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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Jurassic Park!
  2. That's not so bad- there's loads of wicked games due in the meantime so I'm not exactly gagging for a release just yet.
  3. I'm torn on the 'mother debate' thing. On the one hand, the show is great and I'm fine with enjoying the ride, as you say. It's a very richly textured show (especially for a sit com) so the mother is just the final piece of a very enjoyable puzzle and her absence thus far is not actually at all detrimental to the quality of the writing or anything. On the other hand, the longer the show goes on, the harder it becomes to justify the dramatic concept behind the whole show. There's a danger (which reared it's head a little in S5) that the show will loose all momentum before the big reveal/ending. Known in the industry as 'Doing a Scrubs' it's something I really hope they avoid so that we all still care by the time she shows up.
  4. I'm very annoyed! Ordered the Stark Resilient Iron Man trades this week but messed up and one of them is a paperback. This will not do! All my Iron Man books are hardcover. Anyone want it for price? About £8
  5. Yeah, I remember hearing about that on the radio. That guy was just awe inspiring, he really was. BoB is definitely the better series for me. It feels better paced and more character driven than The Pacific. I think this is down to the source material as much as anything though- BoB was based on a single book (written by Winters I think) while The Pacific was based on two, written by Leckie and Sledge respectively. Hence the fairly substantial shift in focus half way through.
  6. Totally ridiculous.
  7. People actually say that? That's...really depressing.
  8. wait, what? really? --- I was, blates.
  9. i agree- DICE for me are genuinely poised to push for something new and bold while CoD is floundering. The problem with Battlefield that I've found, however, is that people simply don't seem to understand it at all. The game rewards team play hugely - BC:2 gives you easily as many points for supporting your team as it does for kills etc, in many cases more points even, but time and time again I've seen highly ranked players completely ignore every kind of objective, support option and teamwork. It's absolutely extraordinary. Aside from the amazing tech, DICE need to find a way of dealing with that, though frankly I don't know what that might be as the tool tips, UI and audio cues in BC:2 are hugely informative and constructive to playing as a team.
  10. You're welcome
  11. That looks amazing. Directed by Joe Cornish of Adam and Joe fame, so you know it has to be sick.
  12. the only thing wrong with bc:2 is the people who play it.
  13. I think the question of the inevitable tie in will be the equally cerebral 'what is it to be a Space Marine with a penchant for knee high walls?'
  14. lol, bit bald.
  15. I'm just...not that in to her. She seems well keen though so I think I should call it off now. feel bad about it but there you go. Eevil: easy?
  16. So just back from Girl's House- leaning towards not really feeling much of anything there. She's fun, and I clearly could hit that at the drop of a hat, but I don't think I'm enough of a bastard. She's in to me and I'd be capable of doing a bit of harm I think if I led her on. So ends my initial sojourn in to online dating. Not with a , but with a whimper.
  17. Ha that's brilliant. There's talk of a straight grindr app in the works but I'm not sure it will be as successful as the original.
  18. I'm using Okcupid atm not loads of people, but they seem...better than elsewhere I've been. It's free, too.
  19. Word! Totally home! Had a really good time actually. Very nice girl- bit goofy but fun. Number get! Not that I really need it per se... Anyways. Theory holds- the whole online thing was inconsequential.
  20. Personally I'm of the opinion that these days online/offline is a quickly diminishing distinction. Look at this place! Half of us know eachother IRL- lived together, fucked, argued with and all the rest just like any other community. The fact that it's primarily online is, for me, irrelevant.
  21. OW: L.A Nior is more like an old point and click than GTA. It's open world to a point but it's not all action- most of the game is investigative police work based on NPC interaction and interrogation etc. Hence the sphincter dilating quality of the facial animation etc, which is key to the gameplay.
  22. ...Is something I've been looking in to lately. I'll go in to it later in more detail bjut I thought I'd kick off a quick thread because right this moment I'm about to go to The Pub ad meet (meat? lol ) a girl. OMG. So yeah! In my absence, feel free to talk behind my back, discuss the topic and shit stir. Full report back soon.
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