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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Well, I downloaded this demo expecting to be disappointed, and I was not disappointed.
  2. "A Real Hero" God, I love electronic music in a minimalist predictive three-chord repeating style.
  3. What...even if they say the normal stuff? Barista: Sugar is over there, sir, please help yourself. Arnold: F*ck off. Bartitster: That'll be ?2 please, sir. Arnold: F*ck off. Tittytwister: Er... you have to pay... for the um... drink... um... Arnold: F*ck off. Nakedtwisterwithagreasymat: ...um... security? Arnold: F*ck off. I'm sure it'll get you far And yes, Starbucks has "Ordinary" coffee as well as monkey-poop coffee with extra monkey poop caffeine.
  4. That...is not a bad idea.

  5. Now try saying that with a mouth full of marbles. Looks good, though without a massive lump of lemon-marinated chicken breast, I'ma have to pass.
  6. "Hands up anyone who thinks Shia LaBoeuf should continue to be allowed to make films?"
  7. How many of you know who I am? Alright, how many of you know who Nick Clegg is?
  8. Happy Birthday, one year, one month, one day, one hour, one minute, one second closer to being DeRezzed. I haven't got a Clu what I'm talking about. The Sark truth is there for all to MCP.
  9. But she will always love you.
  10. Well, I only liked a few of her numbers, but I understand she was an inspiration to a lot of young lack girls, as well as generally regarded as one of the best soul singers of the last 30 years.
  11. llllywlwlwlwllllylyylydd! ... That is like, "Peace and Long Life" in Gaelic, right? Anyway, happy birthday!
  12. Because you have dirty thoughts when you close your eyes. Don't try to deny it. Miyamoto-San knows, and he is very disappointed with you. But the rubber banding...no, not again. Why? Why did it happen o the Wii and not the GC, DS, GBA, and SNES but suddenly now it's apparently the only trick in the book? Oh, out in front by a mile and driving a perfect race? Oh, that's nice, let's just see here, now, where did I put it? Oh, yes.... REDSHELLBLUESHELLBULLETBILLMAGICALLYAPPEARINGBANANASKINALLYOURCOINSGONEANDBACKTOLASTPLACE.
  13. Ah, time difference means I can't join the league.
  14. So, quick run down for a lazy person: I just got Mario Kart and I want to play with others, it being noted in the past that I play well with others. How do I go about doing so?
  15. You now precisely what I mean, and I guess this is going to be added to the list.
  16. Yep, kids these days are pretty stupid.
  17. Or how that lamp post in the background, slightly out of focus and pretty vague-looking is far more interesting than watching Christian Bale put on his Big Boy Voice and trying to act. EDIT: Does anyone have a China-accessible video of that teaser? Youtube...still blocked...
  18. So excited about getting this, but still can't find it anywhere in China, have to wait until it's stupid released in stupid America because stupid Nintendo decided to stupid region lock the awesome 3DS. EDIT: Wait! I just found it on Taobao! (that's sort of an eBay for Chinese people) AND IT'S £55! What a GREAT deal that IS! Why don't you just sandpaper off my eyelids while you're at it?
  19. I thought the change in setups added immensely to the variety of the game. But I can understand how it would be annoying, horses for courses and all that.
  20. I'm 40 hours into my second play through (clocked up 200 on my first run). Just picked up the completed Gauldur Amulet, the quest wasn't as much of a grind as I remember it to have been last time. I decided to pick a side this time round and join Ulfric, though I really do think he is just in it for his own personal gain rather than the benefit of Skyrim.
  21. Well-crafted, intelligently plotted and superb atmosphere, couldn't play some parts with the lights off. I want this to be good, I really do.
  22. Yes, the reason the first two Alien movies were great was because of Ripley. The reason Aliens was AWESOME is because of Michael Biehn and Bill Paxton. But mostly Michael Biehn. I enjoyed the trailer, but I'm wary - the best Alien game I played was AVP 2 way back in 2001, andi hate the way the movie series went, so I hope this is not going to be another disappointment. I'm not holding out a lot of hope, but I'm always ready to be pleasantly surprised.
  23. Without even looking the other day, I picked up a soul gem. And suddenly the damn thing started speaking to me! Well, when I say "speaking" more sort of "berating": kept yakking on about the time someone borrowed a few pennies from it but never gave them back, or once when it's underwear wasn't ironed properly by the maid at a hotel and how a while back it got a funny look from a cat and that it thought cats should all be burned alive as a result. So I actually took a look at the thing, and it turns out it was a Petty Soul Gem.
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