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Everything posted by Iun

  1. DLC is fine, it could slot in before certain missions. There was DLC for the previous game, but there was still a sense of finality even as things moved on to the events of the 3rd game.
  2. Not making people happy is one thing
  3. Oi! I invested a lot of time and emotion into that game to get what was no more than a half-assed ... What? I can't even say cop-out. It was not an ending. It was the video game equivalent of the transition between Aliens and Alien 3. You know all that character development and love you put into it...? ...hahaha! It wasn't worth shit, ner ner ner!
  4. Well, just finished my play through and I think it's important to say the following:
  5. God, I miss DKC 2 and DKC 3... mis-spent youth. Can't get them on VC in China - Wii won't connect to the net. Only hope is that they re-release on 3DS.
  6. Iun

    Job advice

    Quoted for truth. I was offered a job by Activision in London about 8 years ago helping them install new hardware in their work PCs and acting as on-site tech support. I knew ABSOLUTELY SHIT about PC's, or so I thought: Interviewer: Our PC's are always slowing up on the internet, do you think it's because we need more spyware? Me: Need MORE spyware? Interviewer: Yes. It's my understanding we need more spyware to know what's going on inside our PCs so we can stop viruses.
  7. Are we even talking about the same thing any more?
  8. Oh no no no... The FIRST ones had RUBBER skin and WE SPOTTED THEM EASY... Are you sure this is the path you want to go down?
  9. The whole damned Internet? If Julian Assange couldn't manage it, what hope is there for us?
  10. Cube, just got a telegram for you:
  11. I feel terrible for the staff, I used to be one of them. There are so many die-hard enthusiasts who believed that working inside their favourite hobby would be a dream job for life.
  12. But it is easier to make blanket legislation covering this: "If you say it, you will be prosecuted as if you intended to do it..." if you simply "investigate" the people and try and find out what their intention was, it's a waste of time and resources. I believe people should be banned from thinking about parsnips. Parsnips are the Devil's Willy.
  13. I'll tell you what I tell all the Chinese nationalists who hate the West, white people and anyone different from themselves: Freedom of speech is a privilege, and not the right to abuse, harass or threaten others. Period.
  14. Hey, normally if Chuck Norris wants something removed it just gets up and quietly removes itself.
  15. Oh look, everybody, it's a tired Internet meme! Besides, a Merc is what, 4 or 5 terabytes? A SmartCar is like 500 gig, but who would be seen in one of those? Gary Numan?
  16. Precisely why I like girls and not porn... I like the way they smell. As for everything else... movies and TV, yes - if it makes them cheaper. Books no, I like the feel of a book and I have to wear glasses to look at a screen but not to read a regular book. Video Games... well, having an iPad is awesome and I already have downloaded games on that, so yeah, sure, why not.
  17. Come to China! Beer is 30p for a can or 50p for half a litre! Beer has to be cheap here because LIFE is so gosh darn DEPRESSING. It tastes like sucking on a rusty sword but IT'S SO CHEAP!
  18. This. Take that bitch to laser tag. Bitches love laser tag.
  19. Oh-ho-ho-HO! I am legally changing my surname to "Winky" specifically because of this! "Large latte, Mr Winky!" "Hot chocolate and extra cream for Mr Winky!"
  20. With you all the way up to the part about therapy. I've never found therapy to help with releasing the pain or solving the problem. But then again, Bipolar Disorder is different to regular depression. For regular depression, yeah, just be there. It's hard on you as someone who loves them to watch them in so much pain, but most of the time, they really don't know what is bothering them, why they are feeling this way or how to solve it. If they suggest an activity that might be considered "outside" of depression -e.g. they never want to leave the house when they are depressed but suddenly suggest breakfast at a greasy spoon, then accept it. Don't ever say something like "What? You want to go OUT?" as if you think either (a) they are mad for suggesting it or (b) you think that suddenly everything is alright. Most depression cures with time, and it takes a while to readjust yourself back to normalcy. Again, this waiting for you as her brother is tough, and I'm sure you want to help ASAP, but just wait. Make sure she knows you're available for what she needs. As men we are handicapped in a way: when we see a problem, our brains immediately say "Problem? MUST SOLVE!" and it's frustrating when the answer is neither obvious or if we feel it's being kept from us. I recently had a bad up/down cycle: about a week ago I was in absolutel despair, like an ugly lump of putty on the sofa, just completely unable to stir myself into any kind of action. All Mrs Iun could come up with was "BE HAPPY!" at different degrees of volume. Then on monday, the mania set in. It took every single iota of willpower I had not to put my underpants on my head and try and run the whole length of my district in Shanghai in less than 5 minutes. I was absolutely desperate to see how fast I could go, or maybe paint a damn HUUUGE picture... ...anyway, I was doing my best to push these urges down and keep them from bubbling over. As it was, I ended up talking like a Salarian from Mass Effect. The best Mrs Iun could come up with was "Snap out of it, I'm happy and you're making ME unhappy!" Needless to say, that doesn't help. Yes, it's tough on family members, but don't make it worse.
  21. Going to see Roxette in Shanghai tonight! Woooooooooooo! Been a huge fan of them since "Joyride" and we started using "The Big L" for our warm up routine in my gymnastics team.
  22. Never had a problem with same sex marriage. And also fully support them adopting. Let's face it: a couple who can't naturally have children are likely to provide a more loving environment than people who take it for granted that they can have children whenever they want. Also: homosexuality is genetic, which means its a natural disposition rather than an environmental one. Finally: Cortez in ME 3 was married to man, and Shepard was okay with it. If its good enough for Shepard, it's good enough for me.
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