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Mega 64 Appreciation


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These guys are LEGENDS. If you've never seen you simply HAVE to. If you don't find the Resident Evil 4 one hilarious you are insane.


NEW Super Mario Bros skit (featuring Miyamato!): http://www.mega64.com/smb.htm


And some of my favourites:

Shenmue: http://www.mega64.com/shenmue.htm

Metal Gear Solid: http://www.mega64.com/mgs.htm

Resident Evil 4 http://www.mega64.com/re4.htm

Dead Rising: http://www.mega64.com/deadrising.htm

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They also did that Prince of Persia one right, where they "reverse time"? I laughed my ass off when I saw that the first time. XD


And this new one is funny too; I laughed out loud (hur, lol!) when the guy dressed as Link showed up. =P

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How did they get Miyamoto to star in that? Very funny.

We got asked to do the videos for GDC's awards show again, and it was gonna just be the same old stuff. Like a week later, I saw an ad announcing Miyamoto's keynote appearance. Since last year we showed our Ico video and actually got praise from the team behind the game, I got cocky and thought maybe if I called in enough favors, we could get Miyamoto to appear in a skit. I called the people at GDC, and while they thought it was potentially impossible, they were supportive and sent my skit ideas off to Nintendo. Nintendo actually thought it was funny, but said that Miyamoto was so busy that it was unlikely. We didn't find out we could film with him until they called me literally the moment I stepped off our plane in San Francisco. We booked it to where he was rehearsing his keynote, filmed the bit with him, and then had a mere hour or so to edit the video on my iBook in an empty room in the Moscone Center before I gave the DV tape to the people in charge of the awards.


It was pretty intense, but meeting him was so rad. The first thing we ever filmed for Mega64 was a Mario skit at my old high school, so this was pretty much as full circle as it could get.



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If I was ever at a place where something like that was happening, I'd join in, the Dead Rising one, for instance, I'd pretend I was a survivor, and that my girlfriend had been eaten by zombies. Or I'd tell "Ryo" that he could find sailors at the local jazz bar. You get the picture.


These are genius. :laughing:

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