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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I think the TV series and TV movies ruined the Hulk. Seriously: low production values, silly plots... it's almost ingrained into the culture that the Hulk is a bad, dull thing. Even the comics seem to be a lame duck, after reading them for years - and I'm sorry to generalise - it seems they have two gears and two gears only: 1: Hulk is destructive, mad and easily manipulated. Banner feels bad. 2: Hulk is smart, moody and self-absorbed. Banner feels bad. Perhaps my disinterest in the character colours my perceptions... but I really don't see why we need another Hulk movie.
  2. Well now, that was awfully rude. So let's just lay back and forget about it then, if it's unfixable through intervention as you so grandly claim. And so we can blame the Romans for the Dark Ages? Excellent. This "Using History as a Crutch" really does have legs, doesn't it! You'll pardon the pun, I hope. Fact: Colonialism was bad, but it's over. Fact: No empirical evidence that resources taken would have led to improvement in living conditions. Fact: Help was given, accepted and relied upon as the only means of self-betterment. Fact: Financial aid totalling billions has been lavished, appropriated and wasted. Conclusion: People are shit, wherever they are from, for whatever reason you care to espouse. There is ample evidence for that.
  3. Oh, we're going with colonialism again are we? How simple. It's ENTIRELY the fault of all the colonial powers. All these nations strip-mined, raped, cheated, thieved and stole from the natives and when they finally left, they made sure it was ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for basic law and good governance to emerge. Yes, it is UNQUESTIONABLY the legacy of colonialism that has rendered the human beings there completely powerless to better themselves, in fact, I'm sure I read somewhere that the last act of the colonial powers to spread a neuro toxin that renders the DNA segment responsible for COMMON SENSE to be rendered permanently inert for however long is convenient to keep blaming the white guys. In fact, the early colonisers of Africa had tailor-made a virus that FORCED certain tribes to be complicit in the slave trade as well! It was horrible! Srsly: 1: Enough with colonialism-is-to-blame-for-everything. 2: Fiscally the "debt" has been repaid by governments and civil society. 3: Emotionally it's harder to repay, but most people are suggesting that corrupt governments, mental people like Joseph Kony and the superstitious idiocy of female circumcision are in fact the fault of white coloniser who were shit. Instead of suggesting, well, the people who are doing it are shit. "Aw, you razed a village to the ground and raped all the women.... Did you do it because your ancestors were beaten by white people? Yeah? Aw, you poor thing, we understand and we're sorry that we made you do it because our ancestors were shit. You're absolved of any blame."
  4. Iun


    I see you comb your hair, give me that grin. How have you been, living' in sin? Before I melt like snow, I say "hello" how do you do?
  5. Iun


    I had a dream, I had an awesome dream.... people in the dark, playing games in the park...
  6. Just went downstairs of the apartment lock after listening to a guy tooting his horn for ten minutes straight, he had been boxed in by someone and he wanted him down there to move the car. The best way to do this was to spoil Saturday afternoon for everyone, his wife and kid got out of the car and started kicking the Buick that had them boxed in. Miffed by this, down I went. Me: Shut up with the tooting. Wife: We want to get out and this asshole has us blocked in! (kicks the car again) Me: Well, don't worry, the ambulance should be able to get here with no worries. Wife: Ambulance? Why would an ambulance want to get here? (kick) Me: Because if you kick that car again, I'm going to snap your leg off at the knee. Driver: Hey! Don't speak to my wife like that, fucking foreigner! Me: Sir, I wonder what you'd look like with that steering wheel stuffed up your arse? Shall we find out. At this point the kid kicks the car, nice look of defiance on his face. He left an impressive dent, for someone about ten. Me: I will happily smash your teeth in too, runt. Now everybody shut up. You, fat woman with the itchy foot, go and get the security guard and see if they know who's car this is. Wife: Why, what good will it do, they're not going to help us! Me: The alternative is that you stay with me until I get really angry. Driver: I think you're angry now! Me: Well, that's interesting that you think that, sir, but quite frankly, all the things you think could be happily inscribed on the back of a postage stamp with adequate room left over for the annotated texts of Shakespeare. Then the man came down and moved his car, and he thanked me for protecting his interests. I told him not to double park like an asshole next time.* Thrilling afternoon. *translated from the original Chinese conversation.
  7. I can't be expected to read everything, who do you think I am, Shakespeare? And besides, he said "inb4othernerds" and I am clearly not a nerd, I'm just a lain old lunatic.
  8. Can I be honest with you... ... I think the cakes a lie.
  9. And I'm black because I'm racist!
  10. Murr: Chop chop smith smith chop chop smith smith. Skyrim: You know Murr, there's so much more you can get out of this game... Murr: I hear smithing, but I don't hear chopping. Skyrim: Yes, sir. I restarted for the second time recently, and tried doing some of the Thieves Guild Radiant Quests in the hope I could get five in the same city and do the special quest... talk about a hiding to nothing. And also, I can't seem to find any Soul Gems anywhere, and I'm not paying for them either. Suppose I should go down more random holes in the ground when the opportunity presents itself.
  11. Amen to that. Truly an awesome game made even more awesome-er by the voice cast. Just brilliant in every way.
  12. Pretty much didn't read the rest of it, I skipped over it to the one bit I found interesting, couldn't find that and eyes fell on "Charisma Carpenter" and I recalled the time some friends and I made a list of terrible things we wanted to do to the girls from Buffy. As I recall, elbows featured a great deal in the reckoning.
  13. As much as I would love to rub myself up and down over Charisma Carpenter, she's in her 40s now, so doesn't really qualify as a "starlet" any more. :/
  14. Titanic got Oscars? I just don't want to live in this world anymore.
  15. Precisely why the Expendables was so awesome! These men didn't solve their problems by getting all moody and junk, solutions included, but were not limited to: *kicking people in the face *shooting people *hitting people *exploding people *exploding things *exploding people AND things
  16. Like that fellow from "Drive", also "Leon". Whatsisface from Avatar. That crap guy who puts on a big-boy voice for Batman who played John Connor in Terminator Salvation. Oh yeah: Bond in the last two films.
  17. QFT. Modern action heroes are all touchy-feely-introspective-types who agonise over everything and whether or not it's responsible to let love into their life because they might die at any time and their daddy ran away when they were five and their mummy was all distant and mean and became a lesbian so he thinks that all the girls will eventually turn against him and he doesn't want to reveal the sensitive poetic soul behind the M16... ...JUST BLOW SHIT UP, GODAMMIT.
  18. Iun

    Iron Man 3

    You only read...? My word, I remember when it was first released, it completely revitalised Iron Man - he was the lowest selling supposed A-Lister on the Marvel roster and this just kicked it into overdrive. Kingsley, eh? Well, it would fit with the Oscar-winning-nominee cast quite nicely. As for the Mandarin, it wold never really happen. He was a throwback to the Red Chinese days of anti-Communism, which wouldn't play well here in China. It's a massive market out here, and if the main villain was some nutty Asian dude with magic powers the stae film board would never let it through. Unless he was explicitly Japanese. In which case, they'd be all over it like a dog over peach melba yoghurt.
  19. Look, it was what.... 6 in the morning, just got up, thought of an appropriate quote... blah blah blahmuffins. Don't quote who now?
  20. Are you not entertained?
  21. I'm not sure we can play that any more, didn't ReZ lose some of the pieces and one of the dice? I think the board is all scratched as well.
  22. And I will mete it out for you.
  23. There's a man out there I haven't seen in years trying to kill me, you show me a son who'd be happy to help... how do I feel? Old.
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