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I need to make money for...


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Guest Stefkov

Newspaper job.


Lend it off your parents, create a mini debt. Pay back what you can when you get money. Thats what I did with my psp, sold that and did the same with the 360. My TV is the same, my parents bought it through a card and I pay them when I can for them to pay it off.

My laptop the Ukranian club bought it, claimed back the VAT because its a business and I only have to pay £850 back to the club. Down to £750 now :D

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Sell old games and stuff that even though you may want to keep remember you still want the 360 more, if you trade in a Nintendo DS game by Nintendo at Game you get £18 store credit which is pretty good IMO.


If you go to game you can pick up a trade-in booklet and find out how much store-credit/money you can get for your old games.


I traded in my PSP, DS games and Wii games at Game and got pretty good money for them, luckily I was able to get the Easter special 360 offer where you can get a Premium (£270) with Gears and Crackdown (There are other games on offer too) for an extra tenner.


Although I think Gamestation do deals that are better value for money but I don't know if the give you the same amount for trade-ins.


Even though I wanted to at one point don't get a 360 off Ebay, you're gonna need the warranty you get with the new console just incase anything happens, (Game offer 2-3 years (£25-35) extra warranty which you can purchase at any point for one month after you've bought your 360).


I also got some cash by doing odd-jobs for my parents but I don't know if other people have this opportunity.

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Car Booty? I did one when I wanted money for a N64. Was good fun, selling junk in the morning, buying console in afternoon, playing Mario Kart 64 at night. Im gonna do one again in a few weels, not done one since I was 12, so I do not know what to expect now, as we have all these carboot programmes on the telly. Desperate for money here aswell!

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Ok thanks McMad :D I'm gunna dig through my games collection to see now :P


@ Magic....Im 14.....


@ Skunky. I cried my eyes out laughing....really...


aye but theres other ways you could make monety from odd jobs... kids around our neck of the woods make money by newspaper rounds ( i swear they are taking primary kids now!).. and people are always looking for people to do oddjob around the garden and stuff...


get creative =)

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You're 14, your only real option is to get a paper round and then to find someone you know that is rich and generous. Either that or wait two years then get some big full time work, which probably won't be easy then either.

Oh actually, buttons made me realise, you could go round helping people do stuff. Wash cars, do chores in exchange for money.


If you do want it really really bad, and can't wait and have no morals, a life of crime may be in order for you, but I highly suggest you don't go down that road...unless you rob a house with a 360.

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Put it in the bank. If the rate of interest averages 5% and an xbox 360 still costs £280 it will take you only 54 years to buy it. Which on the time scale of the universe, is a really really really short amount of time.


Haha, reminded me of the episode of futurama were Fry becomes super rich.


Fodzilla, listen, get yourself a paper round if your willing to put the time in. Try and get one that delivers the papers to your door and collect the money yourself, get some old customers and you'll be roling in tips.


Stefkov, we use the same method to pay for expensive things.

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Get an allowance. If you already have one, offer to do stuff around the house.

Even better, if your parents work from home or own their own business, then do as I do: work for them.


I work for my mum. She is the caretaker of a Quaker Meeting House, and I do the accounts for hiring of the rooms (she sucks at maths to be honest...) and some of the shifting of furniture to set up the rooms for groups who hire it.

What is rather good about this arrangement is that I can do the moving-of-stuff jobs about three times as fast as she can, so I get paid as according to how long the work would take her.



A second, and massively important tip: save!

I hardly ever by stuff other than food at lunch time during school or train/bus tickets, but when I decide "I want to spend some money!", I have loads to spend.

For example, last week I bought:

  • Excite Truck - £30
  • MP3 Player - £35
  • 1Gb Micro SD Card - £8
  • Jumper - £20
  • Phone credit - £10

See what I mean? I spend nothing, then I have £103 to spend in one week.

Save! It's worth it, and satisfying as hell.

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Haha, reminded me of the episode of futurama were Fry becomes super rich.


Fodzilla, listen, get yourself a paper round if your willing to put the time in. Try and get one that delivers the papers to your door and collect the money yourself, get some old customers and you'll be roling in tips.


Stefkov, we use the same method to pay for expensive things.


It would only take 235 years to become a millionaire. However, Inflation would mean that 1 mil isn't worth that much.

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Do your parents give you lunch money?


Go hungry at lunch. That must be at least £10 a week for doing nothing, possibly a bit more too.


Get a job! Even if it's just a paper round.

Offer to do jobs for your parents, then casually ask for more pocket money after a week or so of doing a job or so a day.




I have bugger all money at the moment, but I'll be getting my first pay cheque at the end of the money, and if my calculations are correct it will be about £230. Plus my allowance for the next 3 months comes in on the same day which is £75 (£25 a month really isn't enough from my parents. :( ). The thing is, most of that money is spent already, £130 sponsor money which I 'accidently' spent when I first put it into my bank account, £20 I owe my mum for petrol, and I'm sure there are a few other things too.

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