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Everything posted by Iun

  1. You're an apostate? How did your family react?
  2. I never knew I wanted to come to Bournemouth until you two rented a house there and promised to let us all stay with you! Congratulations, I'll be on a plane in 48 hours, address?
  3. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to drug and tattoo "Wazzock" on the forehead of everyone involved in this project.
  4. Yes...yes...yes... You exist too, my pretty. :fap:
  5. I read that as "ladyparts" Is that wrong?
  6. That is going to far. You are physically male or physically female. Psychologically you may be the opposite of your body type, but regardless, you have the characteristics. Is there a changing room for people in the gym who are "undecided"? I don't think so, and I don't think ere should be. Plus, being a little on the bi side, there are occasions when I find my eyes wondering to some of the hotter male dance instructors at the gym. And that wouldn't be possible if they were in with the girls. For the win. Always play as girl characters. I'm a guy, so I like walking around in someone else's shoes for a while. If those shoes have three inch heels and a cute little strap, who am I to complain? No, but you get to keep your woofy little Lion King figures and be reminded every day that the last good Disney animated film was Beauty and the Beast, while the Lion King was the cinematic equivalent of a boil-in-the-bag dinner.
  7. Ah, understood. Still, stylin' rhymes, no?
  8. you really know how to make a guy feel wanted. Forum admins are Red Forum mods are Blue Main site staff are Green And now we're awfully angry with you.
  9. And you will clearly buy me one too. I actually alreadtpy have a pre-modular armor helmet in the loft at my parents, I'll see if I can find it tomorrow.
  10. This is... possibly the most disturbing start to a birthday thread it has ever been my misfortune to read. I mean, I'm glad they're both alive and everything, but Jesus, periods? Nevertheless, happy birthday to two of me favorite members there!
  11. They passed it? Ah well, what can be done. If its law, you can hope for a repeal or simply suffer under it.
  12. I get what people are saying, and I sorry to rant. But let's be honest: this is some BS that is being proposed not something that is actually definitely happening. And there is stuff that is actually definitely happening elsewhere. But still, America is the easy kill, and off we go.
  13. Sorry dude, but it really gets my goat. There are far worse things out there, but America is constantly the obvious choice for criticism. Not that it shouldn't be a target, as there is plenty to criticise. But the tired ravings of insane no-name politicians really doesn't figure in the big picture. And I think really people need a dose of reality as far as the rest of the world is concerned.
  14. "Rises" as in Christian Bale has had acting lessons and maybe he won't be overshadowed in his performance by slightly out of focus static objects in the periphery of the frame.
  15. Emasher: as a resident of America's Hat, why do you even care? It's so fashionable to bash America: they are the big, greedy, burger-eating, gun-having self-appointed "World Police" so it's totally reasonable to criticise their every move. Recently in China, an entire village was cordoned off by police after the village leaders chased out police and local officials -one of the villagers had died in police custody under suspicious circumstances after protesting illegal government land-grabs. The government's answers? Isolate the village, cut off supply lines and starve them to death. Did anyone give a crap about that? No, because America are the bad guys. They're the big easy target who always seem to mess up. Wow, well done, you criticised America, well done. Genuinely. Well done. Great. Well done. Nice one. Well done. Any of you particularly bothered about the famine in the Horn of Africa caused by massive government corruption and the gleeful violence inflicted on women and children by the Islamists who are equally responsible? No! Oh well, fine, let's have a go at the American fat cats, we're the one percent after all that have none of the wealth. How about the cecession of South Sudan and the attempts by theNorth and her allies to extract lower than market price for oil, and threats along the order if the crude doesn't keep flowing? Hmm? That doesn't get your goat? A newly-created country is being choked by the neighbour they sought independence from due to SLAUGHTER ON A MASSIVE SCALE. But no, some idiot in America is proposing that people missing a finger should be considered terrorist suspects, so therefore we should have a go at them. My point is not to deflect attention from the ills of the US: there are plenty. We could spend all day doing it. I personally don't think those idiots should have guns. There, that was easy, wasn't it? Yes, we have a crack at the States because it's easy and wilfully ignore goodness-knows how many equally pressing problems the world over because there's a nice, bi,g, slow-moving target that we can hit every single time. Good work, you successfully kicked the shit out of a legless Rottweiler, pat yourself on the back for having such a big fucking social conscience.
  16. It was Team America that did it. They went in and saved the motherfuckin' day, yeah.
  17. The first one was a simple, mindless action film that was ultimately not as exciting as hoped. But yeah, pretty fun. Can't believe how good most of the actors looked - Stallone is still ripped and Lundgren is a motherfooking tank.
  18. These Mages/Thieves/Dark Brotherhood quests are waaaaay too short. Alright, you have the side thieves guild jobs, and helping out the College. But the main line each is about four quests.
  19. Carry your console across the Fjords with you, or get it sent by Coracle Courier.
  20. I lick Mrs Iun because it annoys the hell out of her.
  21. Oh, god, you couldn't rig this. Don't let this be another thread that skates of into absurdity, it's as if people are just angling to make a big splash by wrapping their jaws around any bait thrown and turn it into something that matches their own school of thought.
  22. Silence, or I will batter you.
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