a really cute and cool story book style to top it all off, as if the Yoshi charm wasnt enough!


As for Yoshi's Island on the Snes, probably the greatest 2D platformer there is. The DS one is a classy game, but lacks in the music department, or something. I cant quite decide where its major downfall is actually, but its definitely a shade behind the original, overall.

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If you mean Yoshi's Island, as in the snes original which was possibly one of the best games ever, then how wrong can you go with the sequel?

If you meant Yoshi's Story which was on N64, a pretty good game but no Yoshi's Island, then I reckon you can't go much wrong with Yoshi's Island 2 either.

Yoshi's Island 2, from what I've played of it, isn't quite as good as the first. It's still good, it's got its own little quirks and stuff, but they put the whole babies thing into it but removed the items. I didn't use the items too much(except for getting the perfect scores and stuff) but they were handy for just that, and sometimes just because you wanted to go mental with a super green watermelon. Mmmm, yoshi's island. Fact of the matter is, no sequel will match up to it, but that doesn't mean the sequels aren't good games.

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Super Mario World Yoshi's Island First Person




The first level of Super Mario Yoshi's Island for SNES in First Person.

This level is a original remake of the SNES Version from 1995.


Clearly a considerable amount of effort went into creating that but I'm not entirely sure what the point of it all was, really :heh:


It has reminded me, though, that ever since the Wii came out, I always thought the perfect control method for a Yoshi's Island game was to use the pointer to fire eggs in the desired direction, without having to wait for the cursor to align..

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