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Dont know if there was a thread about this before..but anyhoo


Post your pics of your favourite little(or big) creatures here!!


This is my dog..Spot. he's 9, we got him from a rescue home last year..he's awesome, always hyper, the postman hates him.







  Haggis said:
Dont know if there was a thread bout this bfore..but anyhoo


Post ur pics of ur favourite little(or big) creatures here!!


This is my dog..Spot. he's 9, we got him from a rescue home last year..he's awesome, always hyper, the postman hates him.










Only Messing Bud, Got yourself a nice little dog!


Heh, that looks like a pretty cool dog(Haggis's), especially like the first pic where he looks like he's got a cheeky little grin on his face! Myself, I don't claim ownership to them, but in the household we has a rabbit and a couple of guinea pigs. I'll take some pictures and post them when I find some procrastination time. One day I dream of owning a cat...


5 cats, Nero, Sparkle, Maximus, Figaro, Poppy


Old pictures on a rubbish camera:


Nero (Black Tipped British Shorthair):





Sparkle (Silver Tabby British Shorthair):





Maximus (British Blue Spotted British Shorthair):





Figaro (British Blue British Shorthair):




Poppy (Black and White Moggie):



  Rummy said:
Heh, that looks like a pretty cool dog(Haggis's), especially like the first pic where he looks like he's got a cheeky little grin on his face! Myself, I don't claim ownership to them, but in the household we has a rabbit and a couple of guinea pigs. I'll take some pictures and post them when I find some procrastination time. One day I dream of owning a cat...


Cats are awesome, I had 2 since i was born to a just over a year ago when the last one died.


They're great animals, you should get one, I would get another one if it wasn't for the fact my dog would chase it constantly




Here's my lovely rabbit Jasper. He's nearly a year old now. I've also got 2 budgies but don't have a picture on here at the moment.

  Katie said:


Here's my lovely rabbit Jasper. He's nearly a year old now. I've also got 2 budgies but don't have a picture on here at the moment.


He's so cute!!! I want one

  Katie said:


Here's my lovely rabbit Jasper. He's nearly a year old now. I've also got 2 budgies but don't have a picture on here at the moment.


Oh wow, that's one of the cutest rabbits I've seen, what sort of breed is he? The rabbit we have now is a bit rubbish really, I think he was just gotten to fill the void of the older rabbits we had.


He's a Netherland Dwarf :smile: I wasn't planning to buy a rabbit but I saw him in the pet shop and had to buy him. He's really good too and doesn't bite, he just rubs his chin on everything for some reason.


I thought he might be, apparently our rabbit was supposed to be(he's not, he's not small and cute enough), and he was also supposed to be a girl. I just woke up one day and he was there, so I dunno what petshop they got him from, but it's a pretty crap petshop I'd say. He also had a cold when we got him! He's an all right rabbit, but not very social like, tends to want to run away and do his own thing, doesn't seem to be relaxed around people(not in a scared way, just in a can't really be bothered way), but he doesn't jump much. That makes him much easier to catch than our older rabbits, who were really fast and jumped alot(they could jump over a wall between out patio and garden easily), but they were much friendlier and they had a wild parent! They could be quite aggressive too though. Anyhoo, enough about me and my rabbits.


EDIT: Oh yeah, apparently when they rub their chins on stuff they're marking it as theirs with their scent, rabbits can be quite territorial apparently.

  Rummy said:


EDIT: Oh yeah, apparently when they rub their chins on stuff they're marking it as theirs with their scent, rabbits can be quite territorial apparently.


I thought it might be that, but he does it to absolutely everything. His toys, the watering can, his tunnel, shoes, a stick, my foot. He's a nightmare to get back in his hutch too, but once you do catch him he'll sit with you quietly unless he finds something to chew. Usually my zips, he's already broken one, oh no two.


Is your rabbit a dwarf (not netherland) maybe? I had one when I was younger but she was huge.


Maybe he is, I really wouldn't know how to tell other than what they were told at the petshop. He's definitely smaller than the older rabbits, and they weren't exactly huge, so by that reasoning, I'd say yes, yes he is! I'm gonna take a picture if I let him out tomorrow/if the weather is nice and I sit in the garden, then you can all marvel at his unmarvelousness.

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