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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I'm gay for you, and you know it.
  2. I have a member of staff from the Phils, and she is a tremendously hard worker. Constantly sends about half her money home as her dad died and mum has poor health. She has the opportunity and she takes it, and kudos for her, but I do get the feeling from what she says that it encourages a little laziness and a slightly slapdash approach to finances by her family "oh, Aileen will send us more money if we need it, so just get whatever you want". It's her choice, and I respect it, but there'd be strings attached if it were me i.e. spend half and save half, not spend double and save less because now you have more.
  3. My parents thought I was gay, apparently. But I think they just liked saying that in front of people, it was yet another of their little ways of thoroughly humiliating me.
  4. @Zell That is awful. But seriously, kudos to you for how you handled it. You absolutely did the right thing. @mokong I feel for you, man. Especially as the guys said he wouldn't do it again. I hope, for the sake of your wife, that he recovers and reforms. However, about six months down the road you need to sit her down and tell her in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that the bank is now closed for that boy and you expect that every penny will be paid back. yes, I know the average wage in the Phils is about 100 GBP a month, but if he can afford to drink, he can afford to pay you a few quid a month. It's harsh and she will squeal and cry over it, but seriously, you cannot bankroll her family: you can send them money every month that they should put by for a rainy day and that is it.
  5. Observe how many kisses I used in my last email: .x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x .x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x. .x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x. It should be obvious to EVERYONE that I and I only VERY CLEARLY have the monopoly on MOST LOVE in this relationship. Don't make me START a full-on SNUGGLE WAR.
  6. No, I clearly love YOU more. Moved back to the hotel last night.
  7. What has a hazelnut in every bite?
  8. He absolutely MUST stay in London, he looks too shifty to go anywhere else.
  9. Jesus, he honestly couldn't find another way to work? I had dinner with Madam the other night.... we did it... I stayed the night, but was desperate to escape... she called last night... misses me so much.... offered to become my anytime-sex-bunny even if we divorce... I'm running out of dots.
  10. Your parents are making you couigh up for all this? Jeez... are you sure we're not brothers? Because that's precisely what my parents did.
  11. Don't minimize your own feelings, you stupid Clefairy! Two-and-a-half years is a lifetime in love, and you had that love. You are lucky SO LUCKY to hav had that feeling. And for him to tear it away from you is devastating - that's another good word! When you first met, you were just two pilgrims on the road, looking for a placed to settle. You pitched your tent, then a tent wasn't enough: you needed a house, so you built it. Then you needed food, so you made a shed for the cows and sheep. And slowly, from this one house a whole community was built - tennis on Tuesdays, beers on Fridays, Sunday rest and those dreadful Monday mornings... ...one day along came a storm, and it washed everything away - every single thing the whole town, the thriving community was devastated by the wind and rain. There's nothing left, just a pile of dirt and some memories. And you're sitting there where your house used to be, wondering if ever you can start again... ...well you can, believe me. Because love is addictive. Once you've felt that high, you need it again and again. You have to be ready to meet someone on the road again, or you'll never hit that euphoria. In the meantime, go visit a few other towns and have a little fun. It'll do your confidence the world of good.
  12. Nope, broken is precisely the word for how you are feeling. You're like an old toy, just tossed casually on the bedroom floor before school. Lying their, one leg stuck straight out behind, an arm bent at elbow, face down in the carpet with your head twisted uncomfortably to one side. You were more than that: you were his favourite, his number one, the most fun and the most treasured. Every time you were together the magic happened: you were pirates, sailing the seven seas in search of the finest booty; you were adventurers, plumbing the deepest recesses of the abyss to save mankind from certain disaster; you were a dynamic pairing of space explorers travelling every day from the outer-ring to the heart of the galaxy. And now... you're broken. But you will get fixed.
  13. Happy Birthday to Flameboy! Burning through the years, yo'!
  14. Jesus! How did I miss this? That fateful day when my arch-nemesis was dragged kicking and screaming into a world that he doesn't understand... Happy Birthday!
  15. Precisely, and +1 internets for you. Thinking back, I can't remember much of the time since our marriage when I've been amazingly happy - the entirety of 2010 was spent working 72 hours a week and then spending Sunday on furniture shopping. The first four months of 2011 were pretty much work as well. Now I've broken that cycle, I've been poverty stricken (hyperbole) and still miserable. It was supposed to be a relief. And you, you handsome little slag, get that peachy little bum of yours to China, you can be the latest Rice Queen on the scene. Besides, Gay Pride starts this weekend.
  16. Well, the thrust of what she said was ... Nothing. She misses me, and I do miss her. She's unwilling to compromise on the house, but will give me back my financial "independence" such as it is. Two out of three is an improvement. We are going to have dinner tomorrow, at the house. We will see how that goes. I'm not sure if it's wise, but I'm kinda sick of instant noodles and pineapple for dinner. Living in this grubby little motel has made me appreciate the house more.
  17. It could be "better the devil you know" but I hate this feeling of hurting her. I know she's sitting at home, alone and crying. I wish she could have changed.
  18. So, on Saturday, I finally got the courage to up and walk out! But ever since then I've been feeling I've made a big mistake: I sit in the grubby hotel room thinking about her, unhappy, and I cry. I think about never seeing her again - truly NEVER seeing her again,and that feels terrible. Our beautiful home that we made together... though I hate it because its slowly bleeding all the life out of me... I miss it. I miss her. She annoys me no end, but I miss her. All day Sunday I struggled with the urge to call her - eventually she called me. I had to just make small talk for fear of bursting into tears. Today, I really should be looking for a place to rent, but I can't get the courage. If I do, it will truly be over.
  19. How many episodes this time? More an 13 I hope, but then again, the pacing was just about right for Season 2 and the writing was amazing. Best show since BSG and Terminator ended.
  22. I think it's supposed to be 10-20% but I got that from Curb Your Enthusiasm, so don't consider it a valid benchmark. Also, when I went to Raleigh I don't think I tipped. I just had to hit the girls with my sexy RP accent and they went all gooey. "oh, I love your accent!" "well, you have beautiful hands." "wow, my hands... Really? You think so? I mean they're my hands, so I oh... " "hush your mouth, my colonial beauty, unless you wish me to stop your lips with a kiss?" "I, uh, I ..." *melt* Anyway, don't listen to me, I've not had my evening brandy yet. Tip what you feel is appropriate, or ask someone when you get there.
  23. I feel terrifically sorry for doctors, they have to look at my poo. That's not something I would wish upon my worst enemy.
  24. I have the weirdest boner right now... Same thing happened to me yesterday with my white Esprit Tee - I got Bolognese all over me and I was incredibly sad because I had originally intended to put the Bolognese in my mouth.
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