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I saw a program on TV last night about Sushi. I was only watching it because the guy was in Japan, but I watched it through to the end and it got me thinking.


I hate fish (mostly) but the program, watching everyone eating Sushi and enjoying it, made me wonder, and now I want to try it, but from what he said, the best stuff is in Japan because it is so fresh, which is how it is supposed to be.


Have you ever had it, where from and did you like it?

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Ive had sushi a few times... with crab in it Im pretty sure. With a touch of wasabi it went down a treat. I cant mind if there was any other fish in it, but it was very good. Im a fan of fish dishes though so I was always (hopefully!) gonna be impressed with it.


Its best fun making your own, get the wee bamboo roller thing and youre laughin :bouncy: (however, try it in the resto too, and see if its up to scratch.)

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I lived with a chinese chef for a little bit and he made awesome sushi.

Other than that their is a sushi bar in glasgow that I go to with the conveyor belts and the chef in the centre. That place is also awesome, and expensive.


But if your trying sushi for the first time I really don't recomend any supermarket brand. None of them amounts up to real sushi.

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