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How's your Arm?


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I have a terrible pain in my right arm and shoulder after playing Wii Sports for 8+ hours on each of the past two days.

I know you can do small movements, and I sure laughed at the videos with people jumping all over the place (of course I wouldn't do something like that, right?), but the truth is after 30 seconds or so of playing I forget about the small movements thing and I'm almost hitting everything around me with the Wiimote... :laughing:

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Boxing is a killer, me and my mate were playing it for an hour or two yesterday and it really made my arms ache, otherwise, my arms are fine with everything else. I've calmed down a bit now, not swinging and jumping around like a lunatic anymore.

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Boxing got me hot and flustered. Baseball hurts my apper arms, buts its gotta be good for me. It's so much more satisfying than just sitting there twidling your thumbs. You really feel like part of the game. My heating costs will go down now in the winter when I play as this will definately keep me warmed up.

Go the Wii!!!

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with 12 hours of straight Zelda my hands/arms are fine but see on the 8th of Dec with WiiSports with the mother in the morning and then WiiSports & WiiPlay with 5 friends in the evening just killed my arms the next day, wasn't able to life as many plates at work as I would have usually lol (work as a part time waiter :heh:)

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My arms cane - damn Wii Sports!!

As to the debate, Wii Sports is fun because of the way you play - the game would be shit sat down on the sofa making minimal movements!!


Yeah, on the first day, we just sat down and played Wii Sports.

On the second day, I made people stand up. So much more fun now. :D

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Wii Sports is killing me. Rayman even more so. But yeah, I didn't get why people were throwing Wiimotes at TVs and jumping around, until I finally PLAYED THAT DARN THING!

Obviously Wii Sports can't be played while sitting down - blasphemy! Zelda and the Shooters are okay while sitting, but even Red Steel felt so immersive when actually standing up.


And my right arm is just gone - yesterday, I tried a 3-player Tennis match for the first time, and I just got kicked because I couldn't even lift my arm anymore, it hurt too much.


As with everything that requires training, I will probably not have a problem anymore once I'm through this, but boy does it hurt...

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I'll be honest here. After one day of Wii, my right arm is in considerable pain. This is probably due to unrelated physical activity, but still, diving about the room like a mad man playing Wii tennis isn't making it any better. Yes, I said I've been diving about the room. All those who play it by sitting on the sofa flicking their wrists about are boring fuckers. FACT.

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I'll be honest here. After one day of Wii, my right arm is in considerable pain. This is probably due to unrelated physical activity, but still, diving about the room like a mad man playing Wii tennis isn't making it any better. Yes, I said I've been diving about the room. All those who play it by sitting on the sofa flicking their wrists about are boring fuckers. FACT.


FACT: It is a sin to play WiiSports sitting down!!! Do it and you will anger the GODS...and make the Mii's cry:cry:

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