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Name your fruit!!


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Top fruit of all time? The best fruit that could ever grace your tastebuds? It is none other than the fruitiest of fruits;

The mango.

Anybody who has never had a mango before, go out to the shop today and buy one, seriously. Of course, try and get a good one, then cut it into thirds longways and eat it(have the middle seed part first, or give that bit to someone else). It seriously is probably the best natural thing you'll ever taste.

Other fruits for me are sweet things from the orange/citrus family, clementines mandarins satsumas oranges themselves etc. Sometimes I have apple, but not often or by my own accord. Not a big fan of bananas really, dunno why, and I hate avacado I think, or at least I remember having disliked it since I was really little so I've never had it since. I like kiwi fruit and lychee, but I've had neither for ages. Plums are kind of nice when they don't have the skin, the skin makes it kind of bitter.


Seriously though people, go eat a mango, today.

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I like Strawberries, grapes and melon (all of them) the most. Plums are lovely when they're ripe too.


I don't really have a favourite, but I like the occasional banana (tastes awesome cut up in pieces with dark brown sugar on top). During the summer I like eating watermelon as well as strawberries (strawberries with white sugar are great!). Yes, I like my sugar.

And grapes and apples are yummy too.



I used to love having strawberries with sugar too but I don't let myself anymore.

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Cherry's are gross.




Apples (Granny Smith, Braeburn)


Freshly picked blackberry's:):heh:...though some are a bit...strong:S


Yeah I agree.


If by gross you mean... GROSSLY AMAZING! Cherries are awesome, and I can't believe I hadn't considered or seen them mentioned in this thread until now. It's been a while since I had cherries, but I love them. Not as much as mangod, which are the god of all fruits, but they're nearly as awesome.

As for strwaberries, I find they're only really good with sugar, and I think a real fruit shouldn't need added stuff.

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