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Manhunt 2


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I wonder how much Nintendo payed for this...


They could have done that, but I doubt it, it's not NIntendo's style (unfortunately). They said they were in negotiations with Rockstar some time ago so it makes sense. It's just a PS2 port with added Wii controls.

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It might be a port, even with a slightly different team owrking on it.

Its funny how people start liking these games when they're released on a nintendo format, when before some people were like, 'GTA isnt that great anyway, so i dont care'. thats the minority though


i reckon that the guy who said strangling someone with the cord between wiimote and nunchuk is a genius, they could actually do that. make a simultaneous loop motion to get them in a straglehold and then alternatively move them back and forth to make a cutting action so the person is strangled.

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Yeah, read the news on GoNintendo. It's on Take2's site as well. Never played or cared about Manhunt a few years ago. To me, that game looks like beat the crap out of the people just for fun. It IS afterall a 'sport' in that virtual world.


There's supposed to be some stealth involved as you try sneak out or avoid being found. That part sounds pretty good. It even has that sick Saw-feel to it. I'll wait for more info and the media to see how it shapes up, but this is pretty huge news.


Reggie did saw awesome lobbying there! This title is more likely a test case. If it sells well, a GTA or other high-profile title will make its way to the Wii. If it bombs, that's probably the last thing you'll ever see of Rockstar. It all depends on how they market it. I'm pretty sure the Wii version will make headlines in the tabloids...

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Wow I am very surprised by that kind of support from Rockstar - I guess it will be quite a cheap port though but still a violent Rockstar game on a Nintendo console.


The Wii will become a real kids console because of that though :(

I can see all the 12 year olds trying to get this game :D

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Well loved the first game. Aside from the violence that courted so much controversy and was the main reason for the daily mail leading a crusade against games. But aside from that it is probably the most atmospherical game I have ever played it all just drew u in.

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It might be a port, even with a slightly different team owrking on it.

Its funny how people start liking these games when they're released on a nintendo format, when before some people were like, 'GTA isnt that great anyway, so i dont care'.



Agreed check out the over rated game series thread for instance.personally i love the gta games and rockstar are one of the best devolopers at the moment

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Actually, I was quite disturbed by the first game when it came out. I probably still think it was a bit like asking for trouble, and Rockstar might've done better putting a title like Table Tennis between GTA and Manhunt just to not be pigeonholed into "making games to get on people's tits" category. Marileru Mansonmoto like.


However, I've developed a bit of an interest in these themes over time, especially thanks to films like Saw and Hostel, maybe even to an extent Silent Hill 4 and the recent film adaptation. Now I sort of see the appeal in the subject matter, and it really isn't just about the "pleasure of murder" or anything like that.


Anyhoo, where was I heading with this.. AH yes. I think the trend (beginning of one yeah?) of seeing PS2/Wii/PSP games is promising. If the Wii games can live up to the standard of graphics and animation that recent PS2 games display with some added snazzyness on top and carefully crafted Wii controls, that's an excellent way of enjoying games I think. I mean heck, I'm gonna pick up Okami on friday, and I SO would've jumped on a Wii version of that.


I think late PS2 games have truly mastered the art > tech balance, and I think that's what's going to carry Wii games into the hearts of people. While I hope for buckets of exclusives aswell, of course, I still see this as a good thing.

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Yeah but the graphics are supposed to make this look realistic. I don't want to suffacate someone with a plastic bag in any sort of form.


Does anyone else find this game sick? or are people just not bothered about doing things like this?


I did find it sick at first, the up close murders when you sneak up can be quite gory, but nothing worse than you would see in an 18 movie. At first when I got it (for just £1 in an audit at work with no box!) didn't enjoy but the gameplay was just so finely balanced couldn't help but play it and then I really got drawn into it...


The thing i felt about the game is it didn't seem to glamourise the violence, it had a back story, you were a character who is trapped in very strange circumstances and is merely trying to survive, you have the eeriy voices talking to you (which through the xbox headset was awesome) and it makes you fall into the game whilst there is no doubting the game is brutal, I dunno theres something about it, that doesn't make it feel violent for the sake of it....

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I agree. I mean it definitely has shock value at first, but then so do movies based on roughly the same subject matter. Saw is about inflicting pain on yourself, sure, but it's essentially the same key question posed; how far would you go to survive?


I'm not sure where I stand in regards to all of this, but Eurogamer (the ever inconsistent eurogamer!) had a brilliant interview up with the guys behind the columbine game. They raised some valid points about the competence of the medium in exploring the human psyche. I haven't really processed those ideas yet and come to any sort of conclusion, but in regards to this game I feel it works.


Perhaps it works because it looks rather boxy and relies on atmosphere in fact. I think a PS3/360 Manhunt might just be distasteful.


Um. Distasteful-er.

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Its great news for the Wii but I disagree with the people who talk about "make or break for Nintendo/Rockstar". Call me a perfectionist but if Rockstar put out a piss-poor game then they should accept the poor sales that should go with it.


And if it just so happens that the game is on a Nintendo platform then I have lost all faith in humanity if that means that they will stop developing for the Wii.


But if the game sells poorly but is excellent, then by all means pull support. If we don't appreciate it then they have every right to ignore the Wii.

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Its funny how people start liking these games when they're released on a nintendo format, when before some people were like, 'GTA isnt that great anyway, so i dont care'. thats the minority though


Isn't it just?

I didn't like the original so I doubt i'll get this.

However, more Nintendo support from Rockstar = the possibility of more Rockstar games (not just ports) = good thing.

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Proof. Straight from Rockstar HQ.


"The Wii version of "Manhunt 2" will be vastly stripped down and will use the system's Mii characters in the game, to save processing power so that the environments will look wkd."


What's wkd?


I call bullshit.





The first theatrical trailer is out!




Looks nice.

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