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Everything posted by Iun

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/8376937.stm ... You... just... what...huh? These people are trying to divide by zero, I swear.
  2. YOU. ARE. SHITTING. ME. Someone scratch my eyes out, I don't want to see anything ever again, for I have glimpsed Heaven.
  3. Sure, but I need to work out how to adequately compress video using my iSight camera on the Maccy, or use Mrs Iun's happy snappy crappy Sony DC.
  4. Aw, that's sweet Just how overweight is she? Are we talking a few kilos or Susan Boyle territory? Naw, I kid. It's lovely But Christmas is coming up and Gym memberships are cheaper now.
  5. I am physically unable to see the 3D aspect of 3D films, and if I watch the film without the glasses, then I just get a headache. The Matrix A really great film, that retreads the old Cartesian "Evil Deceiver" premise with joy and abandon. Some scenes are a bit pointless but make up for it with the action. Such a shame they never made any sequels. 8/10
  6. Iun


    D'you know... I don't really like this game. I'm about 3 hours in and it all appears to be so pointless. Yes, there's a story and the presentation is good, but the commentary is dull, the action repetitive and the layout is confusing. Am I missing something?
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/internationals/8368100.stm Denied! No stairway!
  8. I had no idea! You see, I spent the last 10 years in a cave, on Mars, with my fingers in my ears going "la la la la!"
  9. The same thing happened with the reimagined BSG... everyone was all "oh, it will never work! Starbuck can't be a woman! Why is she a woman? Waaaah waaah waaah!" Then literally EVERY MAN IN THE WORLD had his thumb and index finger on the zipper everytime Number 6 appeared on screen. I saw some of the original, damn weird show, but nightmarishly entertaining in its own way.
  10. Because EXACTLY the same people who said videogames are violent and you shouldn't be allowed to play them will subsequently get outraged and say "You can't control people, it's WRONG!" And while explaining irony to the masses gives me a bellyache, their bitching is something I can tune out.
  11. Robert Pattinson left a bad taste in my mouth... ...and didn't call the next day That and I found the characterisation over-idealised. Kind of like a reverse Hammer film, really.
  12. I like them! ... Oh wait, no, I don't. They're what would happen if a wheelie bin and a pair of fake plastic breasts had a baby. Way of the Warrior 10/10 TV movie, so maybe doesn't count, but I'm bringing it up anyway, because I'm sooooooo painfully avant garde. The performances are universally good (for Star Trek) the plot is complicated (for Star Trek) the space battles are good (for Star Trek) and there is just the right balance of action, drama and humour (for Star Trek). Note that I also give blowjobs (for Star Trek) out behind the cafe.
  13. The real question is what damage is society doing to videogames.? That and how do I turn off the stupid italics?
  14. I wish you nothing but happy desu-desu-desu-!
  15. Well, when you get to my age... It occurred to me I might have a problem the other day... I was talking with the sax player from the band about Deep Heat muscle rub... he said "It's real bad when you accidentally masturbate with that..." ...I don't accidentally masturbate with anything... it's all... preplanned...
  16. Wow... why not spend some of this time on getting over yourself? You might find that not only is life worth living, but that in the grand scheme of things the worthlessness of your life means nothing to the world at large. My day: 7 hours sleep 8-10 hours work 2 hours traveling 1 hour at the gym 1-2 hours playing Wii 1 hour messing about on the internet .39 minutes masturbating
  17. COOLNESS. BEARS. Wash your mouth out with soap and water, then get yourself straight to bed, young man! I'll join you in a minute.
  18. ... You know what's more fun than maths? Girls! Girls and their vaginas! But in the spirit of learning, I'm going to answer your question with a question: "Prove that when your degree is higher maths, that finding integers, indices, rationals and irrationals is going to get you a hot wife"
  19. You can leave any time you like. Any time at all. Feel free. Any time. Now would be good, for example. Dammit... there needs to be a threatening face smiley... Kidding! I kid because I love! And welcome Zootsuit!
  20. I'm up for some Winter Meat! Bend over?
  21. Iun


    I saw some of this the other day... ...all I kept thinking was "And Terminator got cancelled..." It's kind of like that South Park episode where Cartman gets his own amusement park and Kyle gets an infected ass. Except V is Cartman's amusement park and Kyle's infected ass is Terminator being cancelled.
  22. And yet you STILL like those two cinematic abortions that attempted to follow The Matrix?! Dude, our love just isn't strong enough to take this anymore
  24. We have a gig on the Friday, and then me and the English-speaking guys from the band are going to Hooters Saturday night.
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