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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. It'd be great. They could even bring in elements of the Bat 'family' as a kind of legacy ending. Batman is broken, but the ideas he inspires (crippling petty criminals with multi billion dollar weapons technology) go on to keep Gotham safe. It'd be a cool ending to a definitive run.
  2. See, here's the thing... ---- Anyone listened to the radio version yet? It's good!
  3. I might watch it. I've not wanted to destroy everything in sight recently.
  4. Bane could be an amazing antagonist. In the books, he was a proper cunning mob boss, not some kind of psychotic steak. I think Hardy could bring that to the role.
  5. Agreed. It starts off OK- New York gone to the wilds was a nice touch, and Will Smith does alright with the material, but the film just gets progressively shit as it goes on. Its faults are legion, too numerous to count, but the biggest amongst them is the hilarious ending. It deviates so far from the source material that you can't help but wonder if the writers ever even read the real ending in the first place.
  6. you're that amazed?
  7. I was just on iPlayer and came across this gem: A BBC7 serialisation of I Am Legend Forget the rank film adaptation, the book is a different beast. Written in 1954, it depicts the last living man on Earth and his battles against a horde of vampires in Los Angeles in 1974. I can't emphasise enough how much better the book is than the film- short of reading it yourself, this radio version is pretty good.
  8. ooh good shout on the Ghosts-is that aoe? Marines, Marauders and Medivacs is a savage build, but it's far less effective vs Protoss and, frankly, it's my only really effective build
  9. Hahahaha yes!
  10. Dyson, you know a good build for Terran vs Protoss? Bloody Zealots keep dicing up my precious marines with that sodding charge move.
  11. Meeh. Whatever. So long as I can see it in 2D, I don't overly care.
  12. Lol at photoshop face.
  13. No JJJ? Preposterous.
  14. Yellow and blue for the win! Emma you slaaaaaag
  15. fuck post 3D- either go all out or GTFO.
  16. So tonight I had home made vegetable casserole from the Otto Lenghi book with a glass of red wine and cafetieré brewed ground coffee to finish. Zing
  17. Suicide and public suicide should be separated when we talk about this. Personally, I think that suicide is something that someone who genuinely feels they have no other choice should be able to do. I mean, I really hope that isn't the case but having read that letter by Bill Zeller, I think it's fair to say that he made his case pretty well. As an atheist, I have no moral issues with it or anything. Public suicide, though. Anyone who does that is a selfish, fucked up narcissist, frankly. It's a fucking horrible thing to do. Ending your own life is one thing but to do so by smashing your body to a pulp against the concrete while children eat nearby...that's fucking horrendous. There's no other way to describe it. It's a violent, terrible act that serves no purpose other than to inflict pain on other people. It's unjustifiable on any level. but like I say- An individual has the right to choose. Not to be morbid, but I can foresee a future when I'm old in which I will simply act to end my life. I'm not depressed (quite the opposite) or suicidal but there's a good chance that, one day, I'll be helpless and infirm. Possibly insane. I've seen it happen and the thought of it terrifies me. Before that happens, I will kill myself. Simple as.
  18. I'm deeply sorry. If you need anything, anything at all, just ask. we're here for you.
  19. The problem with the big eyes is that, unfortunately, a lot of classic and great super hero design goes tits up when it's converted to real life materials and even just to 3D. Spider-Man's eyes don't work that way in the same way that his costume in the Rami movies was a bit thicker and textured than the spandex suggested by the comics.
  20. The pictures. Fucks sake, Marvel. Get someone good on this licence (not Greg Land- comic burn amarite!?) and produce the game everyone wants- a co-op action adventure with retina scorching production values and shit. Urgh.
  21. Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.
  22. 3 HIT COMBO
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