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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Man, I really want this weekend to finally sort my shit out with comics but I'm spending all my time with Mrs Dare or at work these days. Gutted I'm missing Fear Itself.
  2. Didn't pick up on 'him from Mad Men?'
  3. Don't be silly, Rez is a love machine. Clearly he's just in to a spot of the ol' alternative ....fuck that shit, then.
  4. I like how old school Sonic is from a time before they made Sonic a massive cockend
  5. Truth. They're just...staggeringly unerotic. Pretty much every sensation men find arousing is blocked out by them so, trust me, we're grateful when girls can take precautions of their own. If they ever get round to that man-pill that's in testing, I'll certainly take it.
  6. Oh god, the irony!
  7. It's similar, but yes. It's an injection. We're basically baby proof and don't need to use condoms ever again, which is good because they're really shit
  8. Well it comes highly reccommended by el Dare once you get back to the nasty
  9. Was it a sex health thing? If you're curious about contraceptive stuff (not STI protection) my girlfriend got an injection that's ridiculously effective and lasts 3 months.
  10. Which was it?
  11. Clearly, that's not true.
  12. But you just said they're not really friends and people who don't know you to the extent that they'd beleive it if someone told them you fuck children. They don't exactly sound indespensible.
  13. Ha. Niiiice.
  14. Pro tip: limit facebook friends to your friends.
  15. I taught myself GCSE chemistry to Queens of the Stone Age's Songs For the Deaf, which basically went on loop for weeks on end. Great album, basically ingranined on my brain permanently associated with that time in my life.
  16. Quite a lot of them have moving parts nowadays.
  17. McCarthy is...minimalist. His real skill is in using very little to express a lot of emotion and merely hinting at the full extent of what he's getting at. It really works for me but I can see why it would leave a lot of people cold.
  18. I rather liked the narrative of The Time Traveller's Wife- though not that unusual, the take on time travel was cool.
  19. They don't need to make it easier- they just need to sort out the fucking shit camera. Seriously, the game would be so, so much better with a fixed camera system like DMC. They already have the best third person combat system outside of Bayonetta but it's hamstringed by the rest of the game and some fairly poor design choices elsewhere.
  20. get 'highway to hell' around your bumhole.
  21. It's got everythning- a journey, chracter, tragedy. All in a few seconds of an utter dickhead punching a sign and failing at life.
  22. The Road, innit.
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