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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I picked it up recently and I know Dyson is a big fan. I'd be up for some games at some point.
  2. It's in everything. I first saw it in Goldeneye but the exact same gun is in Farcry 2 and a bunch of other games.
  3. I just had to check the forum page to see who you were talking about. makes sense now! Happy birthday Tellyn!
  4. True. The weapons are conventional, but so is the 'city' they built so the illusion makes sense. Same for me too. Note to Christopher Nolan: When you have a scene full of plot-essential exposition and dialogue being delivered by a man with a heavy Japanese accent do not set this scene in a helicopter
  5. Yeah it certainly shakes things up. It's very powerful- I thought the issues immediately after that were also spectacular:
  6. yeah but he drinks coffee and tea in the same mug. The man can't be trusted.
  7. Just checked- I win!
  9. clearly Daft is planting an idea in your head so you'll go and look for it
  10. I actually enjoyed a lot of it. There's no 'great mystery' though, and retrospectively you can see that huge swathes of the early seasons are meaningless twaddle. I have no desire to ever watch it again.
  11. I have not. Tempted to catch it just to see how bad it is- that's to say if you think it sucks...
  12. who gives a shit? That dress is amazing.
  13. Easy guys. I got this.
  14. Wow that's...pretty bad. Sorry man! I learned to avoid the barbers too- I keep my hair medium long and when the woman cutting it makes 90% of her living out of going ape with a set of electric clippers, you're in for some hurt. I soon had no trouble going over the road to the salon and paying double what I had been.
  15. The idea of watching Lost again makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a heated spoon.
  16. I reckon it was taken after someone farted. One of those rich ones with a bit of texture to that make eye contact impossible.
  17. lulz
  18. Yes. Yes it should. In other words: Web shooters ftw.
  19. I think I recall that in the film version the spider is a mix of several species- one of which just has mental fast reactions 'bordering on precognition'. Which, clearly, makes no god damn sense. Because Spider-Man totally should.
  20. I'm not huge on repeat viewings myself. Some films are worth a second look, obviously, and some far more than that. TV is rarer still in that regard. Overall, bar a few favourites and exceptional efforts, I tend to just watch something new instead. Of course, films like Memento and Shutter Island are structured like clever puzzles and designed explicitly to be watched more than once.
  21. So I dunno if anyone's checked lately but I can definitely confirm the permanent and sad demise of the xclusive forum. I kept a link handy in case it was a bad database cock up like last time but I just clicked it and it now takes me to a spanish boxing forum.
  22. I think you mis-read that. He just has an epiphany because of the mindset he's in when he's jumping around with his powers.
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