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Yea dead nervous about it, have to get lots of praticse in now.


Also I never knew how hard it is to buy a car, everyone I ring up about is gone :(


Try going for a car that's worth less (i.e. slightly older, smaller engine) but is in a really good condition. That way the price will be higher (meaning it won't be snatched up straight away) and you're less likely to have problems later.

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Its abit out of order sending off an email saying its been dispatched when it hasn't.


That's exactly what I thought. I'm not really that offended because it is only 2 quid, but still...it's a bit crap the way they've handled eet. I want my geeky t-shiiiirt.



Battalion Wars 2 From Game for 7 quid. Bargaaaain.





Shaving stuff for 4 quid. :)

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If you're into Pendulum style DnB then this album is what In Silico should have been. (Not that I don't love In Silico. It was just a bit more mainstream than I thought it'd be) Freaking epix.



A pretty below average MoS effort. Really not as good as it could have been.


iPhone-windowseat.jpg +griffin_powerjolt_wht.jpg

Anticipating the rumoured update to the maps app making it more like a proper GPS. Useful for controlling speakerphone/iTunes in the car and not missing those last minute "Shit I'm not gonna be able to make it" texts when you're driving to meet someone (I seriously lose road concentration if I even try to fumble with my phone normally, so don't bother till I stop. Also, fed up of my frigging iPhone battery dying while away.



Looks better fo' real, the grey isn't as pronounced. It was also in the sale and it's got a furrry inside. Oh AND I was freezing my ass off in Newport waiting for Emma to finish work and needed something warm to wear asap.


Yeah, I know I'm on the dole but I got some early birthday money and fucked if I'm gonna let it go to waste on petrol etc... so decided to spend it asap.

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I bought a phone thing for my car (for a nokia), and its sturdy as hell (seems to be well enough made) but I just cannot for the life of me get it to stay on the window, bloody heavy phone! ¬_¬


Oh I hate it. HATE IT. :(


(car charger is terribly handy mind you!) :D


Haha I had the same problem. Took me aaaaaaagesss to get it to fix but it seems pretty stable enough now. The only problem is that it BOUNCES UP AND DOWN like an overenthusiastic puppy if I drive anything over about 50. Meaning I have to hold it to read anything on the screen anyway. It's still pretty handy though.

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Haha I had the same problem. Took me aaaaaaagesss to get it to fix but it seems pretty stable enough now. The only problem is that it BOUNCES UP AND DOWN like an overenthusiastic puppy if I drive anything over about 50. Meaning I have to hold it to read anything on the screen anyway. It's still pretty handy though.


hehe so true. My satnav holder seems to be sturdy enough but then the satnavs not really as heavy and the arm on it isn't extended or moveable. God damn technology. :(


I can't drive at 50mph :(:(:( haha

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hehe so true. My satnav holder seems to be sturdy enough but then the satnavs not really as heavy and the arm on it isn't extended or moveable. God damn technology. :(


I can't drive at 50mph :(:(:( haha


Yes you can, just don't let yourself get caught :).

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I fit my phone to a brodit clip which goes around the radio. Doesn't need to stick to the window, isn't in the way or anything - easier to reach to change tracks etc. Looks a lot like this:




That would solve your window-sticking problems :)

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I fit my phone to a brodit clip which goes around the radio. Doesn't need to stick to the window, isn't in the way or anything - easier to reach to change tracks etc. Looks a lot like this:




That would solve your window-sticking problems :)


That looks like it could be perfect for me, due to small windscreen/weird dashboard. Where did you get yours from?

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That looks like it could be perfect for me' date=' due to small windscreen/weird dashboard. Where did you get yours from?[/quote']

I... can't remember tbh :( I think it might be http://www.dsldevelopments.com/ or http://www.mountonus.com/


You get it in two parts, one that fits your car and one that fits your device. Wasn't too easy to fit but looks pretty cool IMO :)


Edit: looks like both those sites only have Elise S1 mounts up to '07 though.

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