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Everything posted by Iun

  1. We are punching above our weight, and we need that European money much more than anyone else above us. Without more money in the Swear Jar, we're not going to be able to strengthen. Ad then we will be mid table again.
  2. Jammy, jammy BASTARDS. Still, at the end of the day, if we expect to win, we should do everything for that win and not moan when we get CHEATED OUT OF A POINT AT THE LAST MINUTE BY A BUNCH OF JAMMY BASTARDS. It's ok, I'm ok...
  3. Oh for goodness sakes... I already cared about this whole "Koseph Jony" thing this month, and now you want me to get all riled up about something else? Could you not have waited until next week at the very least? I'm all out of "giving a crap" right now.
  4. Don't get me started, it's been almost exactly 13 years for me. The pain never stops, but the best you can feel is that it's a scar that will only occasionally remind you. As for the rest ... alternative provider for the insurance, but it means losing my full cover. I've a few recurring problems that won't be insured. For the studies, I'm genuinely considering a local place, if they offer supervision in English. And I spoke to Madam last night. Didn't clear the air or anything, but we spoke about how unhappy she is. Naturally we didn't speak about my unhappiness, we never do.
  5. Argh... Medical insurance provider here looks like it's going up the swanney. Just got an email from the broker saying that the largest expat hospital here will no longer accept direct payment from the insurance company ( go for treatment, sign a form and the nuance handles the payment ) without back up from the patient's international credit card - and by that, they mean only Visa and MasterCard issued overseas, not in China. Then I have to think about my PhD studies - either I go back to the UK and continue my study, or transfer to a University here. Either way the costs are horrible. Oh, and I want to divorce my wife.
  6. We were certainly told to, something to do with showing legal proof of domicile and right to sell the games in question.
  7. Pre owned is so... Sticky. I was always glad when working there that we didn't do cash for old games. Then about six months before I left, they started with the cash - ID plus address required. Society's Dregs: "I want to exchange this bag of definitely not stolen games for cash." Me: "Certainly sir, and may I comment on how beer-like your cologne is today, kudos! Now, your ID and proof of address... Let's see, an expired drivers licence and a letter from a methadone clinic asking why you missed your last appointment... *sigh* here's your money, the dealers are in the alley on your left as you leave the shop."
  8. BWARK! BWARK! ABANDON SHIP! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! BWARK! BWARK! ABANDON SHIP! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! BWARK...oh, well, that's a drill... But still, y'know... Abandon ship. And all that.
  9. Something about not letting diabetic people polish their shoes at work because of a hygiene problem... Look, don't push me on specifics, it's just gone 7:30 here.
  10. Raining, slather this guys nuts with honey and then tip over a beehive. Or: take him on a shark diving weekend and pour caviar into his wetsuit: "Aaah! A shark is biting my ass!" Take pictures, it'll be classic.
  11. Yawn, what a dull little article. Perhaps there should be one entitled "Dumb Crap Poor People Say" "oh, I can't afford to take care of all these kids!" "cigarettes and booze are so expensive!" "why does everyone look at me like I'm scum when I go to Tesco in my slippers?"
  12. Can't access Vimeo in China. Can I pretend to be outraged in order to feel like part of the fun?
  13. I did the midnight launch for the GC, it wasn't much fun, to be honest. I went with a mate and there were a bunch of chavs waiting outside the Broad Street Mall who were staring daggers at us. Turns out they were waiting too. Then when we got to queueing, I had to buy an RF Cable because my old 14" was... Old and 14". It added another tender onto something like £250 with three games and a memory unit. Plus the taxi ride home. Then I got back, started playing Luigi's Mansion at about 1:30, had it finished by 4:30 and dragged myself into the stor for an exchange. Bought an extra two controllers only to find that all the guys in my corridor were away for the weekend, except the guy who smelled bad. Yeah, and to be honest, the launch line up wasn't that good. The whole thing was only memorable because... It was unremarkable. Then when I worked there I managed to get out of all the midnight launches - San Andreas, Wind Waker, the DS. We never really were allowed to make anything of the launches, nor were we in a nice area so it was always dodgy getting home. The manager always got the people who lived within walking distance to do them.
  14. Silent Cop = Kindergarten Hill. Word.
  15. IRON. MAN. LEGO. http://www.forbiddenplanet.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2_418_7719&products_id=69630
  16. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawyeah! 1st of March, only two months to go and Mass Effect 3 is out between now and then. Sexy.
  17. No, the title would be too long because it would have to be changed so people didn't confuse it with the Justice League: "Marvel's Justice League Except It Isn't Really, Because Justice League Is Pants" It may be accurate, but doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
  18. Hah, not too worry. Your conclusion is the most common, so you're not alone. You amoral, cutthroat bandit, you.
  19. Rice. Every day. Twice a day. Rice. Occasionally some weeds pulled up from the apartment complex, boiled with garlic and soy sauce. But mostly, rice. "well, dear, what would you like with your gristly pig penis?" "hmm... How about rice?" "didn't you have rice yesterday?" "by golly,myou know I think I did! And I might have had it for lunch today as well!" "so, how about a change?" "no, change is the method used by the evil former Colonial powers used to bring China down." "so, rice then? " "yes, rice." Rice.
  20. Right, I unlocked Raid Mode, who's up for a game?
  21. I've never seen Goldenballs, sounds like the classic model though! How often do people steal?
  22. Well, whether people are fans of this sort of thing or not, I appreciate the participation!
  23. There is no option 3, and just for that, you're not allowed any sex for...like forever or something. You make a very Realist-oriented point. If I can't trust the other guy, it's in my interest to defect.
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