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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I frequently refer to people here as "You Little Yellow Fuckers". Am I going to hell too? I also call a spade a shovel. Is that derogatory to miners? Or worse, those who sit there and say "that could offend SOMEONE!" No-one seems to know who this mysterious "Someone" is but you can believe that it's pretty much "Nobody" and as usual it's "Everybody" that has to feel bad. The thing is, we need to call things what they are. However, as someone said, common terms can easily be deemed as offensive - it's the tone, not the word. In China, these Little Yellow Fuckers call all foreigners "Laowai" meaning "Old Foreigner". Now, some people don't know any better, and that's the term they were brought up to use. Others see it as common usage and latch on to it. However, there are those here who very clearly use it as a term of abuse, and you have to learn to differentiate between the uses rather than ban the term altogether. And seriously, if you tried really hard you could be offended by anything.
  2. I'm addicted to YOU, you're a hard... habit... to break...
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8286240.stm Unelected, Unlawful, Unacceptable. Several appropriate words to describe the Burmese military Junta.
  4. That's right, N-Forumites, it's a big happy birthday to everyone's favourite mod who doesn't shut up about kids! Woo! Happy birthday, Mr O!
  5. "Dirty Cheating Spaniard Fernando Alonso To Move To More Underhand Team" I'm sorry, but controversy seems to follow this guy everywhere. Ferrari always cry "foul" whenever someone else steps an inch out of line, it should help divert attention from their new cheating addition.
  6. Or maybe Hitler really was just a woman and this whole this was penis envy. Bloody feminists. In other news: Dirty Greebo Soap Dodger Got What She Deserved and Now a Policeman is in Trouble for Doing What We All Would Have Done to the Dirty Greebo Soapdodger. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8279001.stm
  7. Shanghai is home now, but there's a lot of unwelcoming aspects - casual racism, rudeness, a willingness to cheat foreigners and generally unhelpful attitudes to anyone who doesn't have brown eyes and black hair. HOWEVER: It's cheap, convenient, with great food and hot women and men, a lot of amazing sights and sounds and it's a great place to work. But the racism dos get to me and so does the ultra-nationalism.
  8. That's the thing though...his name ALWAYS comes up in these things but then he's "cleared of any involvement". I genuinely believe that the whole story never gets told... I'm sorry, I know the guy is always never to blame (apparently) but I'm so curious as to why is so often referenced as being at the heart of a problem and then suddenly he's exonerated.
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsport/formula_one/8273965.stm Why is it that Cheating Fernando Alonso is always at the heart of these rows/scandals but he never gets blamed? It's always someone else's fault and everyone seems to love him though time and time again he's proven untrustworthy and two-faced.
  10. Welcome to the forums, have fun around my stick I'm the most intelligent one around here, but I'm too busy playing with the spinning top on my desk for anyone to notice. Actually, I might be autistic...
  11. I'm the local pub owner, an educated barbarian with a heart of gold. I don't stand for injustice and will beat the snot out of anyone picking on the weak. I have a soft spot for Danny-Boy as I think he needs protecting from himself, and I tolerate his obvious insanity with good humour. There are times when I have to help him out of sticky situations. My trademark catchphrase is "Woss Goin'on?"
  12. Iun


    Dynastygal was insane. You're not. Stop wasting your time on someone YOU should have been cheating on and not the other way around. *joins in the group hug, gently fondles a few choice arses* Come to China, it's a beautiful country full of beautiful available women gagging for some manly western willy.
  13. Iun


    I can't drink for the forseeable future thanks to my dodgy bowels. I will say I had a lot of fun while drinking - I lost an entire week during the first week at Reading. All I can remember is the next week everyone was up in arms about the fact that soome assholes (us) had managed to get a road closed off by secretly moving all the roadworks signs and even some heavy equipment. It took two days for the workers to realise they were working on the wrong road. However, I don't need a drink to enjoy myself, and I have nothing but the deepest pity for those buttoned-up twats who absolutely MUST have a drink in order to be able to enjoy themselves.
  14. That film upset me because I found John Leguizamo to be very attractive.
  15. Actually, the least we could do is nothing. Let's go one or two better.
  16. Seriously a shame, so impressive that he fought it without painkillers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok here we go: Anyone for a rmake of "Ghost" ? The worms have really got "Hungry Eyes" ... Someone else?
  17. Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuewewewewewewse me, princess!
  18. In fairness the Arsenal fans were provoking the poor guy. Yes, I know, professionalism and all that, but there seem to be few checks on the professionalism of fans. And frankly, racism has no part in the game. Now, where's Ramar to tell us that he was in the stands and all he heard were shouts of "I say, good show Adebayor!" and "Gosh, you're decision to leave us inspires no bitterness, bully for you, old chap!"
  19. AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURED CABINET FOR SALE Cabinet for Sale - details below DISPLAY CABINET, one of the most elegant and functional display cabinets currently on the market. Features o Fine timber details o 4 leadlight options o 4 side access doors (there is maximum frontal display) o Adjustable shelves are extra deep to accommodate large items o Halogen down lights o Mirror back with glass shelves provide max illumination of collectables from top to bottom. To give indication of size of the Cabinet it previously held the following: o Rugby League World Cup o Rugby Union World Cup o International Rules Trophy o Tri Nations Trophy o Super-12 Trophy o Trans-Tasman Touch Football Trophy o Davis Cup o Hockey World Championship Trophy o Bledisloe Cup. o Ashes urn. All these trophies are now overseas and the Cabinet is excess to requirements. To make an offer call R Stuart, R Ponting, S Mortlock or P. Fitzsimons who once commented "The Australian Cabinet is groaning under the weight of all the trophies!" They can be contacted on: 1800-LOST-THE-LOT
  20. Don't touch me, you don't know where I've been!
  21. I think the real question is : Have you ever lied to someone and said "I love you too" in return for sex? I have.
  22. Languages I can speak to near fluency: French, German, Italian, Chinese, English, Languages I can understand in written or spoken form: Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Shanghainese (yes it's a different language!), Latin That is all.
  23. She's been here since 2006... apparently. Quo vadis?
  24. For example, a black person would read Jay's post as follows: Or so I am led to believe. OH! You're blaming the Jews now?!
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