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Everything posted by Iun

  1. What... no Morrowind or Oblivion? *barf* And yes, it should be a toss-up between RE4 and Metroid Prime. EDIT: RESIDENT EVIL 4 LOSES TO SNORE-FEST FINAL FANTASY X? Christ, I swear I sometimes understand why people go on killing sprees.
  2. Bah, Humbug. Mrs Scrooge and I have 80% decided not to have kids. Right now I'm studying for my PhD and once that's over in five or so years, we'll be moving to the UK to find a University for me to lecture in. By which time she'll be 40 and I'll be... thirty something. I guess I've always thought of myself as too selfish to have kids.
  3. Iun

    Iron Man 3

    So Favreau is out, who's in the hotseat next? Praying it doesn't turn into an X-Men 3 style of debacle.
  4. What, sex or sex with three pairs of socks? Wow... three socksy-girls at once, that would be socktacular, like totally a socksual fantasy of mine. Socks.
  5. That's not rape, but it is irresponsible. STD's unwanted pregnancy... Should a man be arrested for being irresponsible in the bedroom? No. Should a man be arrested for irresponsilbe leaks of classified documents? Absolutely.
  6. Exasperated, is the word. Seriously, what the hell? WE NEED STABILITY! Sorry for you Chris, it was genuinely not your fault. And no, we don't want Martin Jol. The thing about "More Experience" is obviously to forestall any discussions about Shearer coming back. I was just getting to tolerate Mike Ashley - he seemed to be taking a good hands-off approach and letting things run as they should be. Hughton got us back into the Premiership, minus the "Stars" of the previous campaign at the first time of asking. We're 11th in the table, when people said by now we'd have no points. We had negative cash to spend on transfers, and yet still we've proven our mettle. Hughton may not have been a charismatic, dynamic tactical genius, but he got us to a great position. Ditching him like this just shows no respect and no class. Odds on that there will be demonstrations outside St James' and Ashley will throw another hissy fit and put the club back onto the market.
  7. I'm going to rape you! ... ... Not really! See? That was a pleasant surprise!
  8. ...a ticket back to England. Despite working 12 hour days 6 days a week, I don't have enough money. The Chinese recently doubled the tax payment on new houses from 3% to 6%, so instead of paying 50,000 in tax, we paid 100,000. And this is having signed a contract saying we'd only pay 3%. China: not a country ruled by law, but by the whims of her despotic masters.
  9. I think there should be an award for not proposing an award which I wouldn't win because I didn't propose an award, did I?
  10. Stop posting Youtube videos! I can't view them because of this backward country and their irrational fear of the internet! uh... I mean... Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad! *whimper* Anyway, I loved Trio toffee bars... TRIIII-O TRIIIIIIO!
  11. That's a pretty standard childhood bully right there. Or at least, standard for my area.
  12. Take a look at the LAW-MAAAAN beating up the wrong guy-ee, oh man, whun-der if he'll ever know, he's in the best selling show-oh-oh-oh, is there life on MAAAAAAAAAR-HAR-HARS....
  13. When did you do that, last Christmas wasn't it? I remember you telling me the story once. What are you going to do this year? --------------------------------------------------------------------- When I was living in Reading, there was this one guy who'd canvas the same bus stop every day, same sort of time. I must have gotten told the same story about 50 times. It makes it clear he was just lying for money. Anyweay: every day on the Shanghai Underground I see a couple of people wandering up and down the trains - sometimes it's a lady with a baby, sometimes a blind man playing the flute and a crippled lady guiding him along. I generally don't give, as most of the beggars here are part of a syndicate, or have been purposefully crippled by a gang. There was one time that I gave to an old guy on a footbridge: he showed me his leg, it was horrible. Gashed to the bone with the skin around it turning purple. I gave him everything I had. Next ime I saw him, the leg had been amputated.
  14. This is why guns are banned: not because they're dangerous, but because there are so many temptations to use them.
  15. I'm glad I'm doing everything post-graduating online. I was ready to leave by the time I graduated. Mentally I began associating education with incessant noise.
  16. I dunno... I see Donkey Kong in a pair of football boots, a plastic limbo pole and a miniature "football" on a piece of elastic. Could be fun until someone knocks over the papier mache Father Christmas. BTT: University was absolutely the worst time, Wolfie, six-months of non-stop noise, yammering outside the rooms at 2am, drunken ramblings interspersed with giggling, some little bum-wipe running through the corridors screaming "Oy Oy SAVELOY!". He was also punched.
  17. No, not a thread on the declining quality of everybody's favourite Australian soap, rather an open forum on the "People Next Door Who Piss You Off". I'll start... Mrs Iun and I were fortunate enough to be able to buy an apartment last year in Shanghai, just before the prices skyrocketed (1sqm last year was 19500 RMB, now more than 33000RMB). It's a totally new development - they hadn't finished building when we bought it so we couldn't see inside or anything. But the pictures looked nice. Anyway, these things are bought as a shell - you get the windows and the outside door, a free shitty sink in the kitchen and a toilet plus on tap. Oh, and a lightbulb. Yay. So the whole process of decorating starts from putting the plumbing in and then the electrics... underfloorboards... then the kitchen, tiles in the bathroom... right up to the last point, which is the actual floorboards. We got the keys in February and started the process of buying and putting everything in, took about two months in total. Leave the place to stand for another two months, then we moved in in July. Pretty cool. The FIRST night, the people above us had the TV on so loud it was like we were standing in front of it. And then - and this is the best part - they were talking OVER the TV, which basically means shouting. Hilarious. Went up there, politely asked them to quiet down, they did. Up until about three weeks ago not a peep. Then suddenly, all hell breaks loose, and it's usually around 11pm that it breaks: circular saws cutting wood; angle grinders on metal, stiletto heels on stone floors and incessant flushing of toilets. The rules are between 8am and 8pm you can do any decorating necessary, but after then, you gotta shush. The first time, we left a polite note on the door, as they didn't open when we knocked (about 45 seconds after the drill finally stopped). We mentioned it to the apartment manager who said he spoke with the neighbours last night: they said it couldn't possibly be them as they had already FINISHED the decorating process. Oh, ok. Great, peace and quiet! Oh... wait... no. Two weeks ago it was 10pm, which is bedtime for us (I get up every day at 5.30) and there came the sound of some stuff being dragged across the floor. Once is okay for a minute or so. Yeah... this shit didn't stop for ten minutes. So up I went, knocked on the door. Turns out they speak fluent English (lord knows how) and they very politely said they would stop. Had a quick look inside the house, it was still a shell. So the old "It can't be us, we have already finished" line wasn't true. We establish they are liars. Since then, like clockwork, around 1am the lady can be heard walking back and forth in high heels, someone is dragging boxes and dropping things on the floor. Every time we knock, we get no response. The light is on, it can be seen through the spy hole, they're simply not opening the door. Well, tonight was the limit. 9:45, and BBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZORRRRRRRWWWWWWWWWAARW Not once, not twice, not thrice but non-stop. We called the Bao-an (a cross between security and parking attendant) and they went up. The noise continued. Now, here is a good time to mention that at University I broke a guy's jaw for playing music from about 3am to 6am for six months, so my actions should be judged in relation to that extreme. BANGBANGBANG! *door opens* There's a guy with an angle grinder on the floor and what looks like a half-made set of shelf brackets. The landlady is standing in the doorway, the Bao'an is inside, looking useless. Husband is in the background. "Yes?" "THE. FUCK. YOU. DOING?" "Well, I'm just..." "SCRATCH THAT, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU'RE DOING, SHUT THE FUCK UP." "Sorry." "JESUS CHRIST, "SORRY"? IT'S NEARLY TEN O'CLOCK, FUCKING SHUT UP." *stompstompstomp* Now I'm in a thundering rage and won't sleep.
  18. Do you know what, this hasn't done half the damage it could have done. And what I'm liking is the reaction in China - classic doublethink: America Encourages Allies To Make War! Reaction in China: "Oh! Wicked Imperialists! We know every white person has blood on their hands! Good for Wikileaks! Thank you for bringing this irrefutable truth to light! Long live Julian Assange! China Derides North Korea as "Spoiled Child" Reaction in China: "Do these Wikileaks come from a reliable source? Is their any irrefutable proof that these are not just made up? Julian Assange should keep his nose out of other people's business and stop spreading lies!"
  19. The Kersh is dead? ... jeez... RIP
  20. "Vietnam - A significant chunk of the US believe they actually won that way" Realistically speaking, they neither won nor lost. It was a failure as they had to accept a negotiated settlement, but a success in that it reassured the Thai government and gave the Indonesian army the impetus to fight the Communists in their own territory. "World War II - They are taught that without them, we would have been screwed. Yes, they helped, yes they probably sped things up, but the Battle of Britain was won months before they joined the war." But that wasn't the whole story, was it? The Battle Of Britain lasted forseveral months, and was an air war to establish superiority over the British skies. The land war was much harder to win, and could not have been won without an injection of manpower and industry - an injection the US provided. If you look at the correspondence between FDR and Churchill, the strong impression is that FDR would have joined earlier but for the Isolationist sentiments in Congress. Now, while they did not join in purely altruistically, you cannot but argue that their intervention turned the tide. Must good results always have good intentions behind them? Furthermore, Churchill himself said at the news that America would join the war "Thank god, we have won." "They need their ego to be taken down a notch. I'm not saying they're useless, but they need to realise that they are not god and that their "manifest destiny" is a load of bull" There's no doubt that their egos have to take much blame, but then... should people die for the sake of someone's ego?
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