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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. fixed. Marvel just had their annual retreat- man I'd love to get inside that room and hear all the batshit stuff going around, see what sticks. Bit spoiler heavy though I reckon
  2. hahaahahhaha that's brilliant. Not only for the anecdote but the sly admission that you're a chubby chaser
  3. Everyone hated Hill, then Worlds Most Wanted happened and the public finally realised what was really going on: Stunnage.
  4. I wouldn't exactly compare the two- Buried is a kind of horror/ thriller mix so a better comparison would be Phonebooth with elements of the original Saw.
  5. Glad to see Bale coming up well on this. After the last few years it was beginning to feel like the character actor of American Psycho and The Mechanist was increasingly being replaced by That Guy Who Flipped Out On Set For Terminator Salvation. I will try and see this. Basically because of Bale.
  6. That's because Alex Ross defines everyone and everything he draws.
  7. Yeah it's cool but not clear enough. needs more zing.
  8. Ooh Party Monster! Forgot about that- very good film. Very good. Great soundtrack.
  9. I just caught this film tonight. And pretty damn good it was too-the premise is simple: Ryan Reynolds wakes up in a coffin with a zippo and a mobile phone. The rest follows. It's a really quite ingenious bit of film partially because the camera never actually leaves the box the whole time Reynold's character is trapped in there- so an entire feature length film set in a plywood crate. It works though- partially because of a great performance by Reynolds, partially down to a sharp script that, while occasionally heavy handed, keeps you guessing and is generally well paced and clever. Well worth a watch, especially after such an earnest oscar season you should probably watch something low fi and nasty. DO NOT, however, watch this if you have claustrophobia. I don't, and my heart was pounding.
  10. Happy birthday Ine
  11. ha nice edit Shorty
  12. Had a great exchange with Ottley on Twitter last night: RO: Guh! Why are clouds so hard to draw? Me: How do clouds compare to punching planets in half RO: They're easy! WHO WANTS TO TOUCH ME??
  13. I'm not. For Blighty!
  14. Ok. Well, that's stupid...carry on!
  15. Yeah, weird that one...is it partially due to a lot of them being produced by the American Pie crew? That's the earliest one I can think of and everything else follows the exact same marketing strategy with posters and dvd covers. Similarly, every single god damn military shooter fucking ever is exactly the same.
  16. Should I drop the F off this thread or is the game just called a really stupid name?
  17. Only that the thumper mode, like the alt fire on each gun, carries 3 rounds. You can refill after falling through the trapdoor. The whip mode is unlimited but like Shorty said it does have a range on it.
  18. S'why I read em.
  19. It probably is, don't worry.
  20. ...to HD, etc. Sauce
  21. tech....stuff...what?
  22. eeeerr....maybe? Edit: yes.
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