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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Iun


    My ex went all psycho when I thought everything was cool. It's probably because I told her I was going to marry my new girlfriend. Maybe shouldn't have done that while I was still dating the ex, but hey. Actually, joking aside, this girl went mental: she called me fifty times in one day, then when blocked her number she started using her friends' number. So I called her friend and asked her to please stop letting her use her phone. She agreed this was not normal behavior. Then the ex sends me text messages and phone calls threatening the students at my school. And that was when... ...I changed my goddamn phone number, told her stop acting like a little bitch and go fuck a horse.
  2. Thanks much! I may give it a try. Hypothetically.
  3. Yes, that much I had gathered. However, no Kive, no update. Is there any way around that?
  4. ...DOES ANYBODY SPEAK CANADIAN? Naw, I kid! Thanks for the info! (but srsly, if someone could translate or something...)
  5. Modern cartoons... You mean like... Johnny Quest and... Um... BotsMaster? They weren't very good at all. Fixed that.
  6. I know you're writing in English, but I just don't understand you
  7. Wine being what? Other than a very fine drink to serve at dinner, enjoy with friends on the balcony or simply a glass or two with your favourite book.
  8. I'm using a Mac, because I suck.
  9. That was annoying: in Morrowind, you could levitate over trouble. But thanks to the cities being individually-loaded cells, it was impossible in Oblivion. but that doesn't adequately explain the absence of the Mark and Recall spells, which were so tremendously useful. Oh, your quest is at the ass-end of an impossibly long cave with three or four loading screen in between before you can get out and fast-travel back to the quest giver? Well, tough tits, mo-fo!
  10. Done. Ladies and Gentle Ben, redirect your answers to this purely hypothetical question there.
  11. Listen, I just got back from the UK and I brought back my original copy of Morrowind GOTY Edition with me... ...hypothetical question: If someone had bought a chipped Hong Kong 360 in China without a HDD, how would one go about getting that hypothetically illegally modified console to play his Favourite Game of All Time? considering also the potential fact that he has an Arcade console and no Live account. Sadly, he couldn't bring back the original Xbox with him due to power issues and the disappearance of all the cables somewhere in his parents loft...
  12. Listen, I just got back from the UK and I brought back my original copy of Morrowind GOTY Edition with me... ...hypothetical question: If someone had bought a chipped Hong Kong 360 in China without a HDD, how would one go about getting that hypothetically illegally modified console to play his Favourite Game of All Time? considering also the potential fact that he has an Arcade console and no Live account. Sadly, he couldn't bring back the original Xbox with him due to power issues and the disappearance of all the cables somewhere in his parents loft... Oh yes, and I totally have a boner for Skyrim, just praying it's more Morrowind than Oblivion.
  13. Wait a minute... Aylesbury? I'm going to Aylesbury with Mrs Iun next week! We're going to that Outlet in Bicester, because apparently, and despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Mrs Iun "doesn't have enough clothes".
  14. Reverend Order of the Iron Tits!
  15. I enjoyed it, had a kick-ass Space Wolves Army back in the day, along with the Firebase and a Whirlwind. Artillery For The Whin. I also had a Skaven army for Warhammer, but I never finished painting them. We played a lot of Blood Bowl and Necromunda as well, though I always got my ass handed to me in the latter - I loved the Van Saar ethic, but could never make my squad work.
  16. No, that was The A-Team. And they only destroyed TV because nothing could ever be as good as The A-Team ever. EVER.
  17. I was saying "Boo-urns"....
  18. Actually, I am. Sorry. Dyslexia is word blindness, not brain stupidity. A friend of mine has just finished his PhD - he's dyslexic. I hear too many parents at the school "oh, we think our son is dyslexic, don't be so hard on him!" THAT EXPLAINS WHY HE DOESN'T WASH HIS HANDS AFTER PEEING HOW, EXACTLY? Anyone using the words "irregardless" "Crimbo" "pukka" "tuneage" or "jokes" requires immediate castration using caustic acid. To prevent them from breeding and spreading their stupidity any further. Proles, however, are free to use whatever words they feel necessary. We always need an adequate supply of proles for the mines, box factories or other low-grade jobs. Educated people have no excuse.
  19. "irregardless" When you actually mean REGARDLESS. You goddamn turd.
  20. That just raises further questions!
  21. Scottish people have the internet? Well, that certainly explains \b\
  22. I don't think she has even a basic understanding of sex or sexuality. Her idea of an erotic night in bed probably involves a crucifix, three shoelaces and a pair of rubber waders.
  23. So would half the female population.
  24. I would clearly be played by a broken pane of glass - it's the only way all my facets could be accurately represented.
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