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N-E Staff
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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Someone pass Fresh the Kleenex....ew. Anyway, hear that the naming rights to St James' Park re up for grabs. It's a terrible shame that it has gone so far that we need to seek financial stability through renaming the oldest stadium in the north. But, such is the nature of the times.
  2. You think these people will go on forever, but thensuddenly this. Ask yourselves a question - and this is a tough one: go out quickly or suffer for years like Ali?
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15632665 Just such a surprise, he only announced the other day he was battling cancer. There really are no true boxing greats any more, nobody to really draw a crowd, that kind of personality, those rivalries... They just don't exist any more. Frazier-Ali, Tyson-Holyfield, name two electrifying HW fighters...anyone? It's a terrible loss for the sport and his family.
  4. Well, if YOU weren't so girthalicious and manly...
  5. Ouch. I tore an anus muscle from laughing at that red band trailer.
  6. You think you got it bad,I'm in charge of my own department and I have staff members forced on me by the Board that failed the Arse/Elbow Differentiation (Beginner) Course. And now I have to clean up their mess.
  7. Rubbish car parkers, eh? Totally get what they deserve.
  8. Well, my work here is done... *shimmer* *dematerialise*
  9. Today it's a misspelling of definitely, tomorrow noboday cars abowt anyhing ennymore.
  10. It's clearly a capital "N" and a capital "E" that make NE.
  11. Can I just draw your attention to the following comic, Retro: "Definitely" Thank you.
  12. Congratulations, I hope you've got something special planned that you can beat her over the head with (metaphorically speaking) in the future when you inevitably forget the date of your marriage!
  13. Iun

    Old Stuff

    Maths debating. Nothing better coming back after a hard day's work and then arguing with an idiot about where the hypotenuse is.* *with that statement, I have exhausted my entire mathematics based vocabulary.
  14. Iun

    Old Stuff

    I remember the time before the Internet: I had almost no idea what that thing that begins with "m" and rhymes with tasturbating was. Now? Oh boy...
  15. Iun

    Old Stuff

    I remember when all this was fields of unfarmed code, furrows upon furrows of fresh HTML and pretty little link-sprouts.
  16. Everybody Have Fun Tonight! Everybody Wang Chung Tonight! ... *ahem* I believe I said "Everybody Wang Chung Tonight!" I swear if everybody doesn't Wang Chung, there will be tears before bedtime.
  17. Iun

    Old Stuff

    The days of 16-bit gaming. Games were so much harder back then, and a lot cheaper too. £7.99 would get you a budget game for the ST and you would get every penny out of that constantly starting from point zero every time you put the floppy back in. It was horrible in a way, but I miss the days when games used to consistently kick your ass nine ways from Fridays, and there was no help coming. No gamefaqs, no IGN, just expensive magazines with occasional walkthroughs that were of limited help because there were points in the game that relied on you getting your timing exactly right and if you didn't get it, back to the beginning. Horrible, horrible way to play games, terribly long loading times on unreliable machines that crashed as often as worked, bafflingly difficult end-of-level guardians that seemed to exist solely to make you cry out with rage... ...but then there were the games that were just awesome all bottled up in 3.5" of plasticated fun. Games like Space Crusade that taught you the meaning of squad management, sacrifice of useless chaff and the importance of trapping dreadnoughts in doors. Obliterator with its myriad of weird enemies, some of which you just couldn't kill because they were designed to be frustratingly invulnerable, then that nail biting ten-minute countdown to get back to the escape pod that left absolutely no margin for error. Wiz kid, a game that I loved to death but never completed because I couldn't find all the kittens - that game had hours of hidden depth and pages of ridiculous humour that you just don't find nowadays. In short, I miss the 16-bit home computer era: it was shit.
  18. Woah. If you need anything, let us know.
  19. Indifference is endemic - I asked my wife what she would do if she heard someone in the apartment next door being murdered: "nothing" Domestic violence? "not our business." You can't interfere in other people's affairs, or call them a liar. Which makes me wonder how the police work here. "Sir, you were clocked doing 110 in a 80 zone. " "no, no I wasn't." "shit, Hongjun, he just said he didn't do it...erm... What do we do? Shall we just let him go? Ok, off you go." Of course, it's not that simple, but you get the picture.
  20. Yue Yue has died. Terrible really, there were twenty criminals in this crime - two drivers and 18 soulless pieces of shit. But only one victim and one hero. The victim is now dead, the hero has fled due to the wagging of wicked tongues possessed by those without the courage to perform the same act of humanity as she.
  21. If they MUST do another one,please make it possible to see who is who. Also, no Peter Cullen = no.
  22. Murr, meet the 50 Cent party: people who are paid by the government to actively discourage independent thought, derail anti-CCP discussions by ANY means necessary and turn any potentially negative story about China into either an attempt by the West to smear Chna or an attempt by the named individual to step out of their CCP ordained place. You have no idea about these people, really.
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