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Yes... the Halloween costume plan is coming together nicely, yet the green waistcoat remains incredulously elusive.


What about the costume I linked you to? You could trade the parts of it you don't need with small children and nick all their sweets in return.

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What about the costume I linked you to? You could trade the parts of it you don't need with small children and nick all their sweets in return.


That's not the Joker way. There's a costume store near me that I phoned and they said they hire out the full suit. It was also reassuringly expensive, without being any more than I would have otherwise paid. So if that's suitable, I'll go with that one and take the jacket back. That costume you linked me was just an attached shirt with a waistcoat/shirt/tie design painted on.

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That's not the Joker way. There's a costume store near me that I phones and said they hire out the full suit. It was also reassuringly expensive, so if that's suitable, I'll go with that one and take the jacket back. That costume you linked me was just an attacged shirt with a waistcoat/shirt/tie painted on.


Really? Crap, no wonder it was cheap. How much is this one then?

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It's around £35 to hire for a couple of nights. And the tacky costume was about that to buy, so I'm confident it will be better. I need to go down on the weekend and look for myself though. In the mean time, I need green hair spray and perhaps a deck of cards (I don't actually have any traditional decks). I was contemplating on taking my rusty pen-knife I found in a field months ago, but that may be a little too far.

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I've got to agree with these guys.


Lol, ahwell. 'Tis expected, you either love it or loathe it. I can't wait for it personally, I'm officially hyped. Everytime I go the cinema in York, there's a big stand for it. I've gotten a fair few people at college liking it after they said the loathed it. All I had to do was show it too them, and they were like "Oh...it's not as bad as I figured".

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I just got tickets to see the worlds number 1 Michael Jackson tribute! I saw him last year on a work do and he's awesome. He's a bit freaky looking, but so's the real thing! But he does all the moves brilliantly and sounds identical. It's tomorrow night as well so should be a great start to the weekend!



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