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Everything posted by Iun

  1. IRON. MAN. LEGO. http://www.forbiddenplanet.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2_418_7719&products_id=69630
  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawyeah! 1st of March, only two months to go and Mass Effect 3 is out between now and then. Sexy.
  3. No, the title would be too long because it would have to be changed so people didn't confuse it with the Justice League: "Marvel's Justice League Except It Isn't Really, Because Justice League Is Pants" It may be accurate, but doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
  4. Hah, not too worry. Your conclusion is the most common, so you're not alone. You amoral, cutthroat bandit, you.
  5. Rice. Every day. Twice a day. Rice. Occasionally some weeds pulled up from the apartment complex, boiled with garlic and soy sauce. But mostly, rice. "well, dear, what would you like with your gristly pig penis?" "hmm... How about rice?" "didn't you have rice yesterday?" "by golly,myou know I think I did! And I might have had it for lunch today as well!" "so, how about a change?" "no, change is the method used by the evil former Colonial powers used to bring China down." "so, rice then? " "yes, rice." Rice.
  6. Right, I unlocked Raid Mode, who's up for a game?
  7. I've never seen Goldenballs, sounds like the classic model though! How often do people steal?
  8. Well, whether people are fans of this sort of thing or not, I appreciate the participation!
  9. There is no option 3, and just for that, you're not allowed any sex for...like forever or something. You make a very Realist-oriented point. If I can't trust the other guy, it's in my interest to defect.
  10. No additional variables please!
  11. Eh up, all. Just doing a little informal research on Game Theory and psychology to see if there are any avenues worth pursuing academically. First, two questions: 1: I have ?10 and there are two choices for its disposal (a) I give your friend ?9 and you ?1 or (b) I give it to neither of you. Which option do you prefer? 2: I am the warder of a prison and you are convicted of a crime, there is another criminal convicted of a similar crime in the prison. I call you into my office and say "If you provide evidence against this criminal, you can go free. However, if you fail to provide evidence, you will remain in prison for your sentence. I will offer the other man the same choice. But if he provides evidence against you first, he will go free and you will serve the full term of your sentence. On the other hand, if neither of you provide evidence, you will both serve half your term. You must now go back to your cell for 24 hours and then make a decision." What do you decide? Two fairly standard questions there, and I apologise if it's old hat to you, but I hope you can answer them honestly.
  12. I think for me, I have to be in the mood to be aroused. Some days I would be turned on by someone smiling at me, some days it doesn't bother me if someone is waving their boobs in my face.
  13. Yeah, I love tactical defence and tower defence games, but $9.99 is a horrible price. In fact, I think eShop games should have a price limit imposed on them, otherwise the eShop is nowhere near as competitive as the App Store. Sure, devs want to make money, but some money is better than no money...oh, wait, that doesn't fit psychologically.
  14. You're going to kill me for this ... Just Dance 3. It's taken nearly six years, but someone finally got motion controls in a casual game right. Oh, and I loved the original Red Steel. I honestly have no idea why everyone hated it so much. And someone mentioned Silent Hill? Awesome game. When it first came out I had a really tough time putting it down.
  15. Good for you, man. I used to be a great public speaker, then I took an arrow to the knee.
  16. I...er... aim to please? Reminds me of all the fun I had when David Seaman was England Keeper: "Seaman comes shooting out towards the goal!" "Seaman was all over the ball" "He was looking for an opening, but all he found was Seaman." "And there's Seaman going into the tunnel..."
  17. .... "Seaman" *hnorfhnorfgiggleblortgiggle*
  18. "Packed with detail"? Sorry, are we playing the same game? Oh, hello generic redshirt bad guy... Well hey there motionless crocodiles wagging your tails in sync, good job! Look! MUUUUUUUUUUUD!
  19. Troo dat. What I always wanted from my games was to be able to create my own specifically themed areas - Monster Mayhem, Magic Kingdom, Sodomy Falls etc. and ride the rollercoasters. Theme Park World let me ride the coasters and that was great, but the rest of experience was just uninspiring. Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 just lacked so much of the fun element.
  20. Loving this so far, but I am playing it through on Easy first so I can unlock Raid Mode quickly. Got absolutely
  21. I have to fundamentally oppose rubber banding: I don't mind getting my ass handed to me because I suck or someone is much better than me. But if I'm racing a perfect line and then right before the finish I get slammed by a blue shell, a red shell and then a lightning bolt... That doesn't encourage me to continue at all. In fact, that just happened to me and I put the system down. I don't want to play any more. I'm not bad at the game, and the AI isn't better than me, shitting on my race at the last second does nothing except piss me off.
  22. Always been a fantastic orator: persuasive, emotive and possessed of an eloquent turn of phrase. It's only my extreme right-wing views that have kept me out of government. Stupid white people getting me down...
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