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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. It's not that I don't think he knew what he was doing, just that as a clearly disturbed child, attributing the culpability of a rational adult to him as the US legal system is doing is totally wrong. Especially when the penalty is so dire.
  2. I come for the chat, but I stay for the well thought out debates.
  3. Urgh, come on guys! Have you ever seen a set shot that looks like the finished screen image? remember: looks nothing like
  4. Why? He was eleven. Were you making adult choices then? Obviously, the case is extremely disturbing, and it's likely he'd spend a great deal of time in detention anyway but locking him up and throwing away the key is barbaric. He's thirteen years old. That means he'll probably spend at least seventy years or more in a cell.
  5. No- he should be tried as a mentally ill child.
  6. Yeah, I made that face too.
  7. a-sprout-time someone made this thread.
  8. I'd add Y: The Last Man to that list. And if you've not read The Walking Dead, do.
  9. Sauce So! Pretty mental, eh? America's extremely harsh juvenile law means that a 13 year old boy will be tried as an adult (for crimes committed aged 11) and faces a 'life means life' sentence that will see him die in prison. So what do you think? is this legal insanity or does the kid deserve it? The Onion did a pretty good sketch on it this week too
  10. Yeah it's genuinely great review work- exposes the films as shambolic toss of the highest order (not that that was hard to work out, he just does so in an insightful way)
  11. I need to transfer some stuff between two 360 drives. If I partition 16gb from my usb 1tb drive, can I use that?
  12. I've found it hard to explain the Daily Mail to foreigners in the past, but one thing you have to understand is that it is an organisation that trades in, and profits wildly from, fear. Their readership are terrified- terrified of the gays, the muslims, the left, the immigrants, the liberated women. They fear them all and they hate them. The Daily Mail is all too happy to oblige their paranoia and appeal to their 'traditional moral values' while stirring up hate speech and poisonous rhetoric. It's a truly vile paper, rightfully despised.
  13. bumpage for merge
  14. The Hulk was also why The Avengers formed, Paj. Not just The Ultimates. In the original, he goes on a bit of a bender and trashes some stuff so they form a team to take him down. in the end....
  15. or, more likely, made up.
  16. even the internet doesn't know where you live. You're fucked!
  17. that book- looks fucking hilarious. I love the idea that he didn't understand the sequels so just carried on writing and bullshit through it all. Fantastic.
  18. I can't do shoelaces. It's a pain in the nads, it is.
  19. the image is just (very) over exposed.
  20. I frequently have to explain cerebral palsy to people. It's fairly boring and not always comfortable. Also, it comes with a certain degree of fairly traumatic family history that I'm not really sure I should ever tell anyone. I usually don't bother explaining it, but that comes with its own set of problems. I recently found out that the office gossip at my last job was that I have autism. I mean...What?
  21. Yeah, I genuinely love Claire. Like...actually do.
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